Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1774 Entering the Inheritance of the Great Sage of Nirvana

Chapter 1774 Entering the Inheritance of the Great Sage of Nirvana
Ye Xiao nodded.

Then he took out the grill and some monster meat from the storage ring.

The fire was lit and the barbecue started.

After a while, the golden and delicious barbecue is ready.

He took out the fine wine and ate and drank deliciously.

Soon enough to eat and drink, the two lay on the rocks, basking in the sun and sniffing the sea breeze lazily.

Closing his eyes and resting his mind, his mind quickly calmed down.

No longer as impatient as before.

Looking at the sea and chatting with Lian Xingxue against the sea breeze, he gradually forgot about the inheritance of the Great Sage of Nirvana.

The mood began to return to the calm water before.

Soon the night gradually fell, looking up at the starry sky in the middle of the ocean, giving myself a feeling of being the center of heaven and earth, and at the same time feeling my own insignificance.

The wind picked up and the sea beat up.

Ye Xiao crossed his legs and began to meditate, his mind was flickering, the golden pupil of the soul loomed between his brows, and it appeared extremely bright in the night.

He is perceiving everything around him, he is capturing the position where the breath of silence overflows.

Day by day, Ye Xiao remained motionless, breathless, and seemed to be integrated with everything around him.

But nothing.

However, Ye Xiao was not impatient this time, and was still patiently searching and perceiving slowly.

Even if you still get nothing in the end, it can be regarded as a state of mind for self-cultivation.

Therefore, the wind cannot enter, the sea water cannot pour in, and everything is automatically detoured.

And Lian Xingxue was protecting Ye Xiao, so she couldn't take it lightly in this seemingly quiet environment, otherwise it would be easy to sail in the gutter.

Soon another week passed.

Ye Xiao's state of mind is no longer calm like still water, but with the continuous floating and flowing of the sea water in front of him, his perception seems to gradually expand with the fluctuation of these sea water.

But still nothing.

At the same time, the outside world is extremely lively.

Because Ye Xiao accepted the title of "Jian Zong", many powerful swordsmen in the spiritual sea realm were dissatisfied, and they all wanted to trouble Ye Xiao.

But Ye Xiao seemed to have evaporated from the world, disappeared without a trace, and no one knew where he went.

Even the information network of the Wilderness Chamber of Commerce could not be found.

So ever.

Rumors started flying.

Some people said that Ye Xiao was scared because he had self-knowledge, knowing that he was no match for a powerful swordsman in the Spirit Sea Realm.

So hide.

There are also people who look down on Ye Xiao even more, thinking that Ye Xiao is afraid of losing the battle, losing luck, and so on.

Anyway, Ye Xiao was completely messed up.

This is the little black powder.

Of course, most warriors still support Ye Xiao.

He thinks that Ye Xiao must be retreating, and once he leaves the customs, his strength will definitely be extremely terrifying.

Or travel and test in an unknown area.

Anyway, he definitely wouldn't dare to fight because he was timid.

Time passes the fastest in the eyes of warriors.

Soon another half month passed.

Ye Xiao seemed to have turned into a statue. He hadn't moved for nearly a month, and the aura radiating from his body was getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, it became faintly visible, and those with poor perception even felt that it was a corpse.

Lian Xingxue was actually a little worried, he didn't know Ye Xiao's state, and he had no experience.

So not sure what to do.


Lian Xingxue was suddenly surprised to find that Ye Xiao's breath became stronger.

It was slow and methodical at first.

Then came the ferocious, volcanic rise.

At the same time, she also discovered that the surrounding seawater was still flooding, and the color had also turned dark black.

It's like the ink stained kind.

The black sea water gradually covered the isolated island, which was not so high in the first place, and it would soon be submerged.

Bang bang bang!

Immediately afterwards, the entire isolated island shook, as if an earthquake had occurred.


A crack appeared in the middle of the island.

The cracks are also very small and thin at first.

But keep expanding.

In the end, it was as deep as a ravine, and there was no seawater pouring into it. It was very dark, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

"This is the passage leading to the place of inheritance of the great sage of death!"

Ye Xiao had stopped sensing at this time, stretched his waist, and said with a smile.

"You found out like this, how did you do it! A'

Lian Xingxue didn't see Ye Xiao's movements, so she couldn't help asking with some doubts.

"Actually, it's a bit of luck!" Ye Xiao said with a smile: "Generally, when entering a treasure land or a valley, there will be a portal, there are organs and so on, so it is easier to find, but this is not the case with the Great Sage of Nirvana!"

"It is necessary to perceive the faint breath of silence around you, so that your mental state and breathing are kept in a rhythm with it, and then slowly feel the breath of dismemberment and silence!"

Ye Xiao said softly: "Let's put it this way, if you can't understand the silent breath, you won't be able to open this channel at all. This is equivalent to the first test!"

"And this test is still very secretive, and it's not easy to find out. If I didn't have the pupil of the soul, I probably wouldn't have found it!"

Lian Xingxue nodded and said immediately, "I haven't comprehended the breath of death, so I can't go in!"

"No, the passages have appeared, so there is no assessment!"

Ye Xiao said with a smile; "Let's go, let's go in, I'm really curious about the inheritance of the Great Sage of Nirvana!"

"Let's wait. You've exhausted your mind recently. It's better to adjust your mind and go in. It's safer, and now that the passage has been found, you won't run away!"

Lian Xingxue stopped Ye Xiao from speaking softly.

"That's right, I'm a little impatient!"

Ye Xiao nodded, and used the golden soul pupils to perceive for a month, no matter how powerful the soul power was, it would not be enough.

At this time, I was really in a bad state and tired.

Then she didn't practice, but lay down on the rock and fell asleep. Seeing this, Lian Xingxue could only roll her eyes helplessly.

Immediately start grilling.

A day later, Ye Xiao woke up, ate some barbecue and drank some wine, and then adjusted his state to the best state.

The two started to rush down the passage without further delay.

It was very dark inside and exuded an extremely strong atmosphere of desolation. Just a few meters into it, he rushed up crazily. Fortunately, Ye Xiao was walking in front.

It can still hold it, if it is Lian Xingxue, it is probably enough.

This kind of injury is basically the soul.

"Be careful!:"

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and said to Lian Xingxue.

Lian Xingxue nodded.

Then go on.

The most amazing thing is that as they continue to go down, the passage above the head is gradually closed.

The nearby seawater suddenly soared and submerged the entire island.

From the outside, there is nothing left, only the flooding sea water.

(End of this chapter)

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