Chapter 129
The next day Ye Xiao slept in for an unprecedented time, and only woke up lazily at noon. Han Yue had already gone to work, and was just about to make some simple meals.

The girl Qin Yan called and asked him to have dinner at Qin's house, and by the way, Qin Lie had something to tell him.

Ye Xiao agreed, knowing in his heart that Qin Lie probably asked about the extermination of the Zhang family. After all, it was his conflict with the Zhang family that led to the extermination of the family.

More importantly, Qin Lie understands that the so-called God of Death has nothing to do with the Qin family, but don't say he can't explain it now.

Even if it is explained, who would believe it!

From the inexplicable annihilation of the Zhu family, to the legend that the God of Death is related to the Qin family, and the extermination of the Zhang family that happened yesterday, Qin Lie couldn't understand it.
What is the situation?Qin Lie was extremely worried.

If you want to get an answer, you can only ask Ye Xiao, the person involved.

When Ye Xiao came to Qin's house, the food was ready. It was very rich, delicious, delicious, and Ye Xiao was also hungry, so he buried his head in eating.

Qin Yan served Ye Xiao with some food, and joked with a smile: "You haven't eaten for a few days, you are reincarnated from starvation!"

"Yeah, I haven't eaten for several days!"

Ye Xiao winked at Qin Yan and said with a pun.

Qin Yan's face turned red, and she stomped under the table secretly.

After eating, Qin Yan and Mother Qin cleaned up the table and chairs. Ye Xiao and Qin Lie played chess in the yard, drinking tea. Asked: "What happened with the Zhang family yesterday? Don't you know Death!"

This is the conclusion Qin Lie came to based on his comprehensive judgment. Ye Xiao clamored to destroy the Zhang family, and it was destroyed at night, and it was the god of death who did it. How could he not know him!

Ye Xiao smiled slightly, and said noncommittally, "I guessed it!"

After getting the answer, Qin Lie couldn't help but gasped, Ye Xiao really knew the God of Death, this news is really amazing.

Just when Qin Lie was trying to calm himself down and digest the news, Ye Xiao suddenly stood up and said, "Uncle, you are only half right."

Immediately left slowly, Qin Lie sat there in a daze, chewing on Ye Xiao's words just now, then his eyes widened, and he looked at Ye Xiao in disbelief: "Could it be, could it be?"

"Yes, he is Death!"

Liu Xiangyang suddenly appeared and said slowly, his aura was extremely powerful, and there was unconcealable joy in his eyes.

A fourth-level warrior, he has finally broken through to a fourth-level warrior, thanks to Ye Xiao and the god of death.

Qin Lie was stunned for a while and finally came to his senses. He had figured out everything, no wonder he felt the same way every time he faced Death God and Ye Xiao.

The same unfathomable, the same excellent character.

Qin Lie had always believed in his own vision and intuition. He saw Ye Xiao's difference and decided to win him over decisively. When the life and death stage just started, he saw the difference between the God of Death and decided to win him over.

Facts have proved that the god of death is also extremely powerful. In his heart, he fantasizes that Ye Xiao and the god of death will work for the Qin family at the same time, so the Qin family can definitely dominate Haidong City.

But as the god of death showed more and more powerful strength, Qin Lie could only give up his heart. A strong man of this level was simply not something he could win over.

Didn't you expect Mr. Liu from the Guwu family to be wooing?

But I never imagined, even in my dreams, that Reaper and Ye Xiao are actually one person. This news is so shocking that the whole Haidong City will tremble three times if it spreads.
Immediately Qin Lie burst out laughing, the god of death turned out to be his son-in-law, the Qin family had nothing to be afraid of, and immediately felt complacent.

He still has the most vicious eyes.

He finally understood why Ye Xiao was so emboldened when facing the Qin family in the capital. His strength itself is strong, but at such a young age, his future achievements with this talent will surely be limitless
Naturally, she won't be too afraid of the Qin family.

Seeing Qin Lie's happy and shocked look, Liu Xiangyang didn't reveal the identity of Ye Xiao's Zhanlong from the special operations group. Since Ye Xiao didn't take the initiative to reveal it, he might have other intentions, so he naturally didn't dare to say it casually.

Secondly, he was also afraid of irritating Qin Lie. Ye Xiao is really too perverted, with all kinds of perverted identities, strong strength, or omnipotence. Is there such a strong person in the world?

If so, it must be aliens.

The reason why Ye Xiao confessed to Qin Lie was mainly because he couldn't hide it. It is estimated that within a period of time, everything will become clear.

After playing around with Qin Yan for a while, Ye Xiao received a call from Elder Wang Pu, telling him to rush to the special operations team for a meeting. His tone was extremely anxious, and it must be something very important.

Ye Xiao drove over quickly in his non-yellow sports car. After another speeding addiction, the traffic police got used to it. This time, they didn't stop him at all, and they all knew who the owner of the car was.

Liao Xing, who happened to be on duty at this time, looked strange when he saw this, and was even more afraid of Ye Xiao. Compared with ordinary people, Liao Xing knew more and more in detail.

How the Zhang family perished, and how the Zhu family perished, may all have something to do with this Ye Xiao and Ye Shao.

Yao Ying's eyes were flickering, and Liao Xing suddenly said, "Xiaoying, don't think so much, let nature take its course!"

Yao Ying nodded, her eyes wandering, not knowing what she was thinking.

Soon Ye Xiao rushed to the special operations team, and the other team members were basically there, and the two elders nodded to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao smiled and gestured, and after sitting down under the elder, he asked softly, "Is there anything the elder wants?"

"Have you heard of the Evil Alliance?"

Elder Chen Geng looked at Ye Xiao and asked suddenly.

Ye Xiao shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, what's the matter!"

"The Xiemeng is an alliance formed by some wicked people. They are extremely difficult to deal with, and they will do anything for money. They are the main opponents of our special operations team. There are sub-rudders who want to destroy it as hard as climbing the sky!"

The elder said slowly with a dignified expression.

"According to what you said, this so-called evil alliance is a super-large killer organization. Since the special operations team can't handle it, please ask the dragon team to take action. They should be able to handle it!"

Ye Xiao said softly.

The elder shook his head and said, "Above the Special Operations Group is the Dragon Group, and above the Evil League is the Demon League. It is said that the leaders of the Evil League and the Demon League are the same person, but it has not been confirmed, it is very mysterious!"

Ye Xiao was stunned that there was still the Demon League, and immediately continued to ask: "Did the people from the Demon League come to Haidong City?"

Elder Chen Geng nodded: "I got accurate information, I did come to Haidong City, it seems that Huang Quan invited me here, in order to deal with that god of death!"

(End of this chapter)

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