Chapter 1589

At this moment, Ye Xiao was inside the house.

The space of the house is not large, and it is very ordinary.

There are only a few tables, chairs and cushions, all of which are covered with dust.

There are several books on the table, the pages of which are all yellowed.

There is also a one-meter-sized black box in the corner.

Ye Xiao picked up those books, flicked the dust off them, opened them and read them carefully.

His eyes were a little amazed.

It is indeed the inheritance left by the semi-sage, and it is invaluable.

These books recorded two martial arts and one secret method.

Both martial arts are at the cyan middle level, only two levels lower than the Zhanlong Jue learned by Ye Xiao.

In the entire wilderness, it is considered extremely good.

But what surprised Ye Xiao the most was the secret technique.

The name is Zengmai Yanjin Jue.

Its role can be heard from the name.

There are 36 bone sockets, 72 tendons, 84 tendons, and [-] acupuncture points in the human body.

Among them, the bone groove and the tendon belong to the carrier.

Meridians and acupuncture points are more important.

Contains human potential.

With the continuous enhancement of strength and the continuous opening of acupoints and tendons, the development of its potential and the improvement of its power are extremely significant.

When you reach the Mortal Transformation Realm, you will basically leave the level of a basic warrior.

The 84 meridians and [-] acupuncture points are all opened and integrated.

Once it breaks through to the powerful level of Linghai Realm.

The whole body is divided into tendons, bone grooves, tendons, and acupoints above me.

It is a whole, it is a whole.

And this art of increasing the pulse and extending the tendons can actually extend the 84 tendons in the human body to 92.

This is simply unbelievable.

But don't underestimate the eight extra tendons.

A person's potential is hidden in acupuncture points and tendons, but now the number of tendons has been increased to 92, which means that the potential has been improved.

The talent has been improved.

The power contained in the 84 tendons, the power to burst out in a battle, and the ability to withstand the power are definitely not as good as the 92 tendons.

That's why this guy can be called a semi-holy.

This is his unique advantage.

However, if you want to practice this art of increasing pulse and stretching tendons, the conditions you need to meet are extremely harsh.

First break and then erect. If you want to increase the number of tendons, you must break your own meridians, and then re-sacrifice.

This is an extremely dangerous and painful process.

Those who are not determined can't do it at all.

However, Ye Xiao intends to cultivate. In Ye Xiao's view, risks and rewards coexist in everything.

Perhaps this pulse-increasing and tendon-stretching technique is the biggest gain from entering Starfish Island this time.

Put a few secret books in the storage ring, now is not the time to practice, you need to find a suitable time and place.

Then Ye Xiao walked to the iron box in the corner, bent down to open it, and immediately a burst of bright light filled the air.

It is a super spirit stone.

A lot.

Probably nearly 1 yuan.

This is huge wealth.

Ye Xiao looked delighted, and with the super-grade spirit stones he got before, he now has nearly 2 yuan of super-grade spirit stones.

It is enough for him to practice with peace of mind for a long time.

In addition, after the repair of the black magnetic puppet is completed, its power source will be replaced with super-grade spirit stones.

Which one is stronger and more durable.

Immediately put these super-grade spirit stones into the storage ring, and then observed again, after confirming that there was nothing missing, Ye Xiao walked out.

At this time, the other warriors who entered the gate of the stele to accept the inheritance have not yet come out. Except for some corpses on the ground, some other warriors are watching the experience and martial arts in the passage.

Seeing Ye Xiao come out so soon, they were all surprised, but they didn't dare to ask any more questions, and watched Ye Xiao leave.

Soon Ye Xiao left the palace at the bottom of the lake and continued to rush towards the hinterland of Starfish Island.

Although many treasures can be obtained in the following journey, the frequency of encountering powerful monsters is becoming more and more frequent. Basically, each of them needs to be handled carefully.

Ye Xiao had a premonition that when he entered the deepest level of Starfish Island, he would definitely meet an invincible monster.

Soon, endless mountains appeared in Ye Xiao's sight.

It's bare, nothing grows.

There is no breath of life.

Ye Xiao's gaze was fixed on a black stone the size of several people.

His eyes were a little surprised.

Black Stone looked ordinary.

But it exudes invisible magnetic fluctuations.

The strong magnetic force has been able to affect the surrounding aura and space.

This is a black magnet.

Hard and magnetic.

It is the best material for casting golems.

The black magnetic puppet is cast from this kind of black magnet.

This is also the origin of the name of the black magnetic puppet.

Ye Xiao's black magnetic puppet was severely damaged and could not be repaired, mainly due to the lack of black magnets.

He originally thought that once he left Starfish Island, he would go to the auction house to try his luck, and he must repair the black magnetic puppet as soon as possible.

After all, Ye Xiao really needs the protection of the black magnetic puppet at present.

And right now, the surprise came too suddenly.

And it's such a big piece.

It is more than enough to recast a black magnetic puppet.

If it is repaired and equipped with super-grade spirit stones, the black magnetic puppet will definitely be stronger.

Can't wait to glance over, and directly stuff the huge black magnet into the storage ring, but it's actually a headache.

This black magnet is really too big.

And too hard.

Even with the Blood Drinking Sword, it cannot be cut.

How to cut off a part to repair the black magnetic puppet.

For a while, Ye Xiao was helpless.

Immediately shook his head, let's go out and think of a way!
Exercising the sword step, Ye Xiao speeded up and swept forward. After about a stick of incense, suddenly a dozen warriors ran over in a panic.

And there are injuries on the body.

"What's wrong!"

Ye Xiao couldn't help but grabbed a warrior from the Western Regions and asked.

"There is a hydra ahead, it's too scary, we can't fight it, so we ran away!"

The warrior said with lingering fear.


Hearing this, Ye Xiao also had a slightly dignified expression, Hydra is neither a dragon nor a dragon, nor can it transform into a dragon.

But once it reaches maturity, it will not be afraid even in the face of Jiaolong.

It is heterogeneous.

"That Lian Xingxue is still fighting with that Hydra, we couldn't hold on anymore so we left first!"

The warrior's tone became lower and lower as he spoke, but he hadn't spoken yet, only feeling a gust of wind blowing by his ears.

Then Ye Xiao disappeared.

"It seems that this Ye Xiao is serious about Lian Xingxue, and rushed to save her without fear of any danger!"

The warrior muttered to himself.

At this time, a fierce battle is taking place several miles away. On one side is a nine-headed giant snake with a size of more than ten meters, covered with scales the size of a bowl, and each head is like a hill, piled together, Spitting snake core, staring green eyes are extremely scary.

On the other side is a beautiful woman in a white dress, her dress is swinging, she is so beautiful even in battle, but at this time she is at an absolute disadvantage, the situation is precarious!

(End of this chapter)

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