Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1273 Level 4 Sword Cover

Chapter 1273 Fourth Grade Sword Cover
Ye Xiao was also slightly surprised.

Liu Juan and others had already reminded him before.

After all, with Jing Hui's lessons learned, he was already on guard in his heart.

But I didn't expect it to be a soul nail.

This is indeed an extremely vicious hidden weapon. It is numerous and highly poisonous, appearing in the form of a net.

And the distance is still so close.

No matter how fast Ye Xiao's sword steps were, he couldn't completely dodge them.

Can only resist.

His whole body was shaken, and the five great sword souls were urged to the limit, and a strong sword energy diffused out.

Then step forward.

The sword light flickered, and it was the sword cover that appeared.

Because of the addition of Life and Death Sword Soul, the sword cover has greatly improved both in terms of coverage and power defense.

It can only resist the attacks of ordinary ninth-level warriors.

Should be stronger now.

But whether he can stop the Soul Nail Ye Xiao has no idea.

chi chi chi
It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, and the Soul Nail blinked with an ear-piercing sound of piercing the air, as if countless mosquitoes had hit the sword cover.

The sword cover kept making ripples, one circle after another.

The scene reflected in front of everyone's eyes was that the sword cover seemed to be a magnet, and the soul nail was an iron block.

At this time, it is absorbed on the surface of the sword cover and cannot move.

Ye Xiao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, the defensive power of the sword cover was indeed much stronger.

It actually blocked the attack of the soul nail.

Immediately took a deep breath.

The brilliance in the eyes flashed.

The sword cover first shrank a little, and then expanded rapidly, like an inflated balloon.

Suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, the Soul Nail changed direction and rushed directly towards Ji Shaohua.

This sudden change was completely beyond Ji Shaohua's expectation, but even if it was expected.

He couldn't dodge it either.

While screaming, his whole body was covered with soul nails.

Not a single part of the body is perfect.

That's 360 six soul nails.

Ji Shaohua screamed in pain and rolled all over the floor.

The poison contained in the soul nail is extremely strong, and it has already begun to corrode Ji Shaohua's meridians and muscles.

Then there are the internal organs.

The true essence also gradually loses its effect and stops functioning.

Cao Xing, the deputy leader of the Sword League, changed his face drastically, and he got up and was about to rush to the ring.

But they were stopped by Elder Zhao and others who had sharp eyesight and quick hands.

Elder Zhao said calmly: "Deputy leader Cao, pay attention to your identity, this is a life and death certificate, and there are rules in the arena, you can't interfere!"

"That's right, ten years ago our Universal Baixiaosheng's Jing Hui was murdered by Ji Shaohua, we are not like you!"

Elder Liu was full of joy, and said in an extremely cold tone.

Cao Xing looked at Ji Shaohua's gloomy and terrifying face, and he knew that even if he saved Ji Shaohua, he would probably be useless.

So he snorted coldly and sat down again.

Looking at Ye Xiao could kill people.

Ji Shaohua is one of the top three geniuses in the Sword League. With such a loss, he can't afford to go back and walk around.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing as if waking up from a dream.

Ji Shaohua, who used a hidden weapon like the Soul Nail, reaped the fruit of his own accord.

How is this possible.

The warriors in the North District seemed to have been grabbed by the neck, and their expressions were stiff.

I don't want to believe it.

"The sword cover is released in a deliberate way by the sword energy, sword energy, sword wave, and other spirits and spirits in the state of kendo will. It is extremely difficult to increase its power and strength. It is divided into twelve ranks according to the level!"

Plum Blossom Sword said slowly: "My current sword cover is only at the third rank, but this Ye Xiao's sword cover has reached the fourth rank, what a hell!"

"Fifth rank is a small achievement, eighth rank is a great achievement, and twelfth rank is the pinnacle. After stepping through the peak, the sword covers the domain and becomes the sword domain. According to unofficial history records, few people can reach the realm of the sword domain!"

Wang Lixu said leisurely: "But why did I vaguely see it on Ye Xiao's body!"

Elder Zhao, Elder Liu and others were also talking about Ye Xiao's sword cover, and what they said was almost the same as that of Plum Blossom Sword and others.

Ye Xiao caressed the blade of the Blood Drinking Sword, and said indifferently: "Just now I asked you to confess your last words, but now you have no chance. Since you are in such pain, I will send you on your way. Just remember, Keep your eyes bright in your next life, some people are not something you can offend!"

The voice did not fall.

The blood-drinking sword landed on Ji Shaohua's body with a ruthless arc and a cold sword light.


Ji Shaohua's screams came to an abrupt end.

Only the blood is still flowing.

Everyone looked silent.

It's such a pity, it's so sad that a super genius of Ji Shaohua's level has fallen like this.

If you grow up smoothly, your future achievements will certainly be limitless.

The eyes that looked at Cao Xing were all gloating, even if there were so many masters in the Sword League, they lost a disciple of this level.

It's definitely enough to hurt the flesh for a while.

Immediately, his eyes were on Ye Xiao.

Ji Shaohua's luster and talent can only reflect Ye Xiao's more perverted appearance.

The referee Xue Can looked at Ye Xiao with flickering eyes, and there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, he stepped onto the ring full of holes and announced loudly: "Okay, this time the "Ascension Substitute List" has come to an end, and the winner is Ye Xiao, the representative of Universal Baixiaosheng!"

After speaking, there was overwhelming applause from the audience.

Lively and hot.

Xue Can continued: "All the bets made by the contestants will be freely distributed by Global Baixiaosheng; in addition, although the "Ascension Substitute List" is over, there are still many interesting and interesting things to do in the "Ascension Platform". Don't leave in a hurry, everyone!"

Everyone nodded and booed.

There are indeed a lot of fun shows to come.

For example, trade conferences for treasure exchanges, such as beast fighting competitions and so on.

"Ye Xiao, you are so strong!"

Liu Juan'er punched Ye Xiao excitedly, and said with a grin.

Ye Xiao smiled lightly: "I said that if I seek justice for Jing Hui for you, I won't break my promise!"

Bai Xuefeng, Yang Feng, Lingyuan and others also came to congratulate.

They all looked at each other wryly.

After the battle just now, no one has the idea of ​​catching up with Ye Xiao anymore.

Total despair and despair.

"Ye Xiao, be more careful in the future!"

Cao Xing gave Ye Xiao a hard look, said in a cold voice, then got up and walked away.

Ye Xiao's face was indifferent. In his heart, the members of the Sword League were already dead.

"Let's go, let's go back first!"

Elder Zhao looked at Ye Xiao with great satisfaction, not only because Ye Xiao had won fame and honor for Universal Baixiaosheng.

It was also because Ye Xiao helped Universal Bai Xiaosheng win a lot of treasures.

Even Global Baixiaosheng is rich and powerful, but he can't ignore these treasures.


Ye Xiao nodded, he also fought the battle with Ji Shaohua heartily, and gained some new insights.

Need to go back and slowly understand and digest.

Then a group of people turned and left.

Many audiences also left in small groups, dancing and talking, extremely excited!

(End of this chapter)

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