Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 191 Pretending to be X is also Zhang Yi

Chapter 191 Pretending to be X is also a memory
Ye Xiao nodded and didn't take it seriously, chatted a few more words, the school celebration started, Ye Xiao had already heard the host talking, and then the boys and girls performing began to appear on stage one after another according to the order they had prepared in advance.

Ye Xiao lay on the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. He could hear the deafening applause outside and the sound of the referee scoring in his ears, just like this one show after another!
I don't know if it was an hour or two hours later, Ye Xiao almost fell asleep when Ye Xiao heard the host calling Li Yuansheng's name.

Ye Xiao was smart all over, it should be that Li Yuansheng is going to play, Ye Xiao stood up and walked behind the screen in the corner, he could clearly see the whole stage through the gap!
I saw Li Yuansheng walking towards the stage with a smile on his face, walking briskly, without the slightest nervousness, waving to the audience off the stage while walking, blowing kisses and so on!
The corner of Ye Xiao's mouth twitched, damn it, he can pretend to be X better than him, he really is a strong opponent!
The audience immediately responded with overwhelming applause. Ye Xiao even saw a group of girls screaming at the top of their lungs, some even fainted, causing a commotion!
Ding Xiang, who was sitting in the first row, couldn't help curling her lips when she saw this, she looked very unhappy, and said disdainfully: "This Li Yuansheng really knows how to play, you are a hypocrite, these girls are too fake, if this guy really enters the entertainment circle, it is probably a hype Master!"

Ning Ya also nodded in agreement, and then the two girls murmured together and didn't know what they were talking about, with excited expressions, covering their mouths and sniggering!
Li Yuansheng seemed to be satisfied with the situation in front of him. He thanked the audience in a polite and graceful manner, bowed to the referee and began to sing.

The song Li Yuansheng sang is steady happiness, his voice is gentle and comfortable, coupled with tired and lyrical singing, it is like the spring breeze blowing over the reeds, blowing over the softest place in the bottom of my heart, soft and rustling, making every All the listeners had happy expressions on their faces, unknowingly thinking of those happy moments.

Frankly speaking, Li Yuansheng is indeed very capable. He fully sang the meaning of this song "Stable Happiness", but it is not perfect. There are some problems with the transition between high and low sounds, but all in all it is very powerful, indeed It can be called the prince of love songs!
After Li Yuansheng finished singing, Ye Xiao couldn't help but took a deep breath, and after hearing the host calling his name, he also walked up quickly!

What came into view was a mass of dark heads, Xue Xue, Ding Xiang, Jin Jing, Ning Ya, Liang Yu, etc. were all sitting in the first row!
Ye Xiao pretended to be walking while waving to the audience. When he got to the center of the stage, Ye Xiao put one hand on his hip, pouted his butt and butt, his handsome appearance also made some girls scream!
People like Liang Yuxuexue also stood up and applauded, and then an accident appeared, and Ning Ya and Ding Xiangruo clapped wildly and shouted Ye Xiao's name!
Ye Xiao nodded slightly, and then the two of them rolled their eyes, as if they were so excited by the shock, they passed out!

Ye Xiao froze for a moment, his face was a bit weird, he is really so handsome that ghosts and gods are shocked, even Ding Xiang and Ning Ya, two goddess-level beauties, can't bear his handsome appearance and coquettish air Field, passed out!

The next moment, Ye Xiao saw Ding Xiang open his eyes from time to time and wink at him, as if you must invite me to dinner, and he understood in his heart that these two girls are just pretending, and their meaning is self-evident!

Not far away, Li Yuansheng looked ugly. He thought of using two girls to faint as a gimmick to drive the atmosphere, but he never thought that Ye Xiao would use two school beauties.

The effect is naturally better, and the atmosphere is naturally more sensational!
Could it be that I pretended that X has never been his opponent?

Li Yuansheng gritted his teeth and didn't want to believe it!

The audience didn't care about anything else, they just applauded and shouted according to the atmosphere, they were watching a show anyway.

Dazzling light shone on Ye Xiao's body, his pitch-black hair exuded a strange luster, Ye Xiao had a smile on the corner of his mouth, it was that kind of naughty smile, slightly raised, a pair of dark and deep pupils were dyed with coldness and contained repeated starlight. It's very charming, I don't know how many girls have flushed cheeks, are at a loss, and their hearts are trembling.

The host was a beautiful woman in a fiery red cheongsam, her bangs were tied up high, she looked a little mischievous, her eyes sparkled, she smiled and nodded at Ye Xiao, indicating that it was time to start!

