Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1415 The Perfect Elixir "Part 1"

Chapter 1415 The Perfect Elixir "First Change"

This young man's alchemy skills seem to be very superb, his burning medicine and other alchemy levels are extremely simple and proficient, and his movements are smooth and coherent.

Moreover, the brows were filled with strong confidence and arrogance, and his eyes were full of disdain for the other contestants beside him.

It seems to be the kind of expression that disdains to be with him.

Ye Xiao didn't care too much, it's normal for arrogant people to appear everywhere.

The young man's performance naturally fell into the eyes of many elders of Danta, who praised his alchemy skills one after another, and one of the five places should be included.

It seems that the Pill Tower will soon have an additional alchemist who can refine earth-grade pills.

Deng Tao, the vice president of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, and the great elder of the Qijiemen were also envious, and alchemists who could refine ground-grade pills were very popular.

If a faction or a sect has several alchemists like this, their strength must be advancing by leaps and bounds.

Only a few disciples of Sha Gong sneered.

Time passed bit by bit, and the game also entered a critical moment.

There is already a strong Danxiang permeating the air.

But this does not mean that the contestant who refines the pill first will be one of the final five, because there is still time before the stipulated five hours.

Generally speaking, it takes about four hours to refine the local medicine pill.

That is to say, for the alchemists who successfully refined first, most of the elixirs they refined were mysterious.

If you can refine the earth-grade elixir in two hours, it will add points, which will be amazing.

In addition, the assessment is also a comprehensive evaluation.

The color, potency, and grade of the elixir must be taken into consideration, and the time it takes to refine the elixir is only one of them.

But there are also some unlucky ones, perhaps because of nervousness, or because of insufficient alchemy skills, the furnace has already been fried.

declare failure.

Shaking his head and sighing, he was very dissatisfied with his performance, and even slapped himself a few times.

All of a sudden, many elders of Danta exclaimed, and their eyes were all on the young man before him. This young man seemed to be called Zhuo Xu.

At this time, Zhuo Xu's refining of the elixir was nearing completion.

The rich alchemy fragrance is continuously released from the alchemy furnace, refreshing the heart and lungs, and the fragrance is wafting from ten miles away.

The most important thing is that there are colorful clouds floating in the sky above the alchemy furnace, which is the formation that only earth-grade pills have.

Could it be that what Zhuo Xu is now refining is an earth-grade elixir.

Immediately, many Danta elders shook their heads, impossible.

This elixir refined by Zhuo Xu is still at the Xuanpin level, to be precise, it should be at the top level of Xuanpin.

But here comes the question, how can there be colorful clouds gathering at the top level of Xuanpin.

Immediately, a possibility bombarded everyone's minds like lightning, and their faces were full of disbelief. Oh my god, this couldn't be a flawless top-ranking elixir.

Immediately, he shook his head even more vigorously, impossible, impossible, no one could do it.

Not even God can do it.

Ye Xiao's gaze was filled with indescribable surprise and shock.

The so-called perfect Xuanpin top-level elixir is easy to understand, it is a elixir with no flaws or side effects.

It is almost impossible.

It is necessary to know the operation method when refining the elixir, the interaction and repulsion between the spirit herbs, the exuberance and strength of the elixir fire, the setting of the alchemy furnace, and even the mood swings of the alchemist will all have an impact on the elixir.

Generally speaking, even if it is the elixir refined by the top alchemist, if ten is used to represent perfection.

They are also about nine points.

For example, Ye Xiao himself, the elixir he refined was around nine points.

That's already a high score.

It is said, legend has it that when a perfect elixir can be refined, colorful clouds and even thunder calamity will appear regardless of the level.

After all, God likes perfect things.

In front of Zhuo Xu's refining of the top-grade Xuanpin pills, there was a colorful cloud that only existed in Earth-grade pills.

I'm afraid this is the only explanation.

At this moment, all the martial artists in the audience were also shocked, their eyes widened, and they looked at Zhuo Xu in disbelief.

And the other contestants even stopped, looking at him like a monster!
This feeling of being watched by the audience is undoubtedly very refreshing, Zhuo Xu's mouth is smiling, the fun has just begun.

Shen Cheng also smiled, he was really in a good mood.

In terms of cultivation, a top genius like Ye Xiao was found, and in alchemy, a genius who could make perfect alchemy was received. Could it be that this indicates that the alchemy tower will rise completely.

The more you think, the happier you are.

At this moment, Zhuo Xu slapped the alchemy furnace suddenly, making a crisp "pop" sound.

Then the cauldron lid of the alchemy furnace flew up.

Then a pill floated out directly.

The size of a longan, emerald green, covered with well-proportioned pill lines, the moment the pill appeared, the pill fragrance was instantly intense to the extreme.

Then disappeared in an instant.

All were absorbed by the pill.

"Bichen Pill, the top-ranked elixir of Xuanpin, is so perfect. The color, fragrance, and grain of the pill are really impeccable!"

Elder Hu's eyes flickered and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Yeah, it's so perfect. I can't find any faults with my picky eyes, but I still have some doubts in my heart. Is there really a perfect thing in this world?"

"I also feel very unreal, but this may be a miracle. Miracles are always created by someone!"

Many elders spoke one after another.

Deng Tao, the vice president of the Northern Wilderness Chamber of Commerce, the Great Elder of the Qijie Sect, and the elders of other sects also had twinkling eyes, and they also had their own little calculations in their hearts.

Such an alchemy genius needs to get in touch afterwards. It would be great if he could dig into a corner.

Perhaps because of Zhuo Xu's stimulation and shock, the other alchemists blasted a lot of furnaces and made a squirm face.

Soon, all the alchemists finished alchemy.

Elder Hu and several other elders began to collect the pills refined by the contestants, observed them carefully, and evaluated and scored them.

When commenting on Zhuo Xu's Bichen Pill, all the elders gathered around, and they were amazed at the close observation.

Ye Xiao couldn't help but take a closer look, and then turned his eyes and couldn't help but glance at Zhuo Xu, as if he saw through something.

And Zhuo Xu didn't dare to look at Ye Xiao so much, he seemed a little guilty.

At this time, several elders had finished scoring, and Elder Quan, the great elder of Danta, announced the final five people selected.

The first name announced was Zhuo Xu.

This is within everyone's expectations.

The other four people were ignored by everyone, and they all looked at each other with wry smiles. It was because Zhuo Xu's luster was so dazzling that it completely enveloped them.

The other elders of the sect stood up and cupped their fists to congratulate Shen Cheng, and Shen Cheng responded with a smile, yelling to greet everyone well at night.

(End of this chapter)

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