Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1528 Verbal confrontation

Chapter 1528 Verbal confrontation

The scene became extremely quiet.

They were all digesting what Situ Hao said in their hearts.

After a while, a heated discussion broke out.

"Oh my god, this Situ Hao really has an unlimited future, he's so powerful!"

"It's unimaginable that Situ Hao could defeat Hu Fei with green blood pupils so easily. It's so powerful that it makes me tremble all over!"

"Although Situ Hao cleared the level in the Nine Sections Tower in the past, it was just a potential. I didn't think his strength was that strong, but today completely overturned my thinking. If the evildoer can change according to the thinking of normal people He is no longer a monster but an ordinary person!"

"Growing up according to his potential, he may be ranked in the top [-] or even higher in the "Tianbei Dashi Ranking" in a short time. This is our super genius in the Southern Wilderness. If he can really reach the peak and become a The most dazzling star, that luck can cover us all in the Southern Wilderness, and we may benefit to some extent!"

"I have to say, at this time Situ Hao really has an invincible aura, which makes me admire!"

Hu Fei clenched his fists tightly when he heard the words, and then loosened them. The winner and the loser, he is the loser, and he can only be considered as unable to lose.

He was speechless.

But this time he'll get it back.

Then he took out the treasure map from the storage ring and threw it over.

Then turn around and leave.

Situ Hao caught it and looked it up a bit and put it into the storage ring.

Immediately, he raised his head and set his eyes on Ye Xiao, and said in an indifferent and superior tone: "Ye Xiao, let's make a bet if you are interested!"

Hearing that everyone looked at Ye Xiao with flickering eyes, their eyes were excited, they were still not satisfied with the battle just now, could it be said that they could still see a wonderful and decisive match.

And this is a battle between two monsters.

More interesting and more gimmick!

"How to bet?"

Ye Xiao said softly.

"It's very simple, just like Hu Fei, if you win, I will give you my sweetheart of heaven and earth, and if you lose, give me your treasure map, how about it!"

Situ Hao stroked the sword and said indifferently.

"No problem, time, place!"

Ye Xiao also seemed to be talking about something unimportant.

In fact, the challenge to Situ Hao was within his expectation, after all, he was very famous recently and his performance on the Nine-section Pagoda overwhelmed Situ Hao.

How could Situ Hao tolerate it?

Secondly, having said that, even if Situ Hao didn't challenge him, he would challenge Situ Hao.

Because I am happy to see the hunter.

And as I said before, in the encounter between a genius and a genius, the winner must be determined, the more famous the more so.

"Or just now, what do you think!"

Situ Hao suddenly said with a smile when he changed the subject.

Hearing that many warriors had strange expressions, dammit, this Situ Hao is really crazy to the limit, he dared to say that even though he was injured.

This is really looking down on Ye Xiao, despising Ye Xiao.

There are also fighters who feel that Situ Hao's move is a bit insidious. He knows that Ye Xiao will definitely not agree to fight now,

If he wins, people will say that Situ Hao is injured and his strength is greatly damaged.

If they lose, people will say that even an injured Situ Hao can't win, which is really a waste of reputation.

It can be said that Situ Hao himself is already invincible.

Having said that, no one knows exactly how Situ Hao's strength is now.

Ye Xiao still kept smiling but the smile had become cold, his white hair was blowing majesticly, and he said in an indifferent tone: "When you are in your best state, you can fight me with a hundred strokes at most, but in your current state you can fight with thirty strokes. There is no doubt that you will lose. Why don't you try!"

Hearing this, Li Han smiled, this guy is really not the one who suffers, the implication is that if you are injured and you win, you won't be able to win by force, it doesn't matter, I can take you down with thirty strokes.

Situ Hao took a deep breath and stared at Ye Xiao with lightning eyes, and then shot out the will of the sword like a mountain and a tsunami, and there was thunder and lightning in an instant.

The purple is pervasive, and there is a feeling of purple air coming from the east.


Ye Xiao stepped forward with one step, but without seeing any movement, the unrivaled will of the sword was also released, soaring upwards, criss-crossing, and able to match.

Situ Hao's swordsmanship is purple and white.

Ye Xiao's sword soul is colorful but mostly black.

The two kendo wills are intertwined, like two huge tornadoes colliding non-stop.

The scene cannot be described in words, it cannot be expressed in words.

All the warriors couldn't bear such a strong willpower and retreated one after another, their faces were full of horror, and they muttered fearful, it was really terrible
There was a crack in the ground under Situ Hao's feet, and it spread rapidly, his complexion changed slightly, and the crack was healed abruptly by bringing his feet together.

Ye Xiao smiled slightly and withdrew his will.

Everyone could clearly see that Ye Xiao had the upper hand in this fight, and some warriors lamented Ye Xiao's strength.

But the warriors in the Southern Wilderness curled their lips, thinking that Ye Xiao took advantage of the situation, and now Situ Hao was obviously injured and in poor condition.

Situ Hao's face was solemn, and he immediately said coldly: "Okay, you are really strong, I will wait for you at Jiuxian Mountain in three months' time!"

After speaking, Situ Hao turned around and strode away.

"Go, let's go back too!"

Ye Xiao looked at Li Yang and Li Han and said with a smile.

The two nodded, and then the three also left.

With the departure of the warriors watching the battle, the entire Feiying City and other areas soon knew that Situ Hao had defeated Hu Fei, and they were all shocked by Situ Hao's strength and abnormality.

Praise Situ Hao's future achievements are limitless.

At the same time, they are extremely interested in the battle between Ye Xiao and Situ Hao.

First of all, both of them are hot right now.

Secondly, both of them cleared the level on the Nine-section Tower.

This can be said to be the tip of the needle, Mars hitting the earth, full of highlights.

Many warriors who are a little further away have already started to set off for Jiuxian Mountain.

At the same time, some gambling houses also opened their markets, buying Situ Hao won more people, and their respective supporters were also arguing fiercely.

Anyway, the whole Southern Wilderness became heated because of the battle between Ye Xiao and Situ Hao.

And Ye Xiao had already returned to the room to start cultivating. Facing Situ Hao, it would be difficult for him to win without using the Destruction Sword Soul, but he also set a goal for himself.

That is to defeat Situ Hao without using the Soul of Destruction Sword.

This is not only to reduce the risk of revealing your identity, but also to stimulate your potential under pressure.

Time passed by in a flash, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Perhaps stimulated by Situ Hao, Ye Xiao actually combined nine moves of Ba Jian Sha in these three days, like riding a rocket, completely beyond his own expectations.

Ye Xiao washed and changed his clothes before getting ready to go out.

Today is the time for Lin Kaile to auction off the treasure map, and all the family fighters in Feiying City have gone to the auction house.

Ye Xiao, Li Han and Li Yang also rushed towards the auction house.

(End of this chapter)

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