Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1305 I Really Don't Want to Kill You

Chapter 1305 I Really Don't Want to Kill You

Ye Xiao's speed is very fast, and his sword steps are getting stronger and stronger, even if he is hugging Hu Xuerou, it is like a shooting star.

And the kendo is full of will and fierce.

Wherever they pass, whether it is warriors or flowers, insects, birds and beasts, they are all flying around.

It's not that Hu Xuerou doesn't know how to do light work, it's just that she's too slow at the moment, and her speed can't keep up. After all, the Phoenix is ​​a bird and monster, so its speed is naturally outstanding.

Once the cultivation reaches a great achievement, I am afraid that Ye Xiao will not be able to keep up.

The journey went smoothly, and he didn't encounter any pursuit or obstruction. Ye Xiao didn't relax at all, but was extremely nervous.

He didn't think Jianmeng or Kuang Tianmu would let him go easily, this was just the calm before the storm.

Two days later.

Ye Xiao and Hu Xuerou came to Yan Town.

This is the only way to enter the North District, Ye Xiao plans to find a boat to cross the sea.

Although he is now a tenth-level warrior and has enough sword energy, he still can't cross thousands of miles of ocean, and he still needs to breathe and rest in the middle.

With a smile on the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth, he came straight to a hut. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl was skillfully drying fish. Her skin was dark, but her eyes were extremely pure.

It is Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua seemed to have sensed something, and when she looked up, her face was stunned and her eyes were extremely surprised: "Brother Ye Xiao, you are here!"

"Yeah, let's take a look at you as we pass by!"

Ye Xiao smiled, then looked at Hu Xuerou and said, "This is a little girl I met when I went to the North District."

"Brother Ye Xiao, who is this?"

Xiaohua looked at Hu Xuerou who was like a fairy descending to earth and asked with some anxiety.

"This is your brother Ye Xiao's daughter-in-law, you can call me sister or sister-in-law!"

Ye Xiao said softly, looking at Xiao Hua: "Yes, I'm almost a level six warrior, come on, practice hard!"


Xiaohua lowered her head and bit her lips, and couldn't help but glance at Hu Xuerou again, her dark eyes were a little sad.

Hu Xuerou seemed to see something, and could only shake her head with a wry smile.

"Where's your grandfather, I have something to do with him!"

Ye Xiao turned around and said with a smile.

"Well, I'll call him, he's cleaning boats by the sea!"

Xiaohua woke up like a dream, and then ran to the beach, shouting while running.

"The scenery here is really good, with the wind and the sea, the morning sun reflects on the sea water, and the evening sun shines on the beach. We walked side by side on the beach, leaving a harmonious footprint behind us, which contrasted with our back. I think that's what love and happiness look like!"

Hu Xuerou's eyes were full of anticipation and she spoke like a dream.

"There will be that day!"

Ye Xiao caressed Hu Xuerou's beautiful hair, but his eyes were extremely cold: "All of this has to wait for the moment when all threats disappear. Otherwise, the good things will be shattered very quickly."

Ye Xiao said the latter sentence to himself in his heart.

Everything went according to plan.

Another moment passed.

Xiaohua and Old Wangtou walked over quickly from a distance, looked at Ye Xiao and said with a smile: "Young Master Ye, why are you here? Is there something wrong with me?"

"It's okay, just don't care if you want a boat, I'm going to the North District to do something!"

Ye Xiao laughed softly.

"Okay, okay, there are boats and boats!" The old Wang's eyes flickered, his eyes were a little tangled and gloomy, and he smiled immediately: "If you are not in a hurry, let's have a light meal here first, the seaweed wine that Xiaohua brewed recently tastes very good, you You should have a good taste!"

"Yes, Brother Ye Xiao, I have brewed it for a long time, you must be satisfied with the taste!"

Xiaohua looked at Ye Xiao with burning eyes.

"Okay, my glutton is really excited when I talk about wine, hurry up and give me some!"

Ye Xiao was also interested.

"Okay, you wait!"

Xiaohua spoke quickly, and then plunged into the room to pour wine.

"Sit down for a while, I'll prepare some food, let's have a good drink!"

Old Wangtou also said very politely.

Ye Xiao moved a small table and placed it under the tree, and moved a few small stools. The sun was shining, and the sea breeze carried the fishy smell of sea water. It was really very comfortable.

Her gaze was swaying on Hu Xuerou's body. If she could wear a bikini at this time, it would be even more perfect.

Sensing Ye Xiao's malicious behind the scene, Hu Xuerou couldn't help pinching Ye Xiao lightly, and Ye Xiao grinned in pain.

This scene happened to fall into the eyes of Xiao Hua who had just come out, and her pupils dimmed a little.

"Brother Ye Xiao, how about you try this seaweed wine!"

Xiaohua put a large jar of fine wine on the table, poured Ye Xiao a glass, and said softly.

"Well, I'll try it!"

Ye Xiao stood up and took a sip, and couldn't help but glance at Xiaohua.

Xiaohua is also extremely nervous at this time, like a child handing in homework waiting for the teacher's comment.

"Well, good, good!"

Ye Xiao couldn't help but nodded, and drank the rest of the wine in one go.

What he said was the truth. This seaweed wine was really good. Although it was relatively young, it had a sweet sea breeze flavor.

Close your eyes and savor carefully, there is a feeling of standing on the deck facing the wind and waves.

Hearing Ye Xiao's praise, Xiaohua couldn't help but smile, as if she had eaten a lot of candy, it was so sweet.

"Come on, try it too, it's very good!"

Ye Xiao gave Hu Xuerou a little bit, Hu Xuerou took a sip and nodded involuntarily: "It's really good!"

At this time.

Lao Wang came in with a few side dishes.

It's all seafood from the sea.

The color doesn't look very good, but the taste is not bad. Ye Xiao and Hu Xuerou ate with great enthusiasm, chatting with the old Wangtou Xiaohua.

Soon after the pot of seaweed wine was finished, Old Wang stood up and said with a smile, "You guys eat, I'll get another bottle!"

Ye Xiao nodded.

Then the old Wangtou took another bottle of wine and came over, bent down and poured it for Ye Xiao and Hu Xuerou.

Looking at the sweet wine in the quilt, Ye Xiao's smiling face gradually became stiff and cold, and he looked at Old Wang's head indifferently, and then shook his head helplessly: "I really don't want to kill you, but you It's really forcing me!"

A word scared the old Wangtou directly spilled the wine in his hand on the ground, making a crisp sound.

"what happened?"

Hu Xuerou couldn't help asking with a puzzled face.

"This drink is poisonous!"

Ye Xiao said in a cold voice, the murderous intent in his eyes could directly tear the old Wang's head apart.

"Young Master Ye, I'm sorry, I was also forced, so if I don't obey, they will kill Xiaohua, I can't help it, I can't help it!"

The old Wang knelt down and cried loudly for mercy.

Xiao Hua also stayed.

Ye Xiao's face was cold and he didn't say anything.

"I know that you are very kind to us. If I do this, it is worse than a beast. You can kill me, but please let Xiao Hua go, she is still young!"

Although Old Wangtou is on the edge of Zhongzhou, he has also heard of Ye Xiao's brutal methods of destroying his family recently, so he can only beg for mercy at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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