Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1737 Baquan Inheritance, This Is The Devil

Chapter 1737 Baquan Inheritance, This Is The Devil
"This fist, this strength is the martial arts I dream of, and this is the goal of practicing boxing!"

Deng Chao shouted excitedly.

Then slowly knelt down on one knee.

He decided to accept the inheritance.

He felt that this was his luck. He was about to reach the limit of his spirit and soul at this time, so he met his favorite boxing under such circumstances.

This is the best result.

next moment.

The figure of the fist-wielding old man gradually faded and disappeared.

Then it swayed around Deng Chao a few times like a cloud of green smoke, and everything returned to calm.

A gleam appeared in Deng Chao's eyes.

Immediately the blue light flashes.

Immediately afterwards, Deng Chao's figure appeared outside the Palace of Martial Inheritance.

The warriors watching outside were surprised and puzzled.

Surprisingly, Deng Chao was the first to come out, and was the first to lose in the competition with Ye Xiao and Li Zhisong.

It's a pity, but it's not all that unbearable.

Because Ye Xiao's strength and talent are obvious to all, and Li Zhisong is even more powerful in the spiritual sea realm, losing to anyone is not a shame.

What puzzled them was Deng Chao's state at this time.

Although weak, his body was filled with a domineering and terrifying aura.

It makes people flicker, dare not approach, dare not ask.

These martial artists gathered together to discuss in a low voice, but they couldn't tell the reason, because they didn't know much about the inheritance of the Martial Palace.

Also because they didn't go farther in it and lasted longer, they couldn't see the real martial arts, the real inheritance.

In fact, it can be explained clearly in one sentence. What they have inherited is only the most acceptable martial arts experience, skills and mentality.

This is the first level.

And Deng Chao continued to learn the direction of martial arts, which is the second level.

The two are completely different realms and gains.

Deng Chao sat cross-legged on the sand dune, the aura that pervaded his body was strong and weak at times, his robes were shabby, and his fists exuded the strength and heat of today's people like red-hot cast iron.

This situation has been maintained for three hours.

Deng Chao's breath finally calmed down.

Looking at his fist, his expression was joyful, his eyes flickered, but Ye Xiao and Ye Zhisong were not found in the crowd.

His complexion immediately darkened again.

At this time, neither of them has come out, which can only explain two problems.

One, they haven't reached their limit yet, they're still going.

Second, they are accepting some kind of martial arts inheritance, or are looking for a martial arts that suits them.

These two, no matter which one they are, can be said to go farther than him and have greater potential than him.

Deng Chao clenched his fists, his eyes were confident and his lips sneered, no matter whether he had gone farther than him in the Inheritance Martial Palace or had greater potential than him.

But he believes that he is the strongest, and the Baquan he inherited is also the most suitable for him.

Handy can exert the greatest power.

And Ye Xiao, Li Zhisong and others may have chosen the wrong martial arts, etc. It is also possible.

But no matter what, this time in this alternative competition, he was definitely at a disadvantage and lost.

Deng Chao stood there quietly, and did not choose to leave immediately.

Let's see how far Ye Xiao and Li Zhisong can go, and what kind of martial arts inheritance they can get.

Time flies by like a horse.

Soon, another five hours passed.

Li Zhisong's figure appeared.

The figure is also a little embarrassed, with blood red eyes, and a kind of hostility all over his body, giving people the feeling that he just crawled out of a bloody corpse after a bloody battle.

Li Zhisong also found a suitable place and began to adjust his state cross-legged. Deng Chao frowned, and Li Zhisong's state seemed to be a bit wrong.

The breath continued to overflow, and the face was a little hideous.

Kind of like going crazy.

Immediately Deng Chao was stunned, could it be that Li Zhisong's martial arts realm was destroyed and disturbed.

Arguably it shouldn't.

As a great power in the Linghai realm, his cultivation base and his martial arts theory are all extremely solid. After a long period of baptism and transformation, how could his self-contained system collapse so easily.

Unless Li Zhisong encounters a more powerful and unrivaled martial arts, and this kind of martial arts is beyond his current tolerance or is not suitable for him at all. ,
That's why the situation in front of us was created.

Shaking his head, Deng Chao looked at Li Zhisong with some regrets. Originally, the future was limitless, but now that he is being teased like this, it will really be hard to say in the future.

It is possible to calm down and absorb slowly, and pass on success.

But it could also be completely abolished.

After a while, Li Zhisong opened his eyes, with fear, struggle, and unwillingness in his eyes.

Could it be that this era and this great world really do not belong to them?
He glanced fiercely at the Palace of Inheritance Martial Arts and turned around directly to leave.

At this time, although the other warriors didn't know exactly what happened, they roughly guessed that Li Zhisong must have encountered an accident in the Palace of Inheritance.

Otherwise, there would be no such expression and breath.

It seems that the longer you stay in the Inheritance Martial Palace, the better the inheritance and the greater the harvest.

It should be a high-risk wind harvest!

and so.

Although for now, Ye Xiao is the best performer, and he is still in the Palace of Inheritance.

But it does not mean that he will have a huge harvest. /
Maybe there will be accidents like Li Zhisong.

So all the people were waiting, but still no one left.

Some warriors are curious about how long Ye Xiao can last and what kind of martial arts inheritance he has obtained.

Some warriors maliciously waited for something unexpected to happen to Ye Xiao. /
There is also Lian Xingxue who is waiting for her man gently and patiently.

But time flies too fast.

A cart full of sand leaked out, and countless white horses passed through the gap.

Another three days passed in a blink of an eye.

But Ye Xiao was still in the Palace of Inheritance and did not come out.

All warriors are dumbfounded.

What the hell is going on? Is this Ye Xiao so strong?

He stayed three days longer than Deng Chao, yet he still hasn't come out.

What the hell is this!
How far is three days enough to go forward, and what kind of inheritance can be obtained.

Deng Chao's eyes were also full of astonishment. He understood the difficulty of the second stage of martial arts inheritance better than others.

The ubiquitous martial arts pressure will come from all directions, and will drill in from every pore of yours, putting your martial arts realm to the test and tormenting your soul and spirit.

It's like taking a saw and sawing through your bones, and you're still looking at the saw.

Sooner or later the pain and suffering will drive you crazy.

He endured to the limit when he accepted Baquan inheritance.

But Ye Xiao stayed for three days and still didn't come out, this is the devil, how did he do it.

Is his martial arts state so strong?

Is his spirit so broad? "

Is his will so firm?

Deng Chao was depressed.

And the other warriors were stupefied, and their malicious thoughts of wishing Ye Xiao an accident disappeared automatically.

(End of this chapter)

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