Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 189 The Mad Jin Jing

Chapter 189 The Mad Jin Jing
But when he saw that Ye Xiao had so many confidante friends in Haidong City, he really gritted his teeth angrily.

This philandering radish really shows mercy everywhere.

They all thought about finding Ye Xiao to settle the score for a while.

At this time, Ye Xiao had just finished his toilet and was about to leave when he saw a man in his fifties with a red face and a little unsteady walking.

Immediately, he bumped his head directly against the wall, and his head was immediately bleeding.

After trembling a few times, he passed out.

The people around screamed loudly, and the man's companion also shouted in extreme panic: "Help me, my friend drank too much, he probably has stomach bleeding!"

Ye Xiao walked forward quickly, raised his eyebrows, and a strong smell of alcohol came to his nostrils, but the man did not have stomach bleeding.

The complexion at the neck is red with blue, which should be alcohol poisoning.

Just as he was about to be rescued, he saw a young girl running over in a hurry, and observed slightly: "This is not stomach bleeding but alcohol poisoning. Hurry up and call the police now, and I will wake him up."

After speaking, he took out a small box from the body sculpting bag, and there were more than a dozen silver needles in the small box.

Take out the iodine tincture and knead on the man's acupuncture points.

Immediately began to apply needles.

Ye Xiao was a little surprised. This woman is skilled and accurate in her movements, and she should be very knowledgeable about acupuncture.

Immediately, he carefully looked at this woman. She was about twenty years old, with a light body, fair skin, and pretty appearance, and she was wearing a white dress at this time.

She is indeed a rare beauty with her beautiful legs as a backdrop.

But immediately Ye Xiao's eyes shrank, and his eyes focused on the woman's center, where a bright red was appearing.

At first it was only the size of a needle eye and soon it became the size of a thumb. Ye Xiao laughed badly, this woman obviously felt something.

Although he was kneeling to apply the needles, he lowered his body consciously, and couldn't see it if he didn't pay attention.

Ye Xiao guessed that this woman probably happened to be a good friend who happened to be here, and was about to go to the toilet to change, when she suddenly encountered this situation.

What a kind person.

cough cough cough.
The man suddenly trembled and then vomited violently. The woman quickly stood up and said softly: "He's awake, send him to the hospital for gastric lavage."

After speaking, with an extremely awkward posture, he used a leather bag to block the room, and ran towards the toilet briskly.

It just seems a little late, maybe because the running has picked up the speed
The bright red color spread quickly, Ye Xiao took out the jacket and handed it over with a smile, "The purse can't cover the beauty anymore, the clothes are for you."

As he said that, he glanced at it without leaving any traces, and there was a deep smile on the corner of his mouth.

The beauty gave Ye Xiao a hard look, took the clothes and tied them around his waist, and said softly, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I want to pay tribute to you. I admire your spirit of saving lives and healing the wounded and disregarding good friends, haha!"

When it came to the end, Ye Xiao couldn't help but laughed out loud.

The beauty stomped on Ye Xiao, then suddenly let out a groan, her face flushed even more, and she hurried to the toilet.

Ye Xiao smiled and walked towards the private room!

At this time, Master Jin suddenly received a call in the private room, and said in a hurried voice, "No, you have to come, don't you like acupuncture very much? This is a rare and good opportunity, and finally invited Master Ye, can you You can't miss it, no matter what the urgent matter is, you must overcome it!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, looked at the puzzled eyes of Xue Xue, Ningya and others and explained with a smile: "It's my granddaughter Jin Jing, who has always liked acupuncture, this time let him see Master Ye, so I can learn more !"

"Jin Jing? Is it Jin Jing from our school?"

Xue Xue couldn't help asking.

Master Jin nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I guess you don't know his identity. She is my granddaughter, but she doesn't want to mention my name in front of outsiders, and clamors all day to rely on herself."

"Jin Jing is very good in our school, she is the best student in the Department of Chinese Medicine, and she is also pretty, but she is one of our school's school beauties, very popular"

Ning Ya said leisurely, looking extremely stunned, she didn't expect Jin Jing to have such an identity.

While speaking, Ye Xiao came in and said with a smile; "I kept you waiting for a long time, something happened in the middle."

"What can happen in the toilet? I dropped my phone or peeked in the women's toilet, and my clothes disappeared in the toilet. It's really suspicious."

Xue Xue said angrily.

Ye Xiao was speechless: "Why did I provoke you, how did I talk like I was carrying gunpowder, am I such a good-natured person?"

"You are!"

The three girls said in unison.

"I'm not as knowledgeable as you guys!" Ye Xiao's head was full of black lines, and he smiled immediately; "You don't know that I just saw a girl who looks pretty good and can do acupuncture, and she knelt down to give acupuncture to an alcoholic. But her good friend came, the whole Tuenbu was red, I laughed so hard.
"It's so stupid. Now that I know acupuncture, I don't know how to get an injection on my Yinhui point, so that the bleeding can be temporarily stopped. If I didn't lend her the clothes, she would definitely find a seam in the ground and get in."

Ye Xiao was talking to himself, when suddenly the door of the private room opened, and a woman came in with Ye Xiao's clothes tied around her waist.
At this time, he was glaring at Ye Xiao.

Xue Xue, Ningya, Dingxiang, and Liangyu's four daughters were also stunned.

Master Jin was a little dazed, then stood up and smiled and said, "Jingjing, come here quickly, this is Master Ye, you can ask him for anything you don't understand!"

Jin Jing stared at Ye Xiao with wide eyes, eyes full of anger.

Ye Xiao was also full of bewilderment, muttering to himself: "Damn it, it's not such a coincidence!"

"Who is stupid, tell me!"

Jin Jing looked at Ye Xiao, her eyes could shoot fire.

"If you don't admit that you are stupid, you will give needles to others and not yourself. Will you learn and use it?"

Ye Xiao said angrily.

Jin Jing was about to refute but was blocked by Master Jin. He glared at Jin Jing and said, "Why did you talk to Master Ye? They have helped you, you should thank you!"

"but he"

Jin Jing pointed at Ye Xiao and was speechless angrily.

Ye Xiao smiled slightly, a silver needle suddenly appeared in his hand, looked at Jin Jing and said: "It seems that you don't believe that menstrual period can be blocked, control it!"

"Of course, acupuncture and moxibustion take body balance as the basic element. All acupuncture programs must abide by this basic element, otherwise it will be harmful to the human body. The menstrual period belongs to the normal physiology of the human body. How can it be stopped? It is not ordinary bleeding."

Jin Jing said angrily.

"Wrong, wrong, although traditional Chinese medicine is a medical technique based on regulating the balance of the human body, it is still a medical technique that can change your life against the sky. If you are fierce, I will make you bigger. If you are short, I can increase your height. If you are seriously ill If you die, I will save you, and if your mother is here, I can dilute, delay, or even subside for you!"

Ye Xiao said with a smile, and immediately took advantage of Jin Jing's inattention to insert the silver needle into her waist.

(End of this chapter)

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