Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1802 Will Projection

Chapter 1802 Will Projection

Another most intense collision.

The strength swept across 2000 meters, and all within this range collapsed, without a trace of life.


Ye Xiao stepped back again and vomited blood violently. The blood in his body boiled and his internal organs were shattered. He was already seriously injured.

After wiping off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, the fighting spirit in Ye Xiao's eyes did not diminish at all, but in his heart he lamented the strength of Soul Star Death, which is definitely far beyond the general power of the Spirit Sea Realm.

If it weren't for the critical moment, Lingkai "Blue Wind" had resisted part of the attack.

Then his current injury will definitely be more serious.

Hun Xingyu was even more surprised. He had used [-]% of his strength in the continuous attack just now, and even the ordinary spiritual sea level power in the ancient holy land could not resist it.

Not to mention Ye Xiao who is just a morphing mirror.

At this moment, he really felt great danger from Ye Xiao.

If this child grows up, he will definitely be a peak master, and maybe he will become an obstacle for the soul clan to rule the barren world.

and so.

Must be killed as soon as possible.

Feeling the killing intent in Soul Star's eyes, Ye Xiao moved around slightly, and then with a thought, the battle dragon's zhenqi in his body circulated crazily, to the extreme.

The battle dragon zhenqi on the eighth floor filled every corner of the body, and even many pores had golden luster overflowing.

The skin feels a little scaly.

It is said that when you reach the eleventh floor, you can transform into a dragon, and your qi and blood will become the blood of a dragon.

Then urged the eight great sword souls to rush towards Soul Xingyu.

"Hehe, are you going to fight hard? It's really courageous!"

Hun Xingchen sneered, quickly closed his hands, and swept them out.

As strong and concise as before.

So, even though Ye Xiao had exerted his strength to the limit, even for a long time, he was still unable to resist.

The whole person seemed to be hit by a locomotive, and quickly faded into the distance.

But during the lightning flash, Ye Xiao abruptly stopped his decline, grabbed Wang Tao and Wang Qian'er, and then quickly fled towards the distance.

Lian Xingxue on the battlefield not far away also threw away her opponent and galloped away almost at the same time.

It all happened in a flash of lightning.

All this is premeditated.

Therefore, Hun Xingyu was a little dazed, and when he realized it, Ye Xiao and the others were already a thousand meters away.

"Want to run? How can I mess around if I let you run away!"

Hun Xingchen sneered, and quickly chased after him.

Every step seems slow, but when one step is taken, the person is already thousands of meters away.

Wang Tao said in a deep voice: "There are still thirty miles, as long as you enter the range of our Wang family's ancestral land, the death of the soul star is nothing to fear!"

Hearing this, Ye Xiao smiled wryly. According to this situation, being able to last for 3 minutes is the limit.

Thirty miles away is really mysterious.

25 miles.

Twenty miles.

fifteen miles.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Wang Family Ancestor's land, he could even feel the aura full of coercion, but Ye Xiao couldn't be happy anymore.

Because Hun Xingyi and the others had already approached within 300 meters.

With a ferocious smile on his face, a palm full of strength quickly fell down.

The fierce and terrifying palm wind directly enveloped Ye Xiaolian, Xingxue and the other four.

Ye Xiao is also helpless, he cannot avoid it, his body is almost exhausted, and he has no ability to resist.

Immediately smiled wryly, could it be that he was going to be destroyed before he had time to pretend to be x just arrived in the ancient holy land?

The mind flickered, ready to use the sword desolate cauldron.

But the consequences must be extremely serious.

Because once the Sword Desolation Cauldron is used, its terrifying sword breath will spread infinitely, and the entire Desolate Realm may feel it.

At that time, his identity will naturally be revealed.

And the result is naturally extremely miserable death.

"Elder Ninth, hurry up and help!"

At this time, Wang Tao suddenly roared loudly.

The sound was loud and pierced into the sky.

The voice did not fall.

Suddenly the situation changed drastically, and a huge palm suddenly appeared.

Lifelike, even the lines on it are extremely clear, exuding a terrifying aura that makes everything kneel.

Hun Xingchen's face was horrified, his palm was directly crushed by the giant palm, and before he was given a chance to catch his breath, the giant palm struck at him in a destructive manner.

Can't defend, can't resist, can't dodge.

Hun Xingchen vomited blood and flew backwards for hundreds of meters, then fled without looking back.

At this time, the giant palm slowly dissipated, and an old man with white hair and white clothes suddenly appeared high in the sky, exuding a strong luster and aura.

"This is projection of will!"

Ye Xiao muttered to himself, so the projection of will is that when the energy in the soul sea is condensed to the limit, it can come out through the body, a bit like an incarnation outside the body.

It is the signature trick of the saint.

It can cast projections tens of miles, hundreds of miles, or even thousands of miles away, and can emit 40.00% of its own strength.

However, the projection of Ye Xiao's will in the previous life can exert 50.00% of its own strength.

Some can even play 80.00%.

"what happened?"

The Ninth Elder looked at the few people like a falcon, pausing slightly on Ye Xiao and Lian Xingxue.

With his strength, he could tell at a glance that Ye Xiao and Lian Xingxue did not belong to the Immemorial Holy Land.

Wang Tao immediately explained the matter in detail.

"Hmph, it's too deceiving!"

Hearing that, the Ninth Elder was furious, and once again exuded a terrifying power all over his body, feeling like he would rush to the Soul Clan and start killing if he disagreed with him.

But immediately he withdrew his momentum helplessly, his face a little decadent.

He has also just broken through to the Holy One, and he may be considered a strong man with hands and eyes on the outside.

But it is really very common in the ancient holy land.

He didn't even know how he died against the soul race.

Shaking his head and sighing, he said, "The strong in the world flick their fingers, reincarnate for hundreds of generations, and if there is a peak, there will be sinking. This is fate. Huh, our Wang family will make a comeback!"

"Yes, Ninth Elder, the concentration of imperial blood in the eldest lady's body surpasses that of the third generation of clansmen. As long as she is cultivated well, she will definitely be able to produce a great saint, or even stronger. At that time, our royal family will be able to make a comeback!"

Wang Tao said emotionally.

The Ninth Elder glanced at Wang Qianer and nodded for the third time, then turned his eyes to Ye Xiao and Lian Xingxue, and even bowed slowly to salute; "I want to thank you two, if it wasn't for your help, it is very likely that Miss Suffering catastrophe, in that case, our royal family is really over!"

"Senior, you are being polite!"

Ye Xiao clasped his fists in response, his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing. Although he was a little surprised that the Ninth Elder's attitude was so low, he was more aware of it.

The Ninth Elder knew about his talent from Wang Tao, so he did this to gain favor and win over a future strong man for the future rise of the Wang family.

This is the mind and calculation of the old man.

"Okay, you guys come with me and enter the ancestral land first, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

The Ninth Elder nodded and looked into the distance, as if sensing something, he said in a hurried tone.

(End of this chapter)

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