Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 20 He Will Peep

Chapter 20 He Will Peep
"Don't you find such a body weird and frightening?"

Fang Lin woke up, a little shy and inferior!

"This is the most wonderful design of the Creator, how can you be afraid?"

Ye Xiao smiled softly: "Actually, if I were you, regardless of other factors, such a body can drive men crazy, because maybe you are unique!"


Fang Lin widened her eyes.
"Well, and you'll be normal in the future too."

Ye Xiao nodded and smiled.


Fang Lin yelled excitedly, and immediately stared at Ye Xiao with beautiful eyes and said: "But you have seen my body, you are responsible!"

"Don't you like women? How can I be responsible?"

Ye Xiao pretended to be puzzled and said.

"I hate it, people with such a body have low self-esteem, how dare they like men, but I like you now"

Fang Lin said with some sadness and excitement.
Ye Xiao smirked softly and said, "The ice and fire aura in your body will be released in about three months, and then you will be a normal woman, and a woman of the highest grade."

When I was talking, my hands were greedy!
Fang Lin trembled, bit her red lips and said softly, "Don't do this, Mom and Dad are still outside."

Ye Xiao smiled: "Put on your clothes."

Fang Lin nodded, and stood up straight away. She didn't shy away from Ye Xiao at all, she dressed herself, and her autumn eyes were very seductive.

Fang Lin is an extremely open and charming woman, her appearance is not inferior to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan is that kind of youthful and charming type, and she is also a rated beauty.

Each has its own merits.
After Fang Lin finished dressing, Fang Yan and others came in.

Seeing that Fang Lin had woken up and looked good, they were all very pleasantly surprised, and looked at Ye Xiao gratefully.

Say thank you, thank you
Also extremely shocked.
Seeing Ye Xiao's medical skills for the first time, the onlookers exclaimed in their hearts
It was already around five o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Yan kept Ye Xiao for dinner.

Ye Xiao didn't refuse, so Qin Yan naturally wouldn't leave either.
The Fang family is one of the five major families in Haidong City. It is powerful, but it is also facing the trouble of not having a successor.

But with Fang Lin's disease cured, everything will be solved easily.

With Fang Lin's character, the Fang family will not be lonely in her hands.
Therefore, Fang Yan was in a pretty good mood, and his eyes were on Ye Xiao, he didn't know what he was thinking!
At the dinner table, Ye Xiao bowed his head to eat, Qin Yan sat on the left, and Fang Lin sat on the right.
Master Jin shamelessly asked Ye Xiao about acupuncture and moxibustion techniques
Ye Xiao didn't hide his secrets either, and answered every question he had.

"Nephew Ye Xian saved Lin'er today. I am very grateful. Come, let me toast you."

Fang Yan raised his glass and said with a smile.

"You're welcome, it's easy!"

Ye Xiao said lightly.

"I, Fang Yan, will repay my kindness. As long as you need my help in Haidong City in the future, just come to me, and I will definitely not shirk."

Fang Yan said with a smile.

Ye Xiao said lightly, "I can handle everything myself."

"By the way, you told me that it will take several months for Lin'er's illness to be completely cured, so let Lin'er stay with you, so that you can take care of it if something happens."

Fang Yanruo said meaningfully.
He is well aware of Qin Lie's old fox's eyesight and strategies. Since J can hand over the general manager of the Qin Group to Ye Xiao.

It shows that Ye Xiao must have something special, and he will definitely not be an idiot.
And he knows the origin of the Qin family, maybe there will be a big surprise!
Fang Lin's pretty face was blushing, and she looked very willing
Hearing that Ye Xiao frowned, before he could answer, Qin Yan who was beside him suddenly called out: "No way."

Immediately everyone's eyes were on Qin Yan.

"Why, Qin Yan's niece."

Fang Yan said with a smile.

"Because, because Ye Xiao is renting a house now, and there is no place for Fang Lin to sleep."

Qin Yan's face was hot, and she stammered nonsense.

"It's okay, I can buy him a set, that's all right"

Fang Lin said with a smile.

"No. Just no way"

Qin Yan screamed again as if her foot was stepped on.

"What happened to you?"

Fang Lin widened her eyes.
"Because Ye Xiao is very lustful, if you stay with him, he will peek at you in the shower"

Qin Yan continued to talk nonsense
Ye Xiao, who lowered his head to eat, coughed dryly and almost choked
Qin Yan glared at Ye Xiao, hoping that Ye Xiao would refuse.

But Ye Xiao still ate with his head down.

I was short of breath, knowing that I couldn't stop it, so I stared at Fang Lin fiercely.

Fang Lin stared back.

There are sparks flickering.

"The vixen stole my boyfriend."

"It's not yours if you're not married."

This is the meaning contained in the eyes of the two.

Immediately Qin Yan smiled, picked up the chopsticks to pick up the food, and said: "Ye Xiao, this is your favorite food, eat more."

"This chicken drumstick is also delicious. Try it. If you like it, I can cook it for you in the future."

Fang Lin looked at Qin Yan loudly and provocatively.

"Ye Xiao's dish is also good. I can cook it too. It must be better than this."

Qin Yan said loudly in disbelief.

Ye Xiaofa bowed his head to eat, and smiled wryly in his heart, damn it, you can't even cook instant noodles, and you can cook.

Fang Lin sneered and brought over some vegetables.
two people come and go
Soon Ye Xiao's bowl was full of food, and it was piled up into a mountain
Everyone looked at each other and smiled, but they didn't point out the tricks
After a long time, Ye Xiao burped and said with a smile, "This food tastes really good."

everyone laughed
Fang Lin and Qin Yan stared at Ye Xiao fiercely, and pinched his waist at the same time.

Ye Xiao's face trembled, and he smiled strangely.

Everyone laughed again
It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when we went back, Qin Yan sent Ye Xiao home first, and then went home.

Ye Xiao wasn't worried about Qin Yan's safety, as Qin Yi and Qin Er were following behind.

Back at the residence, Han Yue sat on the sofa sullenly, Ye Xiao hugged her, and said with a smile, "Sister Yue, who made you angry?"

"That Manager Liu was stalking me in the office today, and I scolded him, but he also let go of his harsh words. If I don't agree to talk to him, I will be fired tomorrow, and he threatened me to guarantee that Haidong City will not A company dares to accept me!"

Han Yue said extremely depressed.

"It's okay, I will come to your company to find you tomorrow, and I will definitely help you get it done"

Ye Xiao smiled, with a dangerous look in his eyes.
"it is good."

Han Yue nodded obediently and threw herself into Ye Xiao's arms, reaching down with her little hands.

Ye Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then smirked: "Thinking about it again!"


Han Yue nodded, her beautiful eyes blurred.
Ye Xiao picked up Han Yue and strode towards the bedroom
(End of this chapter)

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