Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1491 Enter, the artistic conception of thunder!

Chapter 1491 Enter, the artistic conception of thunder!
PS: The ranking is wrong, Liu Xiangyang is 230, Ye Qing is 170, and Xie Ankun is [-].

In the first section of the Nine-section Pagoda, the artistic conception of the wind is so strong that the wind is reckless, and the reactions of several people to the situation are also different.

The first is Ye Qing.

What he is good at is the mirror of shadow, the artistic conception of wind and the artistic conception of water.

The mirror of shadow and the artistic conception of water have both reached [-]% of the fire.

And the artistic conception of wind has reached [-]% of the heat.

Therefore, he was relatively relaxed in the first quarter, comprehending the artistic conception of the wind with his eyes closed, strengthening it carefully, removing the bad things, and the sea of ​​soul also set off monstrous waves.

Followed by Zhao Youjia.

What he is good at is the artistic conception of quickness and the artistic conception of gold.

Fast represents the attack power, and it has reached [-]% of the heat, and the golden mirror represents sharpness, which is also the attack power, which has reached [-]% of the heat.

The combination of the two made Zhao Youjia's attack power explode.

Therefore, even if he doesn't understand the artistic conception of wind, the first quarter is not a big threat to him in terms of his vigor of the sea of ​​soul and the degree of concentration of energy.

Therefore, although it is not very bearable, it has not reached the level of exhaustion.

Then there is Zhuo Haiming.

His robe clanked, the sea of ​​soul shone with bright luster, and the will of martial arts was faintly diffused. The artistic conception of water and the artistic conception of earth that he was good at resisted the invasion of the storm of artistic conception of wind.

In the process of resistance, I am also evolving and transforming.

Then there are Li Xingba and others. Their situation is a little more embarrassing and difficult, but with their strength and realm, it is not a big problem to get through the first quarter.

Then came "Sea Thunderbolt" Liu Xiangyang.

He looked at the impact of the storm in the artistic conception of wind with a calm face, and did not do anything else, but the artistic conception of fire, wood and cloud he had comprehended reached [-]% of the fire.

Each exudes a bright luster, although there are waves in the soul sea, they are not strong.

Frankly speaking, the storm of the artistic conception of wind in the first quarter had no effect on him.

The time to enter the second quarter is up to him.

Finally, there is Xie Ankun who ranks highest in the "Tianbei Great World Ranking".

He also comprehended three kinds of artistic conceptions, namely the artistic conception of thunder, the artistic conception of hegemony, and the artistic conception of blood.

At the same time, they all reached [-]% of the heat.

Facing the scouring of the storm of artistic conception of wind in the first section of the Nine-section Pagoda, his reaction was exactly the same as that of Liu Xiangyang, calm and calm, no, he was more domineering, with disdain in his eyes.

Soon, Liu Xiangyang, Ye Qing, Xie Ankun and others all entered the second section of the Nine Sections Tower one after another. The speed was very fast, basically there was no delay.

Li Xingba took the longest time, and it only took a few hours.

Much better than Li Shi, who performed best before.

This made many warriors exclaim, they are indeed geniuses who can be ranked in the "Tianbei Great World Ranking", each one is more amazing than the other!
The second floor of the Nine-section Pagoda, the artistic conception of fire.

Here is the sea of ​​flames, clusters of bright flames are floating everywhere, the scorching temperature seems to be able to ignite the blood of a person, making one's mind burn!
Ye Qing felt the artistic conception of the bursting fire, his whole body was covered and submerged, he seemed to have an illusion, his whole body was cooked, he seemed to be able to smell the fragrance from the tip of his nose, and then he was hungry!

But his skin and even his clothes are intact!

Because this is completely evolved from artistic conception, it will not cause damage to its body, but will only cause shock and oppression to its soul sea spirit.

Ye Qing's complexion was a little pale, and it was a bit difficult for him to deal with it, especially since his comprehension of the artistic conception of water and the artistic conception of fire were rivals, and he was completely suppressed at this moment, much heavier than the pressure faced by others.

He secretly groaned in his heart, this nine-section pagoda is really abnormal.

Take a deep breath and hold your breath to adjust your state.

On the other side, Zhao Youjia, Zhuo Haiming, Li Xingba and others are in a more difficult situation. They are all encouraging and supporting them, but it is obviously hopeless whether they can hold on.

Xie Ankun's Kuangkun complexion was a little dignified, and he also felt the great coercion, the waves in the sea of ​​souls began to fly, as if the typhoon was coming and it was really spectacular.

He walked slowly towards the third quarter, and at the same time adjusted his state.

In fact, how strong the pressure is, the harvest is also directly proportional.

The artistic conception that these people have comprehended is increasing in an orderly and rapid manner, and the benefits obtained are huge.

But Liu Xiangyang's situation is much better. He doesn't mean that his understanding of artistic conception is better than that of Xie Ankun. In fact, their attainments in artistic conception are on par, and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

The reason why he is so relaxed now is because he has comprehended the artistic conception of fire. Facing the scouring of the artistic conception of fire at this time, what he feels now is only warmth and comfort, just like sunbathing on the beach!
It is obviously not difficult to get through the second quarter and enter the third quarter.

This is actually the same as an exam in school. It is not cheating to get a question that you are good at.

Just like in the first quarter, Ye Qing comprehended the artistic conception of wind, he was very relaxed in the first quarter, and even entered the second quarter earlier than Liu Xiangyang and Xie Ankun!
Time passed little by little.

Soon Zhao Youjia couldn't hold it anymore, and he reached the limit 50 meters away from the third quarter. Although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to come out.

Otherwise, it will be counterproductive and cause irreparable trauma to his soul sea.

Followed by Li Xingba, Zhuo Haiming and others, they also couldn't hold on only a few tens of meters away from the third quarter.

After coming out, you look at me and I look at you, and then look at the jade in the distance. Without their names, I feel even more unwilling.

But I immediately felt my own state, and my mood improved a lot, because I gained a lot.

The eyes of the other warriors were then on Ye Qing, Xie Ankun, and Liu Xiangyang.

I don't know how long these three people can last, when they will enter the third quarter, and whether they can be ranked in the jade.

Liu Xiangyang was the first to enter the third quarter, and his condition was not bad, followed by Xie Ankun, his condition was slightly worse!
At this time, Ye Qing's body was shaking a little, he was close to exhaustion, but he was still holding on, because he was only one step away from the third quarter.

Gritting his teeth, he tried his best to take a big step and finally entered the third quarter.

The third section is the artistic conception of thunder.

There is a noble purple everywhere, filled with a strange luster, like a sea of ​​thunder, and from time to time, there are lightning strikes as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

Thunder and lightning, first there is thunder and then there is electricity. In fact, although the third quarter is the home field of the artistic conception of thunder, it also contains a good artistic conception of electricity, which is just an auxiliary.

At this moment Ye Qing felt extremely uncomfortable, the numb feeling of being surrounded by thunder spread all over his body, and the lightning kept striking down, making it difficult for him to move.

(End of this chapter)

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