Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 15 This is Our Mr. Ye

Chapter 15 This is Our Mr. Ye

"What to do, this is over, there are still 15 minutes, but we are still stuck here!"

Xu Yu looked at Zhang Songsong as if he had no one to ask for help.

Zhang Songsong looked ugly, he was just the captain of the Qin Group's small security team, his power was limited, and the people he knew were naturally grassroots.

Plays very little role in this kind of thing.

"Whatever, maybe everyone is stuck in traffic, or the interviewer is more talkative, so he can forgive us, go and try your luck!"

Liu Ya was not so pessimistic, she said with a smile.

"That's right, there might be hope if we go over there and see, but if we don't go, there's no hope at all!"

Ye Xiao said lightly.

Xu Yu nodded slowly without saying a word, and Zhang Songsong moved forward again at a turtle speed.

After stopping and stopping for an hour, they finally arrived at the Qin Group.

This is a group that occupies hundreds of acres, has many high-rise buildings with dozens of floors, is extremely grand, and has tens of thousands of employees.

It is one of the best large enterprises in Haidong City.

At this time, Zhang Songsong took the lead to run in to inquire about the situation, and came out after a while, shaking his head and saying, "The job fair is over, and the admission list has been finalized!"

Hearing that Xu Yu's complexion was ugly, he immediately said to Zhang Songsong in an unreasonable manner: "It's all your fault. If you insist on taking someone along the way to earn those tens of dollars, I'm out of work now. You pay me!"

"Don't blame me, there was no traffic jam before, this kid must be a disaster, it's all his fault!"

Zhang Songsong looked at Ye Xiao and said in a deep voice.

Push the responsibility on Ye Xiao.

"You two are really enough. I can blame others for this. Can they also sue you for not sending the money to the place on time!"

Liu Ya pinched her waist and rolled her eyes and said angrily.

Immediately, he patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay, isn't it just a Qin Group? What's the big deal, my aunt isn't going yet!"

Ye Xiao rubbed Liu Ya's hair and smiled, "Don't be angry, I'll go in and ask, maybe there is still a chance!"

"Just you? Do you know where the personnel department is after you go in?"

Zhang Songsong sneered with disdain on his face.

"That's right, Brother Song can't do it, but you can?"

Xu Yu was equally disdainful.

Ye Xiao shook his head, turned around and walked away to the Qin Group building and disappeared.

"Yaya, let's go!"

Xu Yu pulled Liu Ya and said.

"Let's wait for Ye Xiao!"

Liu Ya blinked and said.

"You don't really believe that this kid has a plan, do you? I think he just wants to win your favor because he looks at you!"

Zhang Songsong said sourly.

"If you win, you can win. Anyway, this kid is quite handsome. Being my boyfriend will not embarrass me, and I always think this guy is very mysterious!"

Liu Ya smiled and said, looking extremely naughty.

Zhang Songsong was speechless, just waiting for Ye Xiao to come out and taunt him fiercely.

As soon as Ye Xiao entered the building of Qin's Group, he was surrounded by a group of people, all of whom were managers from the building, who came to welcome Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao nodded calmly, with a cold aura all over his body.

Especially that gaze, which seems to be able to see through people's hearts and peep into their secrets.

Some managers who were unhappy, unconvinced, or harboring grievances were startled, as if their thoughts had been known, and they didn't dare to underestimate Ye Xiao.

A lot of honesty.

Ye Xiao knew in his heart that there must be many people who were not convinced, and they would rectify them one by one in the later stage.

Killing chickens to make an example to monkeys, otherwise the general manager might not be able to sit still.

"Mr. Ye, I'll take you to the office!"

A crisp voice sounded, and a girl in a black and white uniform came over.

He is tall, has a great figure, and is full of youthful breath.

But the most attractive thing is that small mouth, like a fragrant cherry, I really want to taste it.

But what Ye Xiao paid special attention to was the aura emanating from the woman.

Strong and with a kind of coquettishness.

Any man who smells this smell will be obsessed with it and cannot extricate himself.

This is tarsal qi.

If you hear too much, you can control your mind and give birth to hallucinations.It is a terrible infuriating.

Deliberately targeting men will provoke the other party's feelings,, yu!

Gradually lost mind!

This woman is really not simple, Ye Xiao said lightly: "Who are you?"

"I'm your secretary Huang Yingying, Mr. Ye, please guide me in future work!"

Huang Yingying said with a smile, in a charming manner.

The men around were all staring at Huang Yingying, their eyes were about to pop out, they were almost drooling!
Seeing Ye Xiao's clear eyes, Huang Yingying was secretly surprised.

Following Huang Yingying upstairs, she put her eyes on her tiao and buttocks, guessing Huang Yingying's identity in her heart.

The office is large, with a wide view, and a place to rest on the sofa, everything is available.

It's like a high-end bedroom.

"Is there any other order for Mr. Ye?"

Huang Yingying poured Ye Xiao a glass of water and asked with a smile!
The tarsus infuriating smell is stronger and tangy, accompanied by snow-white skin!
"The job fair in the company just ended, right?"

Ye Xiao said nonchalantly, frowning slightly, quietly circulated dragon energy to counteract the troubles caused by the true energy of the tarsus bones.

"Well, it was over an hour ago!"

Huang Yingying was a little surprised, but still answered respectfully.

"There are two girls at the door who are late for the application, you arrange a new interview, and I will be the examiner!"

Ye Xiao said lightly.

In my heart, I was eager to see Liu Ya's surprised expression, and thought of what I said in the car before, if I didn't twist my hips this time, I would definitely not be admitted.

"no problem!"

Huang Yingying walked out quite professionally!

After 5 minutes, Huang Yingying came in and told Ye Xiao that she was ready and that two interviewees had already entered the interview room!
Ye Xiao nodded, got up and walked over.

"Oh my god, this Ye Xiao really has a way. Is this an unusual interview?"

Liu Ya looked at the empty room around and said with a smile.

"Hmph, why didn't he come to the interview by himself, maybe he has already been admitted through the back door, and the two of us are just going through the motions!"

Xu Yu didn't appreciate it at all, and said disdainfully.

Liu Ya shook her head and said displeasedly: "Anyway, Ye Xiao has helped, we should be grateful, not mocking!"

At this time the door opened, and Ye Xiao and Huang Yingying walked in.

"Ye Xiao, you're here, tell me quickly if you know the senior management of the Qin Group!"

Liu Ya laughed out loud!

"This is Mr. Ye, the general manager of our group!"

Huang Yingying said lightly.

Hearing that Liu Ya and Xu Yu were dumbfounded.

Both of them thought of what Zhang Songsong said in the car. He said that it seemed that the Qin Group had a new general manager.

At that time, it was still said that it was the second generation ancestor, but how could I know that it was right in front of my eyes!

I really don't know Taishan with my eyes.

Xu Yu's face was pale, seeing Ye Xiao dare not speak, thinking of the cynicism and sarcasm before, he probably had no hope for the interview, even his boyfriend's job could not be kept.

Liu Ya's surprised look was cute, Ye Xiao couldn't help pinching her, and then said with a smile: "Okay, let's start the interview!"

Liu Ya blinked her eyes, as if waking up from a dream, her eyes looked at Ye Xiao with interest.

A very curious look.
(End of this chapter)

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