Ye Xiao nodded, and then nodded towards the musical instrument stand next to the stage. The next moment, the low and sad music played, Ye Xiao quickly cleared up his mood, let his thoughts fly to the memory in his mind, and returned to the lonely period in the wasteland years!
Back to the girl I first met.

She is dead, but he is still here.

Alone forever!

Suddenly sad, longing, despair, a series of complicated emotions came to my heart, Ye Xiao picked up the mic and began to sing:
best scene of my life

just met you

Staring at you quietly in the vast sea of ​​people

strange and familiar

Although breathing the breath of the same sky

but can't hug you

If the spatiotemporal identity and name are transformed
I wish I knew your eyes!
The moment I just said it, the air seemed to freeze, and there was an indescribable sadness, and many listeners suddenly felt blocked, and their eye circles turned red!

They seemed to see an unspeakable sad world, and a sad story appeared in their minds!

Very quiet!
Unparalleled silence!

The crowd of listeners were all stunned, they could hear even a needle drop in silence, the only sad song was swaying!

At this time, Ye Xiao seemed not to be singing but to tell another love story, play another sad love movie, and bring everyone in with his hoarse and sad singing voice, unable to extricate himself from falling into it!

Ye Xiao was completely integrated into the singing, and his heart was full of helplessness, bitterness, pain, and endless longing!

Xiao Li, his girlfriend in the wilderness, died for him. After her death, Ye Xiao was accompanied only by the reed flute and loneliness.

I thought that the original appearance has been forgotten over time.

Now I found out that she was only engraved in her bones.

Where will you be in a thousand years
what's the scenery around you
Our story is not beautiful
yet so unforgettable

Although breathing the breath of the same sky

but can't hug you

If the spatiotemporal identity and name are transformed
I wish I could recognize your eyes

Where will you be in a thousand years
what's the scenery around you
Our story is not beautiful
yet so unforgettable

if we were brave together

Will it end differently
Do you have a thousand words
buried in silent dreams

Ye Xiao sang emotionally, singing like sobbing, sitting alone in a corner of the stage, lowering his head slightly, looking a little lonely, very sad!

"Who is he missing?" Ding Xiang and Ning Ya looked at each other, they all saw the doubt in each other's eyes, and then looked at Ye Xiao with tears in the corners of their eyes!

They can feel Ye Xiao's heart-wrenching pain, that powerless despair, and the most persistent longing. This kind of true emotion cannot be expressed by simple songs. Only those who have experienced life and death can understand it. !

This man originally hid such painful memories in his heart, and even pretended to be indifferent on the surface, and even had an expression on his face, full of indecency, but now it seems that it was all a cover-up!
"Who made him so desperate and painful!" Ding Xiang wiped away the tears on her face, feeling jealous and distressed in her heart. She remembered the first time she met Ye Xiao and asked him to fly to Shucheng what!
Ye Xiao's answer was to see someone.

Could it be that this person is the one in Ye Xiao's singing voice?
Not only Ding Xiangning and Ningya, but all the girls in the audience were wiping tears, and those boys were not much better, their eyes were red and their fists were clenched tightly!

Ye Xiao stood up slowly, sang the last words slightly, and said softly in his heart: "Xiao Li, although I have been reborn, I am still the old Ye Xiao, I will never forget you!"

After tidying up his mood a little, he signaled to the instrument player, the next moment the music changed, from a sad whine to a melodious and explosive music, and Jay Chou's nunchucks rustled out.

hooah hooah!

Look at Ye Xiao's nunchaku, I have a nunchaku!

me me me
The dance steps matched with the singing sounds like divine help, the movements are exaggerated, the dance steps are exquisite, and the song is explosive and energetic. With the sound of the leather shoes and the stage, many recovered audience also gave a neat applause
Then Ye Xiao went completely crazy, and took off the casual suit on his body with a flick of his hand, revealing his strong upper body, angular muscles, and the impact of masculine lines, which made all the girls in the audience scream.

These people are about to go crazy. First, they are in the sad story led by Ye Xiao, and the next moment the music changes to the explosive nunchaku. Their mood suddenly changes from great sadness to great joy. The intense excitement is hidden in their chests, and they are suffocating. Uncomfortable, can only be interpreted with enthusiastic applause and heart-piercing screams!
Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiao also used those street dance moves, such as handstands and spins, these movements are good-looking and handsome, and can play a very good role in pretending to be X. Coupled with Ye Xiao's handsome and evil face, these girls danced directly Get up and shout loudly: "Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao, I love you!"

(End of this chapter)

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