Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 288 The Gap Will Only Get Bigger

Chapter 288 The Gap Will Only Get Bigger
Fei Shao and Third Eye couldn't believe it.

Looking at Ye Xiao in horror, they joined forces and couldn't resist a move.

too frightening.

Ye Xiao wasn't too surprised. Level [-] warriors are the same as level [-] warriors, and they also have strengths and weaknesses.

There are five levels in total.

From one star to five stars.

Ru Fei Shao's third eye, including Liu Yunfei and Nan Gongjie, are all one-star six-level warriors.

That is to say, a warrior who has just broken through to level six warrior.

And Ye Xiao's strength should be a two-star six-level warrior.

Ye Wentian, Liu Qinan, Gongao and others are three-star sixth-level warriors.

As for Ye Huntian, he could be considered a three-and-a-half star, a strong man with half a foot in the rank of a seventh-level warrior.

In fact, in terms of the degree of condensed zhenqi, Ye Xiao is not yet a [-]-star [-]-level warrior, but his attack power has definitely reached a [-]-star [-]-level warrior with the increase of Slaughter Sword Soul.

Therefore, Fei Shao and the third eye are definitely not rivals, they can only be abused.

"Oh my god, that is the Slaughtering Sword Soul, how could he comprehend it!"

The elder of the Zhao family couldn't help crying out.

Master Zhao Family Patriarch was once a peerless swordsman, and he comprehended the sword intent of killing. Since then, no one has comprehended it, leaving only a broken sword.

"Haha, a genius in swordsmanship, killing the sword soul is an attribute that can be ranked in the top ten in swordsmanship, Ye Xiao, who is in the Ye family, is not happy!"

Ye Wentian laughed out loud, extremely excited.

Liu Qi, Chen Hanshan, Qin Xueshan and others also looked at Ye Xiao in shock. They understood how powerful Ye Xiao's potential was when he realized the Slaughter Sword Soul.

Let's put it this way, as long as there are no accidents, at least you can advance to the eighth-level warrior.

It is even possible to become a tenth-level warrior and crush the void.

Liu Yunfei, Liu Yunlong, Ye Fenghuayuyan, Li Fu and others sighed helplessly. Before entering the ancient land, they thought that they might have some adventures with the help of the ancient land, so that they might be able to get closer.

So try to catch up.

But now his so-called progress is really not worth mentioning compared to Ye Xiao, and it can even be said to be a step backward.

Hua Yuyan's eyes flickered, and she didn't think about the challenge for the time being, but she clenched her fists and seemed extremely unwilling.

"Kill him, at any cost!"

Ye Huntian stared at Ye Xiao and said coldly.

Kiichi Shimada of the Yamaguchi-gumi of the island nation issued the same order.

They understand that once Ye Xiao grows up smoothly, it will be a disaster for them.

So many fifth-level warriors and sixth-level warriors rushed towards Ye Xiao.

Seeing this, Ye Wentian and the others froze, and then asked many elders to help Ye Xiao resist, and to protect Ye Xiao no matter what.

Ye Xiao did not refuse anyone who came, and unfolded his movements, three steps and two steps, exuding a sharp sword energy all over his body to fight.

Stimulating the killing sword soul in the body, waves of blood-colored sword intent permeated the air.

Stand out!

Chi Chi Chi!

Several fifth-level warriors were directly beheaded by the sharp sword energy before they could resist in the future.

Ye Xiao dodged the attack with a dodge.

Immediately rushed towards Xueshao and Seventh Eye.

The faces of the two turned pale. They were not Ye Xiao's opponents in the first place, and they were still seriously injured, so the gap was even bigger.

Immediately timid, turned around and ran.

The casual cultivators onlookers were stunned again, their faces were extremely exciting, I'm sorry, this Ye Xiao is really awesome.

To be able to turn around and run away in fright the geniuses of the Ten Young Masters of the Xiemeng and the geniuses of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

This spread can cause an uproar.

