Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1523 Huge movement

Chapter 1523 Huge movement

Where there is nothing special in the air.

There is no other condition.

But at the moment when Ye Xiao sensed it with his soul just now, he caught a faint but real breath of disillusionment.

It felt like a sliver of smoke drifting by on a rainy day.

Not noticeable at all.

Ye Xiao got up and walked over slowly, his eyes flickered to observe carefully, and then his eyes were attracted by a broken sword.

Said it was a broken sword.

In fact, only one hilt remained.

The hilt of the sword is very thick like a dragon's head, even if there is no aura, you can still imagine how domineering it was before.

But at this time, it was full of cracks, like porcelain broken at any time.

Other than that, nothing else was found.

Ye Xiao shook his head, just as he was about to put down the hilt, suddenly the Jian Huang Ding in the sea of ​​souls rushed out.

It didn't get bigger, it just kept spinning around the hilt.

Then a layer of taupe sheen was sprinkled, covering the hilt.


The hilt of the sword trembled slightly in Ye Xiao's hand, and the cracks on it were gradually widening. At the same time, the sky above Ye Xiao's head also changed dramatically.

The taupe aura of destruction appeared out of thin air as if received some sort of summon or guidance, just squirming above Ye Xiao's head.

The lightning, thunder, and the wind seemed to be the end of the world.

next moment.

The hilt of the sword in Ye Xiao's hand was thrown out and swept up, and many winding lightning bolts struck on it.

Then something that shocked Ye Xiao happened.

The hilt of the sword is slowly growing out of the sword body, bathing in the sky full of lightning and absorbing the breath of destruction.

a breath.

A brand new domineering sword is suspended in the sky.

It's like a top swordsman standing high above all the mountains and small mountains.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered, is this the Shattering Sword?

It's really invincible.

Ye Xiao couldn't even bear the breath of the sword. If it wasn't for the Jianhuang Cauldron to protect his body, he would have felt like worshiping him.

At this time, Hu Fei, Duan Tianya and others on the ladder could no longer bear such a powerful sword breath, and knelt down on the ladder.

All of them looked up in amazement at what happened in the sky.

At this time, the entire Ancient Land of Destruction is also undergoing changes, and its aura of destruction is increasing with a density visible to the naked eye.

Its area is also constantly shrinking.

It's like an unfolded picture scroll, which is being closed at this time.

This is a harbinger of the imminent closure of the ruined ancient land.

Such an astonishing scene lasted for half a stick of incense, and the sword body derived from the sudden shattering sword was fading, and in a blink of an eye, only the hilt remained.

Then, the crack on the hilt continued to expand, and with a sudden "bang", it exploded completely.

For a moment, the gap between the broken swords in the sky seemed to have lost its backbone, and it began to abuse frantically and chaotically.

This mighty language is simply indescribable.

The entire ladder was shaking, and Duan Tianya, Hu Fei and the others all changed their complexions, resisting the pressure and darting downwards.

Some fighters are weaker, and you push me to fall directly from the ladder, because the suppression of the shattering breath consumes too much real energy.

He fell straight down and died.

This may be the most embarrassing way to die in the Ancient Land of Destruction!

At this time, Jian Huang Ding also made a movement, and suddenly jumped into the sky, and he did not expand, just like a dragon absorbing water, it began to absorb the exaggerated breath of destruction.

Ye Xiao finally understood this.

The Shattering Sword had indeed been shattered long ago, and what was left was only the remnants of soul thoughts, which could stir the entire Ancient Shattering Land to resonate, and thus the scene just before appeared.

Although the scene just now was huge.

But if it is a real Destruction Sword, it only needs one blade to cut open the world.

The power is definitely much stronger than before.

At this moment, what Jian Huang Ding absorbs is not simply the breath of destruction. First of all, the breath of destruction contains part of the breath of killing and destruction, which can promote the growth of the killing sword soul and the destroying sword soul.

Secondly, these shattering auras are mixed with or contain the cultivation experience of the great sage of shattering.

These are the most precious.

In addition, the great sage of destruction is a three-sword soul, and what he comprehends are the blood sword soul, the shining gold sword soul and the killing sword soul.

Slaughtering Sword Soul and Shining Gold Sword Soul Ye Xiao has already comprehended.

What he valued was the blood sword soul.

Although he has no plans to cultivate the eighth type of sword soul at present, the trend is inevitable.

In the next stage, what he originally planned to cultivate was Immortal Sword Soul.

But the cultivation of Immortal Sword Soul is really too difficult. It has been a long time since I realized it, but there has been no progress.

If the focus is on cultivating the blood sword soul, it is estimated that great progress will be made.

The Ancient Land of Destruction is still shrinking, the portal of the Ancient Land of Destruction is also flickering and seems to be closed at any time, and the Jianhuang Ding in the sky seems to be crazily absorbed by a bottomless pit.

This situation lasted for about an hour before Jian Huang Ding turned into a stream of light and returned to Ye Xiao's soul sea.

There is no change in appearance.

What is different from before is that there is a very shallow and imperceptible sword mark on the cauldron wall. At the same time, the mist inside the Jianhuang cauldron filled with ups and downs, lightning flashes and thunder, as if it was digesting and refining something.

Standing tall and seeing far away, the ruined ancient land has shrunk by half, Ye Xiao quickly ran down without wasting time, and reached the ground after a while.

At this time, the other warriors all set their eyes on Ye Xiao.

There was such a big commotion just now, and Ye Xiao was the only one who boarded the top platform.

If there are treasures, Ye Xiao must have taken them into his bag.

Ye Xiao sneered and didn't bother to pay attention, looked at Li Han and Li Yang and said: "Let's get out quickly, if we are trapped in the ancient land of destruction, we don't know when we will be able to get out!"

Even never get out.

Because the hilt of the Shattering Sword was shattered, and the aura of Shattering was almost absorbed, maybe it won't appear in the Ancient Land of Shattering in the future.


The two of them naturally had no objection, and then the three of them used their body skills to swipe away into the distance.

"Let's go too!"

Duan Tianya said softly, no matter whether Ye Xiao got the final treasure or not, he has no intention of grabbing it, because it is impossible to succeed in the first place.

The second is that I can't let go of my airs.

Secondly, he is still not convinced by Ye Xiao. Although he is temporarily at a disadvantage, he believes that he has the potential to overtake in a corner, and he will be the most dazzling existence in this world.

This kind of thinking is also the thinking of Hu Fei, Ye Qing, Liu Xiangyang and others!

They are all in a pretty good mood. Generally speaking, the trip to the ancient land of Shattering has gained a lot this time.

However, the eyes of the other warriors shone with a sinister luster. They dared not rob, but they could cause Ye Xiao a lot of trouble.

For example, the treasure map of the Great Sage of Nirvana.

And the huge movement just now.

As long as it spreads, I believe that some people will not be able to resist secretly.

Then they left quickly.

In this way, the ruined ancient land slowly shrunk, and its gates were finally closed, leaving a mess and tens of thousands of corpses inside.

They are proving how fierce and bloody battles have taken place here.

(End of this chapter)

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