Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1435 Entering the fourth floor

Chapter 1435 Entering the Seventh Floor

There are even fewer people on the sixth floor.

There are only a few dozen people.

These people are the most elite disciples of Huagong.

One by one, sitting or standing, watching those sword marks and martial marks fell into that deep state of comprehension.

Ye Xiao's entry woke them up.

They looked at Ye Xiao with indescribable surprise.

For the first time since Huagong was founded more than 1000 years ago, there were very few people who were able to enter the sixth floor of the Xuantie Chongyi Pagoda, and the total number was only tens of thousands.

These people basically entered the spiritual sea realm smoothly in the end.

Several of them became saints in the end.

It can be said that the minimum guarantee for being able to enter the sixth floor for the first time is the great power of the Spirit Sea Realm.

Although it is somewhat arbitrary to say so, it is a consensus.

Ye Xiao nodded at them, the powerful black iron gravity and the extremely terrifying artistic conception martial arts storm rushed towards them.


Ye Xiao felt like he couldn't breathe and was suffocating.

But soon the feeling of Jian Yuan shaking and soul sea boiling disappeared.

I couldn't help stretching my waist and making a crackling sound, and then walked towards the various traces on the tower wall.

The heat of the sixth floor is all the heat of the sixth floor.

It is worth savoring and digesting.

At this time, the eyes of those Huagong disciples on the sixth floor were all wide open, looking at Ye Xiao as if they were looking at a monster.

The pressure and artistic conception on the sixth floor are dozens of times stronger than those on the fifth floor, and they are so rich and terrifying that they will intertwine to form an artistic conception storm to a certain extent.

As soon as I came in, I felt as if I had found a catharsis.

Generally, disciples who entered the sixth floor for the first time would even vomit blood and be seriously injured if they were caught off guard.

Even if you are slightly prepared, you have to sit down and adjust your breath, and you will not start to understand until you get used to the pressure here.

Even Lu Yun, Yao Lan, the two top geniuses in the Flower Palace, adjusted their breath for half an hour when they entered the sixth floor for the first time.

But this Ye Xiao was only in a daze for a short time, and then stretched his waist and carried it over.

This is so fake.

So scary.

Talent and strength are too scary.

If this is the case, is it possible for this Ye Xiao to enter the seventh floor?

Immediately, everyone was taken aback by his own thought.

The seventh floor is the powerful realm of the Spirit Sea Realm. Usually, the elders of Huagong practice in it. The artistic conception inside is above [-]% of the heat, and the gravity of the black iron is extremely terrifying.

Even Lu Yun and Yao Lan entered the seventh floor after practicing on the sixth floor for more than a year.

And has been stuck on the seventh floor and can't make an inch.

At this time, many Huagong disciples had already gathered outside. They all came after hearing the news, and they all gathered together to discuss in a low voice which floor Ye Xiao could enter.

When a disciple came out of the Xuantie Zhongyi Pagoda and brought out the news, all the disciples of Huagong were in an uproar.

Oh my god, Ye Xiao has already entered the sixth floor.

This speed is too fast.

And there is no big unbearable, could it be that he can enter the seventh floor.

The news couldn't help but quickly spread throughout the Flower Palace, and then even some elders became restless and came to watch one after another.

Lu Yun pursed his lips and muttered: "This little junior is so perverted. If he really enters the seventh floor, he will be the first monster to enter the seventh floor for the first time in the past 50 years, except for the palace master. !"

Yao Lan's flickering cold face also changed slightly.

At this time, Ye Xiao had no idea that he had once again become the focus of everyone's attention.

His energy and spirit are all immersed in the essence of these martial arts comprehensions and many artistic conceptions.

These moods are stronger and more refined than the moods contained in the ghost stones obtained before, but because they are too fierce, the impact they face is too great, so it is difficult to comprehend and absorb them.

So Ye Xiao could only ponder over it patiently.

There is no concept of time when practicing, and two days passed quickly, and the number of people outside the Xuantie Zhongyi Pagoda did not decrease because of the two-day wait.

On the contrary, there are more.

And Ye Xiao didn't comprehend much in the past two days. There are too many artistic conceptions here, too complex and rich. He just chose one of them to comprehend.

Others have no time and energy at all.

I can only save it for later enlightenment.

In fact, the other Huagong disciples and elders came in with a very clear purpose, because they all majored in one, two, and at most three artistic conceptions.

Progress is also slow.

Three days later, Ye Xiao shook his head and planned to walk towards the seventh floor.

Take it as a tour today, and then slowly study and digest it later.

In addition, the gravity of the black iron on the sixth floor also made the glazed golden body approach to the limit. The skin radiated a bright golden light, and the bones creaked as if it was overwhelmed.

The muscles are also creaking, as if they are being eaten by mice.

But Ye Xiao understood that this was a sign of another strengthening of the body.

When stepping up the stairs to the seventh floor, Ye Xiao's pace was also much slower, but he was firm, but it was very difficult to move, and his breathing was loud.

But finally set foot on the seventh floor.


The powerful gravity has evolved into an ocean of power, and various extremely rich artistic conceptions are intertwined to form a storm.

A storm blew up on the ocean.

Even if Ye Xiao was mentally prepared, he continued to retreat, leaning heavily on the tower wall, panting heavily, and then closed his eyes and operated the sword element to counteract this powerful pressure.

Zhan Longjue's original running speed was very slow, but at this time, it seemed to be a passively rotating gear, and it started to run violently uncharacteristically.

The incomparably pure true essence turned into sword essence, which stimulated the sword soul, the sword soul vibrated, the sea of ​​souls rippled, and the multicolored luster diffused like mist, and the Jianhuang cauldron also sprinkled its brilliance at the right time.

The pupil of the soul appears faintly between the eyebrows.

After a long time, Ye Xiao felt that his condition had improved a lot. He slowly let out a breath and stood up. Only then did he notice that there were dozens of elders from the Flower Palace on the seventh floor practicing here.

They also looked at Ye Xiao with astonishment.

One of the elders frowned slightly and couldn't help but said: "You are that Ye Xiao, right? Your talent is very good, but don't force yourself, go out in time when you can't hold on, otherwise it will backfire!"

'Thank you elder, I see! '

Ye Xiao said softly.

Then he took a slow but firm step and began to observe the lines and traces on the tower wall.

Ye Xiao was heartbroken every time he saw a single one of them, because these comprehensions and artistic conceptions were too sharp.

The artistic conception is basically [-]% perfect, even close to great success, and there is a feeling of being completely natural and invulnerable, which makes Ye Xiao unable to start.

As for the traces left by the slowing down of the martial soul, it was also extremely terrifying, so Ye Xiao didn't dare to act too hastily, and worked hard to calm his mind and began to realize it slowly.

At this time, the outside is completely fried!

(End of this chapter)

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