Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1237 Honest people can't bully "4 more finished"

Chapter 1237 Honest People Can't Bully "Fourth Change Completed"

"I won't go back with you, I want to play in country E, the girls here are really good!"

Ma Lao smiled badly, and immediately handed Ye Xiao a note, and said in a low voice, "This is the alchemy recipe for Tiling Pill. Your alchemy skills are no worse than mine. You can refine it yourself." Alright, but remember not to spread it to outsiders!"


Ye Xiao nodded. After he had the Spirit Lifting Pill, he would deploy the Nine Songs Soul Lifting Formation, and his soul power would increase very quickly.

Immediately there was a smirk on his face: "Take it easy, the iron pestle is ground into a needle, yours is only eight centimeters, don't grind it down!"

"Hmm, I can refine medicine, just wait, it will turn into a beer bottle sooner or later!"

Ma Lao said with an unhappy face.

Ye Xiao shook his head and walked out with Qiu Yantong in his arms: "You can say goodbye to your grandpa, I plan to go back tomorrow!"

"OK, all right!"

Qiu Yantong nodded and then said nervously: "It's the first time I'm going to your house, do I want to buy something, I can't go empty-handed!"

"No need, bringing back such a beautiful daughter-in-law is the greatest gift!" Ye Xiao immediately looked strange: "But if you really want to give a gift, I think there is one gift that they will definitely like!"


Qiu Yantong's eyes lit up when she heard the words and couldn't help asking.

"They have always wanted to hug their grandson quickly. If we hurry up these two days, we might be able to conceive when we go back!"

Ye Xiao said with a smile.

"Dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths!"

Qiu Yantong said angrily.

Immediately returned to the room, Ye Xiao sat down to rest idly.

Qiu Yantong went to find her grandfather.

The Zhonghua Building was very busy at this time, but everyone's expressions revealed extreme happiness and pride.

No matter what I say today, I feel elated.

In the future, country E will be able to walk sideways.

When the third elder learned of Qiu Yantong's intentions, his eyes flickered with some reluctance, but he also knew that nothing could be changed.

He could only say softly: "Come back if you are unhappy, this will always be your home. If Ye Xiao bullies you, even if I am not his opponent, I will go to him to settle the score!" '

"Grandpa, Ye Xiao won't bully me, and I will come back to see you often, make sure you are healthy!"

Qiu Yantong pursed her lips and said.

The relationship between her and her grandfather is actually very ordinary, but now that they are about to be separated, the family relationship suddenly becomes stronger.

Immediately, I couldn't help but hugged my grandfather and started crying.

The third elder also shook his head sadly, and comforted him for a while.

Then Qiu Yantong left slowly.

'you are leaving! '

As soon as he walked to the garden, Miao Cui came out suddenly, looked at Qiu Yantong and said very sadly.


Qiu Yantong nodded.

"We have known each other since we were seven years old. We practiced together, bought cosmetics together, and spent almost all of our time together. We are best friends, we are sisters, but now we have to separate!"

Miao Cui said with tears in her eyes.

Hearing this, Qiu Yantong also cried.

The two hugged together and burst into tears.

"Why cry? It's not life and death. If you don't want to be separated, you can go with him. If you don't want to go, you can visit him later. What a big deal!"

Ye Xiao leaned against the door and said angrily.

"Really? I can go too? You keep your word?"

Miao Cui suddenly widened her eyes and said.

Ye Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then felt a little fooled, and waved his hand: "I'm just joking, you can't follow!"

"A man must keep his word. Let me know when you are going to leave. I am also from Huaxia, but I have never been to Huaxia. This time I will take a trip!"

Miao Cui said with a smile.

Ye Xiao shook his head helplessly, the crying appearance of Miao Cui just now was fake but also real.

The reason why she brought Miao Cui and Ye Xiao was also considered. Qiu Yantong went to Huaxia alone, and he couldn't be alone all day without relatives or reasons.

It's nice to have someone to talk to.

After cleaning up briefly, the three of them drove to the airport.

On the way, Miao Cui and Qiu Yantong were very happy, talking and laughing, and they were very interested in Huaxia.

It was also extremely smooth along the way.

But when he was about to approach the airport, there was a traffic jam, and there were people and cars on both sides of the road.

The traffic was blocked, and there were police cars speeding away from time to time.

"What happened ahead!"

Qiu Yantong frowned and couldn't help asking.

"I'll go down and ask, if it's delayed, the plane will be delayed!"

Miao Cui said softly and got out of the car.

Came back after a while.

"What's going on!"

Ye Xiao asked.

"It's nothing, but there is a gang leader nearby who bullies people everywhere. Among them, the four brothers of a family are the targets of the bullying. It is estimated that the bullying is ruthless. The four brothers got angry and directly covered the gang leader with a sack. , sent to the crematorium and burned, and now the police are arresting people!" Miao Cui shook her head: "You said such an honest person did such a creepy thing!"

"I have a Buddha in my heart that can't be overthrown by demons. If you push me down, I will become a demon!" Ye Xiao said softly: "How can I say, don't bully honest people, once an honest person gets angry, the consequences will be very serious." serious!"

"Let's go, let's make a detour!"

Miao Cui nodded, then reversed the car and quickly drove into another road!

The fourth shift is over, the fifth shift is tomorrow, and we have to go to work tomorrow, so everyone should rest early!

(End of this chapter)

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