Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 28 Are You a Warrior?

Chapter 28 Are You a Warrior?
Haidong City, in the suburbs, in an inconspicuous house.

"Boss, the situation has been investigated clearly. There is something wrong with the secretary next to Ye Xiao. He is the killer of the Underworld."

The lone wolf sat on the sofa and said calmly.

"This is within my expectation. As far as I know, the people from the Underworld have been inserted into many big chaebol families in Haidong City. It seems that they have big plans!"

The wolf in black robe said softly, covering it so tightly that he couldn't see anything except his eyes.
"Then shall we continue with this mission?"

The lone wolf hesitated a little.

"Of course continue, Huang Quan's reputation cannot be insulted, otherwise who will come to us in the future, and kill that secretary along with it, and kill all those who hinder us. I really want to see what kind of tricks the Hades is playing."

The chief wolf said coldly, his words were full of killing intent.

"Understood, I'll take care of it."

The lone wolf said decisively, without any hesitation.
nine in the morning.

Han Yue has already gone to work, and the new official takes office three times, so it's bad to be late.
Fang Lin and Qin Yan glared at Ye Xiao angrily.
"What's wrong, I didn't sleep well last night, why do I have dark circles under my eyes?"

Ye Xiao joked with a smirk.


Qin Yan and Fang Lin cursed at the same time, and they both left after washing up.

At this moment, the phone rang, and Ye Xiao was a little dazed looking at the number, this is the widow Mrs. Liu I saw at the Qin family last time.

Last time I saw that she was crazy and fierce, but the effect was not good, so I left a phone call
Could this be the reason for this phone call?
"Hello Mr. Liu, I have something to do with you!"

Ye Xiao smiled lightly.

"Don't you know something? Are you free now?"

When the charming and provocative voice came, it made people feel soft all over.
"You have to turn down everything when you meet a beautiful woman, see you later!"

Ye Xiao smiled.

Mr. Liu smiled lightly and hung up the phone
Ye Xiao tidied up and went out. Half an hour later, he met Mr. Liu in a coffee shop.

Immediately, I felt bright.
In the sky-blue patterned skirt, two sections of snow-white, delicate feet and dark white high-heeled shoes are exposed, everything looks so dignified and elegant!

With an oval-shaped face, the skin is supple and tight, without any wrinkles at all. Just the right eye shadow, bright eyes are good to look at!
Looking around, the radiance is shining, and the woman's mature style is scattered invisibly. On the snow-white pink neck, there are all kinds of gold and jade articles on the hands.

These gold and jade objects are very suitable for her, and they don't give people the feeling of getting rich overnight. They show her natural grace and wealth. It can be said that she is a natural lady.

"What are you looking at? Is there writing on my face?"

Liu Yanjiao smiled and was very satisfied with Ye Xiao's reaction.

"No words, but the person is too beautiful!"

Ye Xiao sat down and smiled lightly.

"I can't be more beautiful, you Miss Qin family is beautiful."

Liu Yan smiled lightly and said, there is no woman who does not like to hear compliments from others!

"Boss Liu probably came to me not only because of the madness."

Ye Xiao smiled softly.

"Oh, why do you say that?"

Liu Yan sipped her coffee and asked with interest.

"Obviously, if it's just madness, you can come to your house. There's no need to come here. Since I must have some private or secret matters here, I don't know if I'm right!"

Ye Xiao said softly, his eyes flickered and focused on Liu Yan's chest.

Ali has something that interests him!

"Don't call me Mr. Liu, I'm older than you, just call me Sister Yan!"

Liu Yan picked out a few strands of hair around her ears and smiled coquettishly.

Ye Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "Sister Yan, just tell me what you want, your business is my business!"

"I'm looking for you this time not only for crazy things, but also for business matters. I run a gym and need a lot of equipment, many of which are professional equipment, which can only be bought in the Qin Group. There are many new gyms in Dongshi, I hope you will not provide them with equipment!"

Liu Yan said softly, facing the increasingly competitive environment, he is really powerless!

"Oh? That's it. It's not easy. I'm the general manager of the Qin Group. Naturally, I have to consider for the Qin family. There's no reason why I can't make money."

Ye Xiao smiled softly.

"You can ask for any benefits you want, and I will try my best to satisfy them, and I can even give you a part of the shares!"

Liu Yan bit her red lips lightly and said, this is the best bargaining chip he can come up with!
Ye Xiao shook his head, looking disinterested.

"Then what do you want?"

Liu Yan frowned.

Ye Xiao stared at Liu Yan's chest with burning eyes, and then slowly stretched out his palm to reach over.
Liu Yan's complexion was uncertain, she gritted her teeth and did not move, but her pupils were full of anger.

"I want your piece of jade."

Ye Xiao smirked and lengthened his voice, holding the glazed jade on Liu Yan's chest.

Liu Yan blushed and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, then shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, even if the company closes, I can't give you this piece of jade."


Ye Xiao was puzzled, this piece of jade was Yang Yan Jade, which contained extremely strong yang energy, and currently cultivating Zhanlong definitely lacked this kind of positive spirit stone.

"This is a token of love given to me by my late husband, and it means a lot to me."

Liu Yan said softly, but her beautiful cheeks became sentimental.

Ye Xiao nodded, since that's the case, he didn't force it.

"Is this stone important to you?"

Liu Yan stared at Ye Xiao and asked softly, there was a special luster in his pupils
Ye Xiao nodded, and heard that there was something in Liu Yan's words!

"This kind of jade is gone, but there are other colors of jade, do you want to go and have a look?"

Liu Yan said softly.

"Okay, as long as jade is useful to me, it doesn't matter even if the Qin Group collapses."

Ye Xiao smiled.

Liu Yan rolled her eyes at Ye Xiao. She was so charming and seductive that Ye Xiao couldn't take his eyes off. Mature women are indeed the most flavorful.
Soon Ye Xiao followed Liu Yan to Liu's house. The house was not as big as imagined, but it was warm and tidy, and it felt like home.

Liu Yan asked Ye Xiao to sit down and brought tea, and then took out a black wooden box from the room
His face was happy, he could feel it before opening it, the things inside were definitely what he needed
He took it and opened it, and there were three or four fist-sized golden stones inside.
With edges and corners, it is brighter than diamonds.
"It turned out to be gold flint, what an unexpected delivery."

Ye Xiao muttered to himself, Gold Fire Stone is a spirit stone with better effect than Yang Flame Stone, it contains very strong Yang Qi
"Is this something you want to use?"

Liu Yan asked suddenly.

Ye Xiao nodded subconsciously, then stared at Liu Yan, and said calmly, "What do you want to say?"

"You are also a warrior!"

Being stared at by Ye Xiao, Liu Yan felt cold all over, with a feeling of death, and said softly, a child in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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