Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1371 Spirit Armor and Puppet

Chapter 1371 Spirit Armor and Puppet

The surface of the cave is uneven and grayish black.

But the inside of the cave is dazzling, and the top of the mountain wall is inlaid with densely packed night pearls the size of eggs, just like the day.

In addition, the spiritual energy in the cave is also strong and terrifying, which makes people feel suffocated and burdened with huge boulders.

Moreover, the inside of the cave is really nine bends and eighteen bends, intertwined like a spider's web, you can't see the beginning and the end, making you dizzy.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered and he didn't see any tricks, but these caves should be arranged according to the five elements and eight trigrams. If you get lost inside, it's not easy to get out.

Randomly swept into a cave and stopped immediately.

In the middle of each cave is a raised room.

The room is not big, only a dozen square meters, but it is filled with all kinds of small bottles.

There are thousands of them densely packed.

Ye Xiao picked up a bottle beside him and opened it, and suddenly a strong fragrance of pills came out, this is the marrow washing pill.

It is a elixir for warriors to eliminate impurities and poisons in the body.

The grade is constantly too high, but the quality is very good.

This shows that the level of the alchemist who refined this marrow washing pill is very high.

Throw it directly into the storage ring, then put your eyes on the other medicine bottles, open them and observe carefully, they are all intermediate-level pills.

The effect on Ye Xiao is mediocre, but Ye Xiao collected them all.

Swept away.

Then he continued to move forward, and after a while, a small room appeared in front of him again, this time the small room was filled with wine gourds.

Ye Xiao's eyes lit up with excitement.

This is even more exciting than discovering those treasures before.

The fine wine in his storage ring has long been drunk, and he can't drink the ordinary wine at all, even the Luo wine of Zhong's family, in fact, the taste is very ordinary.

He drank only sighs and feelings.

The wine worm had been burrowing in his stomach for many days, and this time he was finally able to drink to his heart's content.

Not afraid of being poisonous, he directly picked up a wine gourd, uncorked the cork and drank it in big gulps.

Kill a gourd in one bite.

"Good wine, really good wine!"

Ye Xiao couldn't help admiring, this wine is very fragrant and vigorous, and it must have a history of hundreds of years.

Undoubtedly continue to sweep away.

Carrying a wine gourd in his hand, he continued to search for treasures.

After waiting for the footsteps to enter a room again.

There are neither pills nor other treasures in this room, only statues.

Each of these statues is two meters in size, holding a big knife in their hands, very imposing.

Ye Xiao didn't dare to move his eyes flickeringly. If he read correctly, these should be puppets.

The so-called puppet is a puppet made by some special means.

Puppets are also divided into grades, and those with lower grades can only carry water and chop firewood to do some simple work.

Slightly advanced combat power is very strong, fearless and difficult to deal with.

The top puppets are no longer puppets, but can give birth to spirituality over time.

To live and fight like humans.

There used to be a puppet sect in the barren world. This sect was powerful and invincible, and it was also a top five super existence in the barren world at that time.

But in the end, I don't know why it died, and disappeared in the long river of history.

The puppets in front of him were completely black, and Ye Xiao didn't know much about puppets and couldn't judge their level, so he didn't dare to make too many moves.

If these puppets are woken up, there may be big trouble.

Immediately, his eyes flickered, and it turned out that there were human-shaped iron frames behind these puppets.

About the size of an adult.

Naturally, it wasn't the iron frame that attracted Ye Xiao's attention, but the blue armor worn on the iron frame.

Although the armor is covered with dust, it looks very old.

But the black light emitted from time to time and the coercion from time to time all reveal that this armor is not a mortal thing.

At least one piece of spiritual grade armor.

Maybe better.

Ye Xiao couldn't help feeling a little hot in his heart. Although he had a glazed golden body to protect his body, if he added an armor, he wouldn't have to worry too much about his defense.

But obviously, there will be no pie in the sky, this level of armor is so directly exposed to the eyes, if Ye Xiao guessed correctly, once the armor is taken away, these puppets will wake up.

Then it's hard to judge what the situation is.

At this time, there was a sound of messy footsteps, and it was heard that the sound came from the two caves on the left, and the next moment, the three of Yang Mian who killed the palace rushed out.

A group of warriors also jumped out of another cave.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered, and he made a quick decision and swiped directly to the side of the human-shaped iron frame, grabbing the blue armor with his big hand.

Clap la la.
The blue luster flickered and dyed the entire room blue, astonishing coercion radiated.

"It turned out to be a high-level spiritual product!"

Ye Xiao was overjoyed. Even he couldn't refine this level of armor. At his current level of strength, it was definitely a life-saving artifact.

"Ye Xiao put down the spirit armor for me!"

Yang Mian was stunned by the luster of the spirit armor for a moment, and then when he saw Ye Xiao holding the spirit armor, his complexion immediately darkened, and he yelled sharply.

The other warriors also had scorching eyes. Although they knew that the probability of getting it was not high, they were all ready to pounce on it.

Chi Chi
At this time, a series of red lights flashed out.

And the source is those black puppets.

All of them opened their eyes at this time.

Shaking the huge body, layers of ashes fell from it, and then swung the huge weapon in his hand to slash at the warriors around him.

Some warriors were caught off guard and screamed again and again.

"Ah, this is a puppet, be careful!"

A warrior yelled, and slashed at the puppet's body with a knife, making a "clang", which had no effect other than splashing sparks.


And the puppet's knife fell, directly splitting the warrior in half.

It was extremely miserable, and blood flowed all over the place.


Yang Mian, who killed the palace, attacked a puppet. Although the puppet was sent flying more than ten meters away, it hit the wall heavily.

But the puppet stood up again staggeringly, and then rushed over.

At this time, Ye Xiao also slashed on the two puppets with his sword, and in addition to knocking the puppets into the air, he also left a sword mark on their bodies.

But the sword marks are very shallow, almost negligible.

Ye Xiao was secretly surprised, the level of these puppets should be intermediate.

Both attack power and defense power are top-notch.

Of course it's not flawless.

That is, the speed and responsiveness are poor.

It's just that it's not very obvious in this narrow room, for example, Ye Xiao's fast movement is greatly limited here.

However, it was extremely easy to leave. He jumped up and kicked the wall and turned around, like a falling meteor, rushing out of this room.

But Yang Mian and others were in the center of the room, so it was not so easy to leave.

The spirit armor was taken away by Ye Xiao and would be besieged by puppets. The faces of Yang Mian and others were almost black as carbon, and they shouted at Ye Xiao's back: "Ye Xiao, I will kill you, I will definitely kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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