What a fucking bullshit.

The corners of Shimada Guiyi and Ye Huntian's mouths twitched, they really lost all face.

But at the same time, it was also helpless, except for the two of them, Ye Xiao's strength could be steadily suppressed.

It is very difficult for other people to take it down. If they are besieged, they will shoot and change places.

Can't catch up at all.

There is no way.

At this time Ye Xiao was still chasing Xueshao and Seventh Eye fiercely, but anyone who stood in his way was killed by him casually, with the appearance of cold-blooded killing.

It seems to be the god of death from hell, making Xiemeng and Yamaguchi-gumi masters tremble with fear.

next moment.

Ye Xiao approached within five meters of Xueshao and the seventh eye, and slashed down with the blood-drinking sword. For a moment, Xueshao and the seventh eye felt cold all over.

It seemed that the blood was about to freeze, and for a moment there seemed to be hallucinations such as a sea of ​​blood, killing, and death.

Make their hearts sway.

Being beheaded with almost no reaction, this is the power of the killing sword soul, its attack power is terrifying, and it can also create illusions to obliterate the soul.

After killing Seventh Eye and Xueshao, Ye Xiao looked for a new target with flickering eyes.

The masters of the evil alliance and the Yamaguchi group who were stared at by him couldn't help swallowing, they were really afraid of Ye Xiao.

Then a funny scene appeared, where Ye Xiao was going to kill, he hadn't arrived yet.The masters of Xiemeng and Yamaguchi-gumi ran away completely.

Even the people of the Guwu family were a little scared.

It's really because the sword energy on Ye Xiao's body is too terrifying, piercing through metal and stone, showing his sharpness like a god of death from hell.

I'm afraid that his eyes will become red and they will be chopped off together.

Next, Ye Xiao turned into a god of death to harvest life, and specifically looked for those fifth-level elders to attack, they were all the backbone.

Each death is a great loss.

Seeing Ye Xiao's unscrupulous killing, Ye Huntian and Dao Tiangui couldn't stand it anymore, so they thought of going to do it themselves.

But this time, Liu Qi, Ye Wentian and others firmly resisted, grinning and said: "Didn't you just say to kill our younger generation, now it seems that your side was killed first! "

Ye Huntian's expression was ugly. He was stronger than Ye Wentian, but it was very difficult to defeat him quickly. Watching Ye Xiao continue to kill.

Ye Huntian understood that it might take less than an hour to kill all those elders.

At this moment, the ancient land restriction above his head suddenly opened.


Ye Huntian shouted loudly, and immediately rushed out at the head of the horse, and the others quickly followed.

Then the Yamaguchi group, the Guwu family, and casual cultivators all fled out.

After leaving, the members of the Xiemeng and the Yamaguchi-gumi no longer had the mood to fight, and they all ran towards the deep mountains and disappeared.

Ye Xiao wanted to chase but was stopped by Ye Wentian, he shook his head and said: "Don't chase, be careful of traps, this time we can get out of the body completely is not easy!"

He did not expect that the Xiemeng would send so many masters.

Moreover, the islanders also came and suffered a big loss.

More than half of the members of the eight major families were lost, which is not a serious injury. If Ye Xiao hadn't arrived at the end, the entire army would have been wiped out.

Liu Qinan, Gongao and others also gritted their teeth.Never had such a big loss.

"Okay, this is not a place to chat, first go to our Hua family's manor to rest and heal!"

Hua Manlou said softly, she was exhausted from continuous fighting, her whole body was dirty with sweat, and her slender figure was very conspicuously beautiful!
But no one was in the mood to appreciate it.

Immediately, everyone nodded and rushed towards Huajia Manor.

Seeing that the ancient land restriction had been completely closed, Ye Xiao also followed.

PS: In the next chapter, I will return to the city and start to pretend to be X. If I don’t pretend in a few chapters, I really don’t think about food and drink, and I feel uncomfortable.
(End of this chapter)

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