Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 22 It's Serious

Chapter 22 It's Serious

This kind of black card is also called the president card.

It's a credit card.

But there is no quota, you can spend it at will.

It's a status symbol.

There are no more than a hundred people with this kind of black card in Haidong City.

Every identity is not simple.

Chen Bao frowned. Could it be that this man's identity is not simple, but he is very face-to-face.

And this is the situation at this time, for the sake of face or something, he has to bite the bullet and grab Ye Xiao back.

At worst, be more polite, otherwise how will he mess around in this area in the future.

"Captain Liao, don't be afraid, isn't it just a black card? I'm basically familiar with people who have black cards in Haidong City. There is no such kid at all. Maybe he picked it up. If something goes wrong, I will bear it!"

Chen Bao held back the pain and said with a ferocious expression.

Liao Xing's eyes flickered, and he said immediately: "Bring him back to me!"

Ye Xiao smiled and looked at Han Yue and said, "Go back first, don't worry I'm fine!"

Han Yue nodded.

Ye Xiao stared at Liao Xing, and said nonchalantly, "You caught me in, it's not that easy to get me out!"

Liao Xing shrank his pupils and felt uneasy, and immediately said: "Stop talking nonsense, come back to the game with me!"

Ye Xiao smiled and liked the policeman and left quickly.

"Why have you been arrested by the police and taken to the police station? Don't be afraid, I'll go there now!"

Qin Yan received a call from Ye Xiao, and immediately prepared to go out in a hurry.

"What happened to Yan'er?"

Qin Lie couldn't help asking in doubt.

"A man named Chen Bao attacked Ye Xiao and was taught a lesson by Ye Xiao, but he was arrested by the police and taken to the police station!"

Qin Yan said anxiously.

"Oh, that's it, it's a small matter, I'll call their chief!"

Qin Lie said lightly.

Qin Yan nodded and left quickly.

"Dad, Ye Xiao has been arrested and taken to the police station, please help!"

Fang Lin also got the news, and said softly, frowning.

"Don't worry, that fellow Qin Lie has probably already made a move, but in order to sell Ye Xiao's favor, I'll make a phone call too!"

Fang Yan said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look too!"

Fang Lin said with a smile.

Master Jin was stunned, and immediately smiled: "I'll call their chief. Although I'm not needed, favors are still needed!"

police station.

Ye Xiao was sitting in the room in handcuffs!
There are two policemen on the opposite side.

One man and one woman!
The man's face was dark and sinister.

The woman is a very seductive beauty!

A light blue shirt, a purple police skirt with white stripes, breast enhancement and a thin waist, the police skirt reaches above the knees, and the calves are crystal clear like jade, straight and slender!

With a pair of white high-heeled shoes, the already slender figure looks even more round and graceful, youthful and invincible, and looks heroic!
"Beauty, what's your name, how old are you, and what are your measurements!"

Ye Xiao asked with a smile.

Yao Ying was angry, and her face turned red.

"Be honest with me, or see how I deal with you."

Liu Lou patted the table and said coldly.

If it wasn't for Liao Xing's explanation just now, it would be more polite not to use torture.

He has already slapped him in the past by now.

"Beauty, do you suffer from insomnia and dreamy nights, prone to sweating, and the menstrual period is getting late recently, it hurts, and you often feel dizzy!"

Ye Xiao said with a smile.

"how do you know?"

Yao Ying was surprised.

"Because I'm a doctor!"

Ye Xiao smiled.

"Then what's wrong with me?"

Yao Ying asked.

"Give me your hand, and I'll feel your pulse!"

Ye Xiao smiled.

Yao Ying hesitated a little, but still stretched out her arm.

As soon as Ye Xiao grasped it, he kneaded and said, "What a tender little hand, the skin is really good!"


Yao Ying understood that she was being molested, her beautiful eyes stared at Ye Xiao angrily!

"Boy, are you looking for a beating? This is the police station, how can you be presumptuous!"

Liu Lou grabbed Ye Xiao's collar and waved his fists, flashing fiercely.

"Beauty, you policemen are not allowed to beat people, you are public servants of the people!"

Ye Xiao's eyes were full of coldness, he looked at Yao Ying and said with a wicked smile.

"Liu team, don't do this"

Yao Ying said softly.

"Boy, I will spare you this time, if you dare to be presumptuous again, you will die!"

Liu Lou pointed at Ye Xiao and said coldly.

"Strong on the outside but hard on the inside, with a bad temper, you will feel dizzy when you wake up in the morning. This is due to kidney deficiency. Your intercourse is not going well. It lasts up to 5 minutes, and your response is not enough. Your wife is probably not satisfied. You must have been arguing a lot lately!"

Ye Xiao looked at Liu Lou and said softly.

Yao Ying pursed her lips and snickered, looking at Ye Xiao with sparkling eyes, this person is really interesting!

The veins in Liu Lou's arm trembled, and he punched him directly.

As soon as Ye Xiao kicked Liu Lou away, his arms shook immediately, and the handcuffs shattered. He looked at Liu Lou and said, "I want to walk here and no one can keep me. If you mess with me again, I will kill you!"

Liu Lou and Yao Ying were terrified.

Especially Liu Lou, who has been a policeman for so many years, can naturally feel that Ye Xiao's murderous intent is real.

And so rich.

"Okay, I'm starting to take notes now, I'm a law-abiding citizen, and I will work with you!"

Ye Xiao watched Yao Ying wink and said with a smile.

Yao Ying became more and more curious about Ye Xiao, and said softly: "Okay, let's start taking notes now!"

At this time, Li Hao, director of the Public Security Bureau of Haidong City, was in a meeting, and his mobile phone was on silent mode.

General calls are not answered.

But at this time, the number displayed on the phone had to be answered.

"Dong Qin, why did you remember to call me!"

Li Hao smiled respectfully.

"Director Li, the general manager of our Qin Group has been arrested by you and taken to the Public Security Bureau. How about it, let's release him!"

Qin Lie's understated voice came.

Li Hao frowned, subconsciously thinking that the chairman of the Qin Group is Mrs. Qin.

Immediately, he felt something was wrong, but he didn't ask carefully, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Mr. Qin, I will let them release him now!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Hao quickly called Liao Xing, and after understanding what happened, he immediately scolded Liao Xing angrily.

Dare to arrest you without even knowing the identity of the person, you are tired of it!
And people are already normal defense
Knowing the situation, Liao Xing was terrified. He never thought that the young man was the general manager of the Qin Group, and suddenly felt that the sky was falling.

With the strength of the Qin family, it is not a matter of minutes to deal with him.

Immediately hurried over anxiously to let people go.

Just as Li Hao put down the phone, the phone rang again.

Another call he dared not answer.

"Fang Dong, do you have anything to do with me?"

Li Hao said with a smile.

"How come Ye Xiao, the son-in-law of our Fang family, was arrested by you and brought into the Public Security Bureau? He is acting in self-defense. Let me out quickly!"

"Ju Li, why did you arrest his benefactor, don't you take me seriously!"

Li Hao barely stood still, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Who did Liao Xing arrest this time? Master Jin, the chairman of Fang and Qin, both called
Li Hao felt that the matter was serious, so he didn't hold the meeting anymore, so he quickly got up and went back to the game.

(End of this chapter)

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