Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1552 This is the real pride of heaven

Chapter 1552 This is the real pride of heaven
And at this moment, there was a scream from the No. [-] ring.

The two sides at war were Lin Chuan, who killed the palace, and Liu Zetao, who ranked sixth in the previous "Northern Wilderness Talent List".

At this point the battle is over.

The winner is undoubtedly Lin Chuan.

But he hit too hard.

Liu Zetao was stabbed in the chest, chopped off many bones in the chest, and the internal organs leaked out.

The blood kept flowing, rolling on the ground.

There was a shrill scream from his mouth.

All the warriors looked at Lin Chuan with contempt and disdain. This is just an ordinary exchange of ideas. As for such a ruthless hand?

Immediately, I was a little worried about Liu Zetao, can such a serious injury recover?

Zhang Wang, the elder of the Zongmen where Liu Zetao was, flew over directly. After a slight inspection, his heart sank immediately, his internal organs were completely shattered, his breastbone shattered, and his meridians were shattered.

Even if it is cured, it is impossible to fully recover.

Zhang Wang's heart is bleeding, oh my god, Liu Zetao is the most outstanding genius of the sect and the future of the sect.

It was just scrapped.

He will be severely punished when he returns to the sect.

Then staring at Lin Chuan with blood-red eyes, the powerful martial arts will of the Linghai Realm erupted instantly, and shouted loudly: "Lin Chuan, I will kill you!"

"Hmph!" Zhao Qiangsheng, the elder of the killing palace, stood in front of Lin Chuan in a flash, looked at Zhang Wang with disdain, and said indifferently: "Since it's a sparring session, there will be times when you can't keep your hands. Inevitably, he can only blame himself for his inferior skills, if it is Lin Chuan who is injured now, I promise I will not fart!"

The other warriors were also filled with righteous indignation when they heard the words, and they all muttered in their hearts, MD, are you guys discussing this?

You are useless people!
The geniuses who lost to Lin Chuan and Zhang Rui were all seriously injured.


Zhang Wang was so angry that he was about to explode. He really wanted to fight Zhao Qiangsheng desperately.

But reason told him.

They can't afford to kill the palace.

A slight mistake will implicate the entire sect, causing countless casualties.

and so.

Even if the fists were whitened and the nails were inserted into the flesh, Zhang Wang still endured it.

Trembling all over.

Forbearance a knife on the head ah.

The referee in the arena also had an extremely ugly face. He was hit hard by Lin Chuan just because he didn't pay attention. Speaking of which, he was responsible.

Pound from Xuantianzong, Xia Wenli from Huagong and others also looked at Zhao Qiangsheng with disdain, but they didn't speak either.

In fact, it is useless to say.

Then he bowed his head to remind the disciples around him to be careful when fighting with those who killed the palace.

At this time, Ye Xiao flew onto the ring in a flash, and everyone stared blankly. Could it be that Ye Xiao couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to teach Lin Chuan a lesson.

When Lin Chuan saw Ye Xiao, his eyes turned blood red, and he lost his mind for a moment. If Zhao Qiangsheng hadn't stood in front of him, he would have rushed up to fight Ye Xiao long ago.

Ye Xiao squatted down to inspect Liu Zetao's injuries, frowned slightly, then took out a few pills from the storage ring and stuffed them into Liu Zetao's mouth.

Then he said to Liu Zetao in a deep voice: "Don't resist, it will hurt a little, if you can bear it, there is still hope, if you can't bear it, you will be useless from now on!"


Liu Zetao nodded sharply.

Ye Xiao flicked his big hand, and silver needles appeared in front of him, driven by the real essence, they quickly pierced into the acupuncture points of Liu Zetao's body.

Almost instantly.

Liu Zetao felt that all the bones in his body seemed to be broken, and the pain was dozens or even a hundred times worse than when he was injured just now.

Moreover, an extremely scorching breath was flowing in the body, as if there were countless ants crawling.

It's very itchy and painful.

Driven him almost insane.

Immediately something that shocked everyone happened.

I see.

Liu Zetao's shattered sternum was actually healing, knotting automatically, and the broken flesh was also healing.

Less than a stick of incense time.

It recovered as before, if it wasn't for the tender red scars on the wound, it would be as if he hadn't been injured.

"Oh my god, this is the legendary white bones and muscles turning over from the dead, it's amazing!"

"Ye Xiao actually knows medical skills, and is so powerful, even better than many genius doctors in our barren world!"

"Ye Xiao is just a mysterious man. His cultivation talent is monstrous and perverted, and his alchemy is also outstanding. Today, he can still grow bones and muscles. It's really speechless. What else does he not know, or what else is he hiding! "

"I think Ye Xiao is the real pride of heaven. His strength can be convincing, he is generous, and he is willing to help others. He helped us improve our strength yesterday, and now he is helping Liu Zetao to heal his wounds. Such a person is the real pride of heaven and deserves us. Worship and admiration, and even if some people are equally powerful, they are just a flash in the pan, which is disgusting!"


Lin Chuan almost exploded with anger.

The blood-red eyes stared at Ye Xiao firmly.

Compared with the shocking appearance of the others, Lu Yun, Yao Lan and others were very calm. During Huagong Zongqing, many disciples were defeated by the disciples of the killing palace, and they were all seriously injured.

Almost disfigured.

In the end, it was Ye Xiao who healed easily.

Although they are shocked now, they are more proud.

"The bones have already grown, and the meridians and internal organs need to rest slowly. Remember, don't be lucky in the last three months. Once it breaks again, there is really no way to recover!"

Ye Xiao looked at Liu Zetao and said.

"Thank you!"

Although there is still some pain in the body, it is much better than before. He looked at Ye Xiao gratefully with his fists in his hands: "Although I may not be able to help you, I still want to say that as long as I can be used in the future, I will go through fire and water to help you." No excuses!"

"Our whole family will remember your kindness!"

Zhang Wang also came back to his senses at this time, his hanging heart was relieved, and then he looked at Ye Xiao very solemnly.

Ye Xiao waved his hands and didn't speak, in fact, he just looked at Lin Chuan unhappy.

In a flash, he returned to Huagong's camp.

The episode passed quickly.

The game continues.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, the referee stared at him without blinking his eyes, so nothing similar happened.


The person who went to the end of each ring was selected.


Lu Yun, Yao Lan, Yu Jun, Lin Chuan, Liu Huang, Zhang Rui, Jiao Ling, Zhou Weiguo, Wang Qian.Li Yu.

among them.

Lu Yun, Yao Lan, Lin Chuan, Liu Huang, and Zhang Rui are true disciples of the super sect.

And Yu Jun, Jiao Ling, Zhou Weiguo, Wang Qian, and Li Yu were the top ten geniuses in the last "Northern Wilderness Talent List".

It's just that five of them have been eliminated.

In addition, Li Han also came to the end.

It's just that he was defeated by Yu Jun.

It's not wrong to lose.

After a short break, the drums sounded.

The competition for the top ten of the "Beihuang Genius List" has officially begun!

The second one was delivered, begging for a recommendation ticket.

In the future, one hundred more recommendation tickets will be added every day!
(End of this chapter)

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