Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1678 An underground mine full of black stones

Chapter 1678 An underground mine full of black stones

PS: There is a problem with the website recently. Many chapters are missing, which may cause problems such as chapter confusion. I have already contacted the website and will solve it as soon as possible. Thank you everyone.

"Ha ha."

A loud and harsh smile of gloating came out.

It was Cai Mao.

This guy was covered in blood and tremblingly pointed at the collapsed Heishigou in front of him while spitting out blood while laughing: "Ye Xiao, aren't you very good? Don't you know the Seven Sword Soul, aren't you a genius in the "Tianjiao Book"?" ? How did you die, in my opinion you are an idiot!"

"Idiot, arrogant idiot, deserves death!"

"Haha, Ye Xiao, you will definitely be passed down through the ages!"

The other warriors had complex expressions when they heard the words, and they really didn't know what to say, so they shook their heads and sighed, what a pity.

Then another moment passed.

After the matter of the collapse stopped, all these warriors rushed towards the collapsed Heishigou.

This time, Heishigou has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It can be said that there are broken pieces in the depression.

This caused a lot of black stones in the deep bottom to splash out.

This is much easier than searching and digging like a headless chicken before, and the chances are much greater.

This search lasted for about a week.

During the period, more warriors got the news and joined in.

Countless warriors stared and studied each black stone like spiders, hoping to find the real black stone.

The payoff is great.

Many warriors got one or even several black stones.

This naturally also makes the bloody incidents of fighting for hands one after another.

It even caused a fight between small groups.

This made Heishigou become the focus of the entire Binhu Island and even several nearby islands for a while.

To have such a huge amount of attention.

Except for the huge attraction of the Black Stone.

The biggest reason is Ye Xiao.

The super genius Ye Xiao who ranked No.11 in the "Tianbei Dashi Ranking" was actually buried alive. Ye Xiao's ranking in the latest edition of the Tianbei Dashi Ranking has entered eleventh. "

"Comprehend the soul of the seven swords, Ye Xiao, who has the pupil of the soul, entrusted himself with great success to die!"

"The first Tianjiao Ye Xiao in the "Tianjiao Book" has fallen!"

"Big news, big news, the super genius has fooled himself to death!"

Discourses like this filled the entire Binhu Island and neighboring islands.

Don't exaggerate the lively and intense energy.

Some warriors from the Northern Wilderness, Southern Wilderness and Western Regions wailed bitterly and lost their souls, as if they were walking dead.

Some female warriors even wanted to commit suicide.

Ye Xiao's influence is really too great.
To a certain extent, Ye Xiao has long been a role model and idol for the younger generation in the northern and southern wilds and the western regions, and it is a spiritual sustenance.

For a long time, warriors from the northern wilderness, southern wilderness and western regions have been looked down upon when they come to the East China Sea.

But since Ye Xiao's rise in the East China Sea, they can stand upright. Your East China Sea geniuses are amazing, and we also have Ye Xiao.

He has defeated many top talents in the East China Sea.

So, when they first heard that Ye Xiao was dead, they really couldn't accept it.

As for the warriors in the Western Regions, they couldn't accept it.

Because their goddess Lian Xingxue was also buried.

This made them feel extremely sorry.

Especially those warriors who admired Lian Xingxue, wept bitterly.

But it was Du Pili who was most annoyed when he got the news.

Most of his injuries have healed, and he looks like he will be able to challenge Ye Xiao in the near future, save his face and regain his position.

But now with Ye Xiao's death, it's completely over.

This made him very reconciled. He was worried that the records in the unofficial history would be messed up, and that when people mentioned him, they would say that he had been suspected of being defeated by Ye Xiao.

This is something he cannot tolerate.

Immediately, his eyes flickered and he made a decision in his heart. He needed to do something shocking, such as defeating other "giants".

And after winning, no one would think that he was defeated by Ye Xiao.

I can only marvel at how terrible he is.

As soon as he thought about it, he wanted to do it. Du Pili packed up his things and prepared to rush to Jiulong Island, the sea capital in the East China Sea.

Where is the real battlefield.

It is the financial center of the entire East China Sea.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the capital.

While people were discussing, Ye Xiao and Lian Xingxue were at the bottom of Heishigou.

up to hundreds of meters deep.

It seemed to be a big hole without a trace of light.

Even Ye Xiao and Lian Xingxue have reached the realm of night vision, but they still can't see anything.

It's like being in endless darkness.

It's frightening.

Lian Xingxue couldn't help but grasped Ye Xiao's hand tightly, showing how nervous she was.

Ye Xiao patted Lian Xingxue to signal him not to be nervous.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel the terrifying spatial artistic conception.

Intuition told him that this was an opportunity, not a crisis.

next moment.

Mind a move.

Immortal fire diffused out.

Then Ye Xiao couldn't help opening his mouth wide.

Lian Xingxue over there also released Immortal Fire.

Lian Xingxue's Immortal Flame is obviously bigger and stronger, illuminating the surroundings very brightly.

Then he opened his mouth wide.

This is indeed a big hole, and it is a mine.

Thousands of black stones are piled inside.

The strong artistic conception of space is released by these black stones.

"It's a big profit. This should be the warehouse where those ancient sects came out to store the black stone. For some reason, they missed it or gave it up. Now it's taking advantage of me!"

Ye Xiao grinned.

With these black stones, he will be able to complete the three moves of Qingxu Finger, and take advantage of the opportunity to improve his spatial artistic conception.

Hearing that Lian Xingxue also smiled slightly, she was happier than she got the treasure herself.

"The people outside probably think we are all dead. If we don't go out now, we will practice here for a while, and scare them to death when we go out!"

Ye Xiao grinned, and immediately looked at Lian Xingxue: "Although you are majoring in the artistic conception of fire, the artistic conception of space is the king among the three thousand artistic concepts. You should try to understand as much as possible. It is best if you can comprehend. It can also strengthen understanding, and you won't suffer too much when you meet opponents who understand the artistic conception of space in the future!"

"Well, I will!"

Lian Xingxue nodded.

Then the two found a suitable place to start practicing.

Ye Xiao sat on a huge black stone, his mind flickered, put his hands on his knees, took a deep breath, and slowly but smoothly entered the mysterious state of cultivation.

All the mind and body are put into the artistic conception of space.

And the artistic conception of the surrounding space seemed to be guided, and gathered above Ye Xiao's head, forming a circle of space vortexes and cracks.

At the same time, Ye Xiao's ten fingers were also glowing with a blue luster.

The astonishing coercion is spreading and spreading.

Not far away, Lian Xingxue tilted her head to look at Ye Xiao, and then stood up. She saw that Ye Xiao had already entered the state and could not be disturbed.

This place looks like no one is safe.

But if it collapses again, or there are people, or there are monsters underground, it will be dangerous.

Therefore, she doesn't plan to practice anymore, she wants to protect Ye Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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