Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1177 It is better to find a foreigner's body "Part 3"

Chapter 1177 It is better to find a foreigner's body "Third Change"

Then there was the sound of wine glasses colliding, the atmosphere became more harmonious, and many people got drunk.

It's just that the fragmented field in front of him is out of tune.

All the people looked at Ye Xiao with amazement, but they didn't know what words to describe it.

Satisfied with wine and food, Ye Xiao is ready to go back, and needs to say goodbye to those girls.

Because he decided to go to country E tomorrow.

Immediately, he looked weird, tonight might be another big battle, if he didn't make some preparations in advance.

I really can't handle it.

Ye Yuanshan and the others stayed behind to discuss something with Liu Qingshan and the others.

Ye Xiao took Liu Yue, Zhao Qing, Nan Gongxue and left.

However, the two girls Hu Xueting and Nangong Yu also ran over.

In the afternoon, Ye Xiao took them out for a stroll.

The night was, as expected, a big fight.

Ye Xiao got up early the next morning, washed up quietly, and left.

And just after Ye Xiao left, Qin Yan, Han Yue, Liu Yue and others all opened their eyes.

His eyes were full of reluctance.

Little confused Ning Ya even started to cry.

"We fall in love with a hero, but at the same time we have to bear the pain of accepting loneliness and longing!" Qin Yan immediately smiled and said: "Let's go, we have also started to practice, don't let him and us become two people of two worlds!"


Nagisa nodded.

Ye Xiao had arrived at the airport at this time, there was a steady stream of people coming and going, some of them looked hurried.

Some struggle with eyes filled with the pain of parting.

Some people are confused and full of uncertainty about the future.

Some people, in places like train stations and airports, you can easily see the joys and sorrows of life without the vicissitudes of life.

Ye Xiao shook his head and strode forward to prepare to board the plane.

Just as he was about to board the plane, there was a slight noise from behind him.

Following the prestige, I saw a young woman supporting an old woman, who was anxiously discussing something with the stewardess.

His eyes were full of helplessness and sadness.

It's as if the bright flowers are being beaten and tortured by the storm.

For some reason, Ye Xiao's heart was stabbed, and he couldn't help but walked over, looked at the stewardess and said softly, "What's going on!"

The stewardess took a look at Ye Xiao, and explained softly: "This old lady is in poor health, she is really not suitable for boarding the plane, and she is prone to serious consequences!"

"Please, my mother can support it, and it won't bring you any trouble!"

The woman's tears swirled in her eye circles, but they never fell.

The old woman seemed to be a little out of her mind, but subconsciously grabbed the woman's clothes and held on tightly.

"It's really not okay, miss, can you not make things difficult for me?"

The stewardess was also extremely embarrassed.

"Let them board the plane, I will take responsibility for any accident!"

Ye Xiao said calmly.

The woman was taken aback when she heard that, but the stewardess said respectfully, "Sir, this is not anyone's responsibility, we are also thinking about the safety of this old lady!"

"It's fine with me!" Ye Xiao looked at the stewardess who was still struggling and said with a smile: "You can contact your manager and tell the guest in cabin 001, he won't make things difficult for you!"

The stewardess was full of surprise, cabin 001 was the most comfortable place in the whole plane.

Only those big shots are eligible to ride.

This young man in front of him has such a background?

In order to confirm, the stewardess immediately took out the walkie-talkie and said the matter again.

Immediately, the manager's terrified voice came from the intercom: "Ling Tong, follow this gentleman's arrangement completely, and we must try our best to meet his various demands. Remember, it's anything!"

The stewardess, Ling Tong, was even more surprised when she heard the words.

She had never seen such a gaffe from the manager.

Immediately nodded and said: "Since the manager has said it, you can board the plane, but I still want to say that this old lady's body is really not suitable for boarding, and it is my responsibility to remind you!"

"Hehe. You are a qualified stewardess, don't worry, you'll be fine!"

Ye Xiao winked at Ling Tong and smiled softly.

Ye Xiao's smile seemed to have invisible magic power, Ling Tong's heart skipped a few beats, his head was lowered and his face was flushed.

"Thank you!"

The young woman looked at Ye Xiao and thanked him softly.

"It's okay, it's a job!"

Ye Xiao waved his hands and strode away to board the plane.

Ling Tong reminded the girl again, and then hurried to entertain Ye Xiao, and she must do what the manager asked her to do.

Under the guidance of Ling Tong, Ye Xiao came to cabin 001, which is a small room, luxurious and comfortable.

"Sir, if you need me, I'll be outside!"

Ling Tong said softly.

Ye Xiao nodded, lying on the sofa with his head in his hands, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Ling Tong walked away.

Then a figure appeared flickeringly, it was Ma Lao.

After leaving Ye's house, Ye Xiao took out the soul ring from the storage ring.

He can see and perceive things outside.

But as long as he doesn't show up, people outside can't see him and don't know his existence.

"Tsk tsk. The flight attendant's dress just now is really eye-catching. Human intelligence is so great that they even invented such a good thing as silk stockings. Human intelligence is really excellent. But it's better not to wear it.


Ma Lao stared at the direction Ling Tong was leaving with a lewd expression on his face? ,, swaying comments.

Hearing this, Ye Xiao was speechless, this is not a master of alchemy, he is simply an old rascal, and said angrily: "Can you stop being so obscene, your mind should be about how to make alchemy, not about women or women!"

"Stop talking about this with me, men need it, you have a bunch of beautiful women who can be a groom every night, but I have been holding it back for hundreds of years, and I am about to burst, I can't see the eye addiction Ah, a full man does not know a hungry man, do you still have the traditional virtue of respecting the old and loving the young!"

Ma Lao was not ashamed but roared plausibly.

"Okay. What you said makes sense!" Ye Xiao was also speechless, and said helplessly, "This time, when I go to country E, there are top-notch babes everywhere, take a look!"

"It's not like I haven't played foreign girls before. It's true that the combat power is very strong, and it's not a taste!" Ma Lao held his chin and blinked his eyes as if recalling the past, and then continued: "Now those foreign warriors who are not in the mainstream are rampant. You Next time, I will kill them all, and sleep all their women!"

Ye Xiao nodded with a hint of coldness on the corner of his mouth: "I have never softened my heart when I kill someone!"

Immediately looking at Ma Lao, his face was full of doubts: "You seem to have something to say, if you want to say it, hurry up, don't hold back, hurry up!"

"Actually, it's nothing, but when you find a suitable body for me, it's best to be a foreigner!"

Ma Lao said with a strange expression.


Ye Xiao was even more puzzled, what kind of medicine did this old guy sell in the gourd.

"You're stupid, the foreigner's thing is so rich, and it's hard to become an adult again after holding it for hundreds of years. Naturally, you need to find someone with enough capital, so that you can enjoy it!"

Old Ma said angrily.

Ye Xiao's head was full of black lines, he almost fainted, this is no one else!

(End of this chapter)

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