Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1710 Ye Xiao is bound to die?

Chapter 1710 Ye Xiao is bound to die?

It was said that the corners of the mouths of all the disciples of the Sky Cloud Sect present were twitching, this Ye Xiao was so confident and crazy.

Did he think that "climbing the nine-section ladder to the sky" was the place of trial he had experienced before?

This is the holy land that Tianyun Sect has been continuously improving for thousands of years.

It is well-known throughout the wilderness.

It is a very honorable thing to be able to leave a name on the "Tiantian Jiujie Ladder".

Facts have also proved that all warriors who can leave their names on the "Ascending the Nine Stairs to Heaven" will have extremely dazzling achievements in the end.

And the higher the ladder you climb, the more terrifying the achievement.

Of course, the difficulty is getting harder and harder.

The fifth section mentioned by the Seventh Elder is the fifth section of "Ascension to the Nine Sections Pagoda". There are very few warriors who can leave their names in this section.

Since ancient times, there have never been a hundred.

And each of them is one of the top powerhouses in each period.

At present, only Lin Xuejian and the current suzerain of Tianyun sect have done it.

In other words, Ye Xiao wanted to leave a name on the "Ascension to Heaven Nine Sections Pagoda", it was more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Therefore, even if they were killed, they didn't think Ye Xiao could do it.

In the final analysis, I don't want to believe that Ye Xiao is at the same level as Lin Xuejian.

But whether they believed it or not, they didn't express it, because Ye Xiao's performance before completely stunned them.

"Hehe, I really appreciate your confidence. Wait for me at the "Tiantian Jiujie Pagoda" in three days!"

The Seventh Elder nodded appreciatively, then frowned and looked at Huang Feng who was lying on the ground like a dead pig. He didn't like Huang Feng very much.

He is extremely talented, but his temperament is too bad. I hope this incident can make him grow.

Otherwise the achievements will be limited.

"Okay, let's spread out and practice hard. The Secret Realm of Litian will open soon, so be prepared. It's no joke. There will be danger at any time!"

The Seventh Elder said in a deep voice.


Many disciples of Sky Cloud Sect nodded, and then left in small groups.

There was still a lot of discussion when they left one by one, and the protagonist of the discussion was naturally Ye Xiao.

"Xuejian, Ye Xiao and the others will be handed over to you. Take them to visit our Sky Cloud Sect. Except for some special places, they can go to other places!"

The Seventh Elder looked at Lin Xuejian and said softly: "As for your punishment, I will go back and discuss with the other elders, and I will not spare you lightly!"

"I know, I am willing to be punished!"

Lin Xuejian nodded in response.


The Seventh Elder nodded and turned to leave.

"Let's go, I want to take you to your residence!"

Lin Xue said with a smile.

"Okay, besides, bring your good tea over here and have a taste!"

Ye Xiao also said with a smile.

"Haha, let's go now!"

Lin Xue laughed, and brought Ye Xiao and Lian Xingxue to the residence.

This is a bamboo house, with small bridges and flowing water in front of the door, and green hills behind it, it is really beautiful.

"This area is where the core disciples of our Sky Cloud Sect live, and it's very quiet." Lin Xuejian suddenly said with a smirk, "Do you two live in one room or two?"

"Hey, of course it's one room!"

Ye Xiao said without hesitation.

The eyes that looked at Lian Xingxue said everything without saying anything.

Seeing a look of envy in Lin Xue's eyes, she led Ye Xiao and Lian Xingxue into the bamboo house. The facilities inside were simple, but there was a faint bamboo fragrance everywhere, which was refreshing.

Lin Xuejian took out the golden-yellow tea leaves from the storage ring, and started making tea slowly and attentively.

Although the process is simple, every step has a charm brewing in it.

Brewing tea is the best way of self-cultivation and one of the best ways to experience the state of mind.

Not long after, the rich tea fragrance filled the air. Ye Xiao picked up a cup and tasted it carefully, closing his eyes and perceiving it carefully, and couldn't help but admire: "Well, the taste is really good. In this tea, I seem to have witnessed Tianyun Zongqian. Standing for a hundred years."

This is not Ye Xiao's nonsense, if you guess correctly, the tea comes from Tianyunzong, born and bred, absorbing the aura of Tianyunzong, just like a spectator who can't speak, watching Tianyunzong silently.

As long as the martial artist with a certain level of soul strength can feel it to some extent.

If it is the kind of master who has reached the pinnacle, he can even detect what happened through a leaf, a clear spring, or even a wisp of space fluctuation.

Extremely mysterious and perverted.

"That's right, this tea, this bamboo house, and all the disciples and elders are part of Tianyun Sect and cannot be separated!" Lin Xue looked at Ye Xiao with bright eyes: "This is a big world right now. To gain luck for myself and for the Sky Cloud Sect, so, Ye Xiao, I will beat you!"

"Hehe, you are still far behind!"

Ye Xiao drank the tea in one gulp, and then said very seriously: "No one can always win but never lose, but I have no plans to lose at the moment, so you will definitely lose!"

"Okay, let's concentrate on drinking tea!"

Lian Xingxue couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said angrily.

Lin Xuejian and Ye Xiao heard each other and smiled.

Both of them didn't take the matter of "climbing the nine-stage ladder" into their hearts. For Lin Xuejian, he knew that Ye Xiao would definitely be able to ascend the fifth stage.

And Ye Xiao himself is naturally more confident.

But other people didn't think so. At this time, the entire Sky Cloud Sect was discussing this matter, which shocked Ye Xiao's strength.

Also disgusted with Ye Xiao's arrogance.

They didn't think Ye Xiao could do it, and they all thought that Ye Xiao's final result would be execution.

Anyway, the discussion was extremely lively.

In the middle of the night, Ye Xiao and Lian Xingxue sat on the roof of the bamboo house and cuddled each other. The round silver moon above their heads sprinkled layers of brilliance.

The two enjoyed the rare quietness, and occasionally looked at each other and smiled, and they really had a sense of sight as a couple of gods and gods.

After a long time, the two had a deep kiss and returned to the bamboo house to start practicing.

The current focus of Ye Xiao's cultivation is artistic conception, the progress is orderly, and the cloud mirror is about to reach [-]% of the fire.

The speed of other moods is not slow either.

Once the cloud mirror reaches [-]% of the heat, the startling cloud sword soul is bound to advance by leaps and bounds, and may also enter the sixth-order king level.

And Lian Xingxue's progress is even more rapid, because he is not like Ye Xiao who cultivates so many artistic conceptions at once, she just concentrates all her mind on studying the artistic conceptions of fire and wind.

At present, the artistic conception of fire has reached [-]% of the fire.

The artistic conception of the wind has also reached [-]%, once it is successfully advanced to [-]%, then Lian Xingxue's strength will inevitably increase by leaps and bounds, and she will completely enter the ranks of the real strong.

Speechless all night, the mist of Tianyunzong in the early morning is as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

Lin Xuejian led Ye Xiao and Lian Xingxue to visit Tianyunzong.

(End of this chapter)

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