Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 158 Ye Xiao is Terrible

Chapter 158 Ye Xiao is Terrible
"In martial arts in the world, everything is invincible. Only speed can't be broken. Fast is not just fast. Another meaning of fast is attack power. When the speed reaches a certain level, a piece of paper or a leaf can penetrate the iron armor and kill people invisible."

Ye Xiao could see clearly than anyone else that Ye Feng's initial attack power was not ridiculously strong, but after the speed surged, he could easily cut through Chen Wenliang's zhenqi armor, and every attack was groping for a weak spot. Prepare for the final blow.

Hearing this, Yang Jie pondered, it was the first time he had heard such a straightforward and easy-to-understand theory, and he was thoughtful.

"Hehe, he really has become much stronger, and he has a [-]% chance of defeating me!"

Ye Xiao chuckled and said lightly.

Yang Jie smiled wryly when he heard the words, only Ye Xiao could say such words, if it were someone else's words, he would definitely listen to them as a joke, or simply not believe them!
"Feng'er has already comprehended the deep meaning of Kuai. Every move and style can use Kuai to the limit that he can achieve. If he wants to compete with him, he must be faster than him, or his cultivation level is far superior to him!"

Ye Wentian said with a smile, his eyes were on Ye Xiao, he didn't believe that Ye Xiao could defeat Ye Feng in this state.

Liu Yunlong's face was surprisingly serious, he already regarded Ye Feng as his strongest competitor.

More than half of the game has passed quickly, and the following games are very exciting, with continuous cheers.

At this level, basically the five contestants who will advance to each arena have been basically determined, and now the focus is on who will advance as the number one in the arena!
Following the referee's announcement that it was Ye Xiao's turn again, his opponent was also the undefeated Qin Tian.

The battle between the two was the last match in the No. [-] ring, so it attracted much attention.

Qin Tian, ​​the fifth seed among the top ten players, faced Ye Xiao, the third.

This time the approval rating was basically split evenly, so no one jumped to conclusions.

Qin Tian looked at Ye Xiao and said coldly; "I will not lose to you!" '

Ye Xiao smiled lightly and said, "I hope your strength is stronger than your mouth, I won't accept it!"

Qin Tian didn't talk too much, his movements spread out and he quickly flashed across the ring, his slender fingers showing azure blue color, which looked extremely bewitching.

"Point the star finger!"

Qin Tian roared angrily, and countless finger lights appeared from his ten fingers, and they rubbed against the air at an extremely fast speed, making a chi chi chi sound.

The dense finger lights spread all over the mountains and plains, directly covering the entire arena.

There are finger lights all over the void, the finger lights split the air, and the sound of chi chi is continuous.

puff puff puff...

Before Ye Xiaojian was out of the sheath, he used his body skills to dodge continuously, and all the finger lights in the sky were dodged.

The sword glow hit the pillars of the arena with a bang bang bang bang, leaving behind white marks.

"Is that all you can do?"

Ye Xiao came to Qin Tian in a flash, and said lightly!

Qin Tian became angry from embarrassment, his body spun violently like a whirlwind, and countless fingers shot in all directions!
Ye Xiao's eyes were sharp, his figure flickered, and he shuttled between countless finger lights. These finger lights did not shoot at the same time, there was always front and back, and some slow!
But relying on his strong body control ability and speed, Ye Xiao penetrated into the world with impermanence, saw every stitch, and abruptly swayed five steps to Qin Tian's side! .

"How is it possible, you can't attack him like this."

All the spectators were shocked, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe everything in front of them.

Everyone is a martial artist with good eyesight, and speed alone cannot completely avoid the finger beams, after all, the gap between each finger beam is very small!
The small ones can be ignored, and these fingers have not been arranged, they are disordered, and there is no way to find the rules. If you want to pass through them, your eyesight, heart, physical strength, speed, reaction and overall situation must reach the upper level.

Ye Wentian's eyes were surprised, and he said slowly: "This Ye Xiao is really not simple, his sword skills are powerful, and his body skills are not simple either!"

The old man next to him nodded, "Qin Tian's body skills and fingering skills should not be underestimated, but after all, he is not as hot as Ye Xiao, and his proficiency is not as good."

Qin Tian was also extremely shocked at this time. He had been defeated before, but they were all defeated head-on by absolute strength. No one had ever been able to achieve this level purely by relying on body skills.

Ye Xiao smiled faintly: "You are still far behind, you have no right to be arrogant in front of me!"

Qin Tian's face was ugly, and it was only at this moment that he realized how terrifying Ye Xiao was, and his momentum was invisibly at a disadvantage, and his fighting spirit weakened.

He was hit in the chest by Ye Xiao and fell into the ring. Ye Xiao won.

Everyone looked at Ye Xiao in shock and didn't know how to describe it anymore. Suddenly someone said: "Didn't you find a terrible phenomenon?"

"What phenomenon?"

"This Ye Xiao seems to like to defeat opponents with the moves they are best at. Lan Jie is good at palms and he lost to Ye Xiao's palms. Liu Song is good at the general trend of heaven and earth, but he was destroyed by his sword. Qin Tian's lightness kung fu is amazing. But it was also defeated by Ye Xiao's lightness kung fu."

"Could it be that he is teaching how to be a human being? Let them know the difference? This is too crazy!"

Someone groaned in disbelief.

"I think that's the case. It is said that Ye Xiao is very arrogant. Didn't he say that just now? He is dictatorial!"

Many viewers really don't know what to say, the palm technique, the general trend of the world, and lightness kung fu are all so good, is there such an all-round warrior?

It's too perverted, and it is well known that he is best at swordsmanship, does this mean that he has not used all his strength at all?
Could it be that the swordsmanship is reserved for defeating Ye Feng?Let Ye Feng lose to his best swordsmanship.

The more everyone thought about it, the more terrifying it became. Isn't this a blow to people?
Ye Feng also thought at this time, looking at Ye Xiao's eyes full of fighting spirit.
Ye Wentian is really worried about Ye Feng now, not because he doubts Ye Feng's strength, but because Ye Xiao is too perverted.

Immediately stood up and said with a smile: "This is the end of today's competition, the top [-] candidates have come out, they are the people selected for the dragon group, the top [-] ranking competition will be held tomorrow, everyone who has time You can come and have a look!!"

After a pause, Ye Wentian continued: "Don't be discouraged if you can't enter the dragon group. People from the eight major Guwu families will come tomorrow. If you are valued, you may be recruited into the Guwu family!"

After saying a few more words, he left slowly.

Everyone nodded when they heard the words. It is not bad if you can't enter the Dragon Group and enter the Guwu Family. The treatment may be better, but the difficulty is estimated to be not small!
Immediately, these spectators left in groups of three or five, discussing as they walked, today's game really opened their eyes and gained a lot of knowledge
Of course, Ye Xiao talked the most!
(End of this chapter)

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