Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 229 Triplets

Chapter 229 The Triplets

I saw a group of men in black surrounding the three girls.

These men in black all wear masks, have tattoos on their necks, or some have scars on their faces.

It looked extremely hideous.

And the three girls were sitting on the ground trembling, their clothes were all torn to shreds, revealing infinite spring.

What surprised Ye Xiao the most was that the three girls looked exactly alike.

It's triplets.

There are only slight gaps, and if you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

Huang Yingying and Huang Yanyan are twins, and Ye Xiao can't tell them apart normally.

Now I have met the triplets again, the world is full of wonders.

Although there were many onlookers, no one dared to help, even to say a word.

"Please let us go, we didn't provoke you."

A girl said with tears in her eyes, pleading.

The other two girls seemed to be more timid, just lowered their heads and cried.

"Stop talking nonsense and go back with us. How dare you sneak out and see how we can fix you after you go back!"

The leading man in black said coldly.

Immediately, he waved his hand and asked his men to take the three girls away.

Seeing this, the three girls were so frightened that their faces turned pale, they hugged into a ball, begging all the time not to go back, not to go back
"Wait a moment!"

Ye Xiao pushed aside the crowd and walked over.

"Don't meddle in your own business, kid, or you'll be in trouble!"

The leading man in black stared at Ye Xiao and said slowly.

"You better be careful when you talk to me, or you will be in trouble!" Ye Xiao said lightly, and immediately the three girls asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"We came from the next city, and we were going to Hankou City to participate in a singing competition. When we arrived in the capital halfway, we wanted to see the prosperity of the capital, but we were knocked out by a few people. When we woke up again It fell into their hands."

The girl watched Ye Xiao stammering, her eyes hopeful as if she was grasping at straws.

Ye Xiao nodded, just now he found that there was something wrong with these three girls, they were all young girls, they looked very pure.

Another kidnapped girl.

Ye Xiao looked at the men in black and said calmly, "I took these three girls away. If your boss asks, just say Ye Xiao took them away!"

Now some big families in the capital know of Ye Xiao's existence, and few people dare to trouble him.

"I don't care who you are, Ye Xiao and Li Xiao, what are you? If you meddle in other people's business, I will break your leg, believe it or not!"

The leading man in black said extremely arrogantly.

After hearing this, Nangong Yu and Nangongxue pursed their lips and snickered, Ye Xiao's pretending to be X failed, and they don't know you at all.

It's embarrassing!

Ye Xiao rubbed his nose. Anyone who knew him well knew that this was a sign of his anger.

In the next moment, he rushed forward with three punches and two kicks and knocked down several black-clothed men, then looked at the three girls and said, "Go, come with me, I'll take you back!"

"Our ID cards, competition certificates and so on are in their hands, please, can you get them back for us?"

The girl looked at Ye Xiao and said pitifully.

Hearing this, Ye Xiao nodded, and help others to send the Buddha to the west, then he looked at the man in black with a panda face and said: "Go, take me to see your boss, just so you guys will have something to say! "

The man in black nodded quickly, and looked at Ye Xiao in horror.

Just now he was directly beaten.

Nangong Xue and Nangong Xue helped the three girls up, especially when Nangong Yu saw the scars on the three girls.

Recalling the situation when he was abducted, he looked at Ye Xiao and said, "Brother Ye Xiao, you must not spare these scoundrels."

Ye Xiao nodded and said in a deep voice, "Lead the way, I don't have time to waste with you!"

The men in black helped each other into a car, and Ye Xiao drove behind.

Half an hour later, we came to a huge pavilion.

The entire pavilion was blackened as if it had been splashed with ink, giving it an evil and gloomy feeling.

"It turned out to be Heicheng, I guess it's a little troublesome!"

Seeing this, Nangong Xue muttered to herself and couldn't help but say.

"What is a black city, isn't it just a few black buildings? What's so great about it!"

Ye Xiao said angrily.

"Heicheng is the largest casino in the capital and even in the whole country. There are a lot of fish and dragons inside. It is impossible to find out who is behind it. According to the investigation of our Nangong family, this place is likely to be a branch of the evil alliance!"

Nangongxue said softly.

"The sub-helm of the evil alliance?" Ye Xiao was full of surprise: "This is too mysterious, isn't the evil alliance so high-profile? Isn't this courting death?"

Immediately shaking his head, thinking in reverse, it is really possible.

As long as it is kept secret and the details cannot be found out, even the dragon group or the eight ancient martial arts families can't do anything to him.

"I don't know either. Several families have analyzed it. Even if it is not a branch of the evil alliance, it is also a place to collect information, so if you want to enter it, be careful!"

Nangong Xue said softly.

Ye Xiao pondered for a moment and then said, "Why don't you two go back first, what if there is really danger!"

"I want to be with you!"

Nangong Xue said seriously.

"Who cares about the black city and the white city, I want to go in and have fun, we won't be in danger with brother Ye Xiao here!"

Nangong Xue also said with a smile
Ye Xiao nodded, even if this is a sub-helm of the evil alliance, the danger is not too great. With a call at any time, the dragon group or the eight ancient martial arts families can arrive in ten minutes.

He nodded immediately and said, "Let's go, let's go to the legendary casino!"

Immediately got out of the car and followed a few men in black and walked in.

There were many bodyguards standing at the door. Seeing the bruised and swollen faces of the men in black that looked like pandas, they couldn't help but ask, "Brother Biao, what's wrong with you?"

"Stop talking nonsense and don't ask what you shouldn't!"

Brother Biao said in a deep voice, thinking in his heart that he would enter the casino for a while and ask Qi Renma to find the place.

Walking into the casino, I felt that the light dimmed, as if the sky suddenly became gloomy.

Then it's extremely noisy.

The sound of Mahjong, the sound of Pai Gow, and the sound of roaring.

Looking at Ye Xiao's reputation, there are many people who gamble everywhere, and this is only one floor.

It really deserves to be a casino.

In addition, in Ye Xiao's perception, the bodyguards around him had no real energy, and they were not warriors.

Just normal people.

In fact, this is normal. If the bodyguard is a warrior, it must be more suspicious.

"Come with me!"

Brother Biao looked at Ye Xiao unkindly, and immediately brought Ye Xiao to the private room next door.

This is a row of offices.

It seems much quieter here.

When he came to a door, Brother Biao was about to knock, when suddenly there was a panting sound from inside the house.

Ye Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he was promiscuous in the daytime.

(End of this chapter)

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