Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 169 Draining 3 Blood Pools Non-Humans

Chapter 169 Draining Three Blood Pools Non-Humans
What Lin Wanyu thinks is right or wrong.

Ye Xiao's body has experienced all kinds of cynicism, all kinds of pain and torture, plus his girlfriend cheated on others, and finally drank to death.

Otherwise, Ye Xiao would not have the chance to be reborn.

The wrong thing is that the matter of martial arts and medical skills has nothing to do with the main body Ye Xiao, but Lin Wanyu's tears should be.

Ye Wentian couldn't help but sighed leisurely, deep mountains, dilapidated old temples, loneliness, pain, this may be the process of Ye Xiao's growth.

Only this kind of growth environment can cause this kind of perverted behavior that takes pleasure in pain.

Isn't there a saying?Don't go bad in silence, just go bad in silence.

Forbearance is always a perverted behavior.

Time is still passing slowly, Ye Xiao is still immersed in the blood pool, I have to say that the effect of this blood pool is really good, it is enhancing the vigorousness of the dragon energy in a slow manner.

The pain from before was numb and he didn't feel it anymore, he completely forgot about the time, so he just regarded it as a practice here!
"Nimma, I found a situation. The medicine in the blood pool seems to be absorbed almost, and the color of the blood has faded!"

"Fuck, that's really the case. Is this still a human being? Each of these blood pools contains hundreds of kinds of spiritual herbs, and the spirituality contained in them is amazing. Even if three fifth-level warriors absorb them at the same time, there is no problem. He alone People are sucked up!"

"Hey, are you a demon spirit? Come here, there is a non-human being here!"

Many elders of the dragon group began to discuss regardless of their identities. This is too shocking. They have entered the blood pool for an hour or two hours is already the limit
People actually enjoy it and almost finished absorbing it, what is the situation.

"This Ye Xiao is indeed a pervert. During the competition, he was taught to be a man and beat others, and now it's unsettling to enter a pool of blood. My God, this guy was born to beat people!"

While these elders were discussing, they were also thinking about it in their hearts. Although they were all elders of the dragon group, they all had strong connections with the eight ancient martial arts families.
They all thought that bringing Ye Xiao into their family must be a great achievement.

Among them, the Chen family thought they had the greatest chance. After all, where was Liu Yue? The Nangong family also had a high chance. Nangong Yu was Ye Xiao's younger sister.

The Qin family is also coveting. They know how strong the relationship between the Qin family and Ye Xiao in Haidong City is. Even if they leave Haidong and come to the capital, they still ask the special operations team and the Hades to protect the Qin family.

So the Qin family thinks that they have a great chance.

At this time, Ye Feng and Liu Yunlong didn't know what to say, they thought the gap was only a little bit.
Or bad luck.

In the future, if you practice harder in the future, you will definitely be able to regain the field and surpass it again.

But now it seems that the gap is like a gap that is completely insurmountable. Redoubled efforts may not work at all, and it takes ten times and a hundred times.

The water in the blood pool made a gurgling sound as if it was boiling water, and then the last touch of red disappeared.

The water in the pool is crystal clear.

Ye Xiao couldn't help but opened his eyes and shouted angrily: "You guys are so bloody, I haven't absorbed enough!"

Immediately got up and walked to the next room, jumped in again, and started practicing again.

There is always a gap between level [-] fighters, but this line is impossible to break through, so Ye Xiao plans to absorb more and give it a try.

If it really doesn't work, it can be regarded as preparing for the next impact and providing experience.

Everyone outside is petrified, look at me, look at me, you really don't know what to say
"I really want to beat this kid. Although I'm not his opponent, I'm so pissed off by his words. I really need to be beaten!"

"Hey, young people just like to pretend to be X, but there are not many people who are capable of pretending to be X. They are really awesome!"

Listening to the comments of many elders of the dragon group, Lin Wanyu wept with joy, that mother doesn't like to hear people praise her son
Ye Yuanshan's brows were also extremely proud.

On the contrary, Ye Wentian's brows were a little tangled and worried. Although he had no contact with Ye Xiao, judging from his usual behavior style, this is a man who will take revenge.

I can't rub a grain of sand in my eyes. If there is some grievance in my heart, it is not so difficult to recognize being a son.

"What hour is it?"

Team leader Youlong asked softly.

"14 hours!"

Someone answered that it was already numb! .

"Damn, this is enough to soak in the sauna for several times, why is it endless, I plan to go back to eat!"

Someone said helplessly.

"Look at Ye Xiao changing the blood pool again, the blood pool has been absorbed again, his speed can keep up with the water filter!"

Looking at the clear water in the pool, the elders of the Long group couldn't help but said.

No one spoke, and I really didn't know what to say. At this time, a large group of people had gathered beside the blood pool.

And more and more people came to hear the news.

When Ye Xiao finished absorbing the medicinal power in the third blood pool, his face was full of disappointment, it was really not so easy for a level [-] warrior to break through
Even if he absorbed the mighty medicinal power in the three blood pools now, it would only make Zhan Longjue a little bit more advanced.
There is always an invisible but felt layer of film that is far away from the sixth-level warriors.
But it couldn't be pierced.

Shaking his head, he walked outside.

The disappointment on Ye Xiao's face was seen by others, the corners of his mouth twitched, this guy is really pretending/coercing and committing crimes!
"Yo, why are you all here!"

Ye Xiao was extremely surprised to see so many people and couldn't help asking.

"You are ashamed to ask, it's not all because of your fuss. Not only did you stay inside for more than ten hours, but you also absorbed all the medicine in the three blood pools. Are you a monster?"

Elder Xu shook his head and couldn't help asking.

"What's the matter, the medicine contained in your blood pool is too weak, it's not as real as a pill!"

Ye Xiao made complaints about how he behaved like a good boy when he got a bargain.

The corner of Elder Xu's mouth twitched, and he said in a bad mood: "How dare you say it, this blood pool contains hundreds of kinds of elixir that are priceless, and I sucked up the power of three blood pools in one breath, it would be good if you don't pay for it Now, what kind of elixir, the refining method of that thing has long been lost, who refined it for you!"

Ye Xiao smiled awkwardly as he just said something casually, and immediately said: "It's getting late, if there's nothing else, I'll go back first!"

Hearing this, Elder Xu glanced at Ye Yuanshan and the others.

Ye Yuanshan looked at Ye Xiao with flickering eyes and said slowly: "Ye Xiao, right? I am Ye Yuanshan, the head of the Ye family. Can I invite you to the Ye family for a briefing?"

PS: Feel free to drop the recommendation tickets, thank you very much
(End of this chapter)

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