Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1269 Swordsman's Attack

Chapter 1269 Swordsman's Attack

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were complicated.

Among them is the strength that shocked Ji Shaohua, and Lou Dehan's strength is not the bottom among so many contestants.

On the contrary, it is definitely the strength of the middle and upper reaches.

But with such strength, he fought against Ji Shaohua, but he failed miserably before ten strokes.

There is no suspense about losing.

It was like a giant fighting a child.

At the same time, there was some displeasure and disdain in my heart.

Although there are not many taboos in the "Ascension Substitute List", the two did not sign a life-and-death certificate.

Ji Shaohua still shot too hard.

The sword wound on Lou Dehan's chest cannot be fully recovered within a year or so.

And it is very likely to leave sequelae.

But no one dared to say anything, the situation is stronger than people, and the fist is the last word.

After wiping the sword clean and returning to its sheath, Ji Shaohua swept off the ring in a flash.

The game continues.

The excitement continues.

Soon the first round is over.

The second round is also over.

During this period, Ye Xiao defeated another opponent.

There were only eight of the 32 contestants left.

What made the Zhongzhou warriors look embarrassed was that among the eight people, only Ye Xiao was a Zhongzhou warrior.

Except Ji Shaohua among the remaining seven people.

The remaining six were half-orcs.

After all, half-orcs have an absolute advantage over humans at the same level.

Except for a few monster-level powerhouses, they are basically defeated but never victorious.

Amidst Xue Can's announcement, amidst many scorching gazes and cheers.

Ye Xiao appeared again.

He is the last hope of Zhongzhou.

If Ye Xiao was defeated, then Zhongzhou would really lose face this time.

The whole army was wiped out.

Ye Xiao's opponent is Yuan Xun from the Eagle Clan in the North District.

Yuan Xun won two games in a row, and the winners were all warriors from Zhongzhou.

Yuan Xun looked at Ye Xiao with a cold and sharp gaze like a falcon, and said in a low voice, "If you defeat you, all of you in Zhongzhou can go home!"

"Oh, if your strength is as powerful as your mouth, I'm definitely going home!"

Ye Xiao said calmly.

"Then take the call!"

Yuan Xun didn't bother to talk nonsense, his body flickered, and his extremely sharp claws scratched the space.

The attack hit Ye Xiao's left back heart.

Cruel and ruthless.

But Ye Xiao seemed to have back eyes, and he easily dodged with his sword steps, and at the same time, the Blood Drinking Sword was instantly unsheathed.

With one move, the Nine Heavens Killer attacked and killed.



As a last resort, Yuan Xun could only retreat, and tapped his toes on a pillar in the ring, stopping the retreat and quickly turning into an offensive.

The speed soared to the limit, and the claws continued to be lowered.

The claw wind exploded continuously.

Ye Xiao sneered and swung the Blood Drinking Sword vigorously, because the speed was too fast.

You can only see the hilt of the sword sinking into the void, and the front part is dense sword energy.

creak creak
Yuan Xun's claw strength and sword energy kept colliding and rebounding, leaving many marks on the ring.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is evenly matched, this is between brothers.

But Yuan Xun secretly groaned in his heart.

His offensive was frustrated again and again, and it seemed that every time he attacked, Ye Xiao was already prepared and waiting for him.

Make him restrained everywhere.

"Hehe, Yuan Xun is going to lose!"

Elder Zhao said softly with a smile on his lips.

Liu Juan'er and other young people were puzzled, and their faces were full of doubts. They couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"Because Yuan Xun's speed is too fast!"

Elder Zhao said with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile.

Hearing that Liu Juan'er and others were even more puzzled, speed is the attack power, and the faster the speed, the more powerful it should be.

"The ultimate of fast should be slow, and the combination of fast and slow is the kingly way. Obviously, Ye Xiao's comprehension of the artistic conception of fast and slow has reached a very high level, so he can take a faster step to eliminate and hit, so that Yuan Xun's attack becomes It's useless!"

Elder Zhao tried his best to use words that Liu Juan and others could understand, and these things were more to be understood by himself.

It was said that Liu Juaner, Liu Wen and others were lost in thought, with different expressions.

Some people look like this.

But more people are still full of doubts.

The level of talent can be seen at a glance at this time.

Clang, scoff!
The sword energy swept across, Ye Xiao swung Yuan Xun's attack away with a sword, and said with a soft smile: "Your speed is just a joke in front of me, and the flaws that your eagle eyes can see are not reflected in me, because I am A swordsman with no weaknesses!"

"Don't be ashamed, I will see through you!"

Yuan Xun took a deep breath, his eyes tightened and his eyes flickered unusually sharply.

"Then you take the move!" Ye Xiao took a deep breath and said coldly, "I'll show you what a real attack is, a swordsman's attack!"

The voice just fell.

The originally extremely terrifying sword will was condensed and improved again, and radiated from him as the center.

The breath of the sword ripples like water, the pressure of the sword spreads like electricity, and the sword energy reaches everywhere like the wind.

Ye Xiao soared into the air, swiping the blood-drinking sword continuously.

Nine Heavens Kill, Zhanlong Kill, Zhanlong Zhan, Feilong Kill, Feilong Zhan, Qinglian Mie and other killing moves poured down.

The sword qi scorched together to form a sword qi storm, sharp, cold, and cold-blooded.

It shattered the void and messed up the aura of heaven and earth.

In an instant, Yuan Xun was covered.

"not good!"

Yuan Xun's complexion changed drastically, he didn't expect Ye Xiao's offensive to be so fierce, he just felt chills all over his body, and his hairs stood on end.

Subconsciously wanted to dodge, but found that the entire arena was covered by the lock.

There is nowhere to dodge.

At the moment, he can only grit his teeth and prepare to resist.

He was running his true essence with all his strength, and used all kinds of tricks with all his might.

bang bang
Everyone looked secretly, this attack is really fierce, is this the swordsman's attack?
The legendary saturation attack?

It was horrible.

The sound of Yuan Xun's scream came, and everyone was stunned when they looked at it. At this time, Yuan Xun was really miserable.

All in tatters.

Blood flowed.

The breath is sluggish.

There was joy and fear in his eyes.

He really felt the threat of death just now.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Ye Xiao stroked the Blood Drinking Sword with his left hand and smiled softly.

Although Yuan Xun's strength is not bad.

But it's too far behind him.

He hadn't joined Qing Xuzhi in the attack wave just now, otherwise it would be even more violent.

"No more fights, no more fights."

Yuan Xun didn't care about face anymore, if he fought again, he would die.

Immediately, he was afraid that Ye Xiao would disagree and jumped off the ring.

Everyone who watched was covered in black lines.

The warriors from the North District felt extremely ashamed, while the warriors from the Central Province were loud and noisy.

Ye Xiao is really too strong.

Such a strong and easy defeat of Yuan Xun is no worse than the previous Ji Shaohua.

Maybe the two can really fight.

Ye Xiao also swept off the ring.

Subconsciously looked at Ji Shaohua.

Ji Shaohua also looked over.

The two faced each other.

The eyes were electrified, and seemed to contain indescribable power, sparking sparks in the void.

Ask for a recommendation ticket, a recommendation ticket, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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