Chapter 1513
"I have a treasure map, I would like to exchange it with you!"

The name of this warrior is Li Yang, and his strength is very average. He is actually a little reluctant to give up the treasure map. After all, it is left by the Great Sage of Nirvana.

The treasures inside are self-evident.

But Li Yang gradually understood after these days that the treasure map he is carrying now is actually a disaster, which will cause death.

It's better to exchange with Ye Xiao.

After all, the price Ye Xiao offered was ridiculously high, and the treasure map was only a corner after all, so it wouldn't be a disadvantage if you calculate it.

Moreover, it can return Ye Xiao's favor and win over each other's relationship.

Get more in one fell swoop.

"it is good!"

Ye Xiao originally said it tentatively, but he did not expect that there would be unexpected gains.

Then they walked to Li Yang's side and the two exchanged.

In fact, Ye Xiao is not short of cultivation resources now, so he has earned this exchange.

It's just that even with Li Yang's treasure map, it's still seven points away.

It is extremely difficult to get it all together.

Li Yang is also extremely happy to have obtained this mountain of cultivation resources.

The eyes of the others flickered, and many of them were agitated. They wanted the treasure map but they couldn't offend Ye Xiao.

But this Li Yang can do something to make him bleed.

Seeming to sense everyone's ill intentions, Li Yang was startled and didn't know what to do, while Ye Xiao patted Li Yang's shoulder with a faint smile and said, "Don't worry, follow me from now on!"

"Well, thanks!"

Li Yang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and was even more grateful to Ye Xiao.

Then Ye Xiao took Li Yang and Li Han and left quickly.

At this time, it was a different scene in the other water caves.

A brutal fight is going on.

Water cave to the west of the palace.

Hundreds of warriors guarded "Sea Thunderbolt" Liu Xiangyang at the center, and fought fiercely against the ocean of poison that rushed up.

The reason for doing this is because although Liu Xiangyang did not succeed in cultivating the Breaking Wall Art within an hour.

But it's also going well.

Therefore, so many warriors desperately protect.

It is also the right thing to do.

The same is true for other water holes. Hu Fei, Duan Tianya and others were also treated in this way, and they became the hope in everyone's hearts.

But there are also many water caves that are not so lucky. Among them, no one can calm down to practice Wall Breaking Art, or no one can successfully practice Wall Breaking Art in a short period of time.

Therefore, there is only one outcome to face.

That is to be killed by the sea of ​​poison and turned into puddles of blood.

In fact, in all fairness, this kind of test is really cruel.

There were countless casualties and blood flowed like rivers.

There are many warriors who regret entering this palace.

After about another hour like this, finally the warriors in the other water caves opened the portals and escaped in a terrible embarrassment.

Panting one by one, celebrating like a lunatic, celebrating the rebirth after the catastrophe.

I am also extremely grateful and respectful to Liu Xiangyang, Duan Tianya, Hu Fei and others.

Then as they dispersed, they frantically publicized Liu Xiangyang, Duan Tianya and others.

As one of the pig's feet, Liu Xiangyang, Duan Tianya and the others are also extremely proud. After all, in such an environment, they succeeded in cultivating the Wall Breaking Art in such a short period of time.

That's definitely something to brag about!

This is absolutely a miracle!
Definitely something to keep in mind!

This is definitely a brilliant point in their lives!
But soon their elation and pride froze.

Because Ye Xiao's record was spread.

He actually succeeded in cultivating the Breaking Wall Art within an hour.

God, how is this possible.

Those warriors who were in the same water hole as Ye Xiao said happily, what are you bragging about, many of you have died.

None of us died.

Ye Xiao is too powerful.

At first, "Sea Thunderbolt" Liu Xiangyang and others were unwilling to believe it, or they couldn't believe it.

But more and more people say it, and they can only passively believe it.

Afterwards, he took a deep breath and was shocked by Ye Xiao's performance.

Afterwards, he found out that Ye Xiao had two treasure maps on him, with different expressions on each of them, and immediately there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth. As long as he left the Ancient Destroyer, the news of the treasure map would definitely spread widely.

No matter what power it is, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to a great sage's relic treasure.

So it will definitely be snatched.

At that time, Ye Xiao will definitely become the target of public criticism.

At this time, Ye Xiao was on his way with Li Han and Li Yang, and he naturally heard all kinds of exclamation words, as well as the admiring eyes when he met other warriors.

In fact, there are still many factors that can successfully cultivate the Breaking Wall Art in such a short period of time.

First of all, his soul is strong, and after clearing the Nine Sections Pagoda, his soul power increased again, so he naturally cultivated martial arts very quickly.

Secondly, when a person reaches a critical moment, his potential is unlimited, and he can accomplish things that cannot be accomplished normally.

The last is the role of the pupil of the soul.

In addition, after completing the wall-breaking art, Ye Xiao could clearly feel that his spirit became more concentrated, and his confidence became much stronger.

This is the biggest gain after the test.

As for the Wall Breaking Art, it is actually a very good secret method, its main function is to be able to break through various restrictions, and it is very effective.

And this type of arcana is rare.

Soon, a dense forest appeared in front of Ye Xiao and the others. Each of these trees could not be hugged by several people, and the luxuriant branches and leaves towered into the sky.

Not even sunlight can come in.

The miasma in the woods is pink.

"Be careful, it's poisonous!"

Ye Xiao's face was serious. This is not an ordinary miasma, but a red dust miasma. It is a miasma that has undergone thousands of years of transformation. It is highly poisonous and corrodes people's meridians and muscles.

It can also create illusions.

Not to be underestimated.

At this time, several warriors rushed in directly, but stopped before reaching the middle of the woods, their faces were wild and their eyes were full of light, as if they saw some kind of treasure.

Then the reactions of these warriors were also different.

A warrior in blue seemed to have seen some enemy, and he drew his sword and slashed at the air frantically.

A warrior in yellow seems to have seen a naked beauty, took off his pants and hugged a big tree, kissed and fucked, it is hard to describe, it is very hot on the eyes.

There were two other warriors who simply fought.

After less than a stick of incense, the four warriors all foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

Many warriors watched with fear and trembling in their hearts, glad that they did not enter rashly, and immediately frowned, how should they pass through this forest!


A cracking sound rang out.

A lot of geniuses arrived one after another, all of them frowning as they looked at the miasma of red dust in front of them. If they wanted to enter the core area of ​​the ancient land of destruction, this forest was a must pass, and they had to go there.

One by one holding their chins and thinking of a way!

(End of this chapter)

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