Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 33 Skinning

Chapter 33 Skinning
Ye Xiao's opponent is called Fire Bull, and he is indeed as strong as a buffalo, with fists like sandbags, full of oppression.
At this time, Zheng Zheng looked at Ye Xiao with disdain, and said arrogantly: "Reaper? I will let you die in a while."

Ye Xiao didn't say a word, and hooked his hands to signal the fire bull to let the horse come over
"go to hell"

The Fire Bull roared angrily, took three strides in a row, and swung its fist the size of a sandbag straight over.
chi chi chi
Because the contained power is too great, the air emits a sonic boom, which is frightening.
I saw that Ye Xiao was not in a hurry, and the moment he was about to attack close to him, he punched out with a punch, the second strike came first, and he hit the fire bull firmly.
The sound of bones breaking was heard, and the fire bull fell under the ring, struggled a few times and became silent
The white bone on the chest pierced the skin and leaked out, bloody and bloody, making the onlookers scream.
Immediately, there was astonishment and astonishment. In the eyes of everyone, it should be Ye Xiao who died, and he couldn't be the opponent of Fire Bull.
But the situation is completely reversed, and the fire bull is vulnerable.
Many people's eyes flickered, this god of death may really have some ability.
More people reacted and cursed angrily, many of them defeated Ye Xiao.
The host rang the bell, and several men in white clothes carried away the body of the fire ox.
After a short break is the second round of competition, each time only one person can go out alive and advance to the next round.
In other words, only one of the eight people participating in the competition can survive, which is extremely cruel.

Ye Xiao's opponent in the next round is Heishi, it's really a narrow road to enemies.
At this moment, Heishi was looking at Ye Xiao provocatively, cutting his throat
The first ones to play are Shalong and Huoyun. If there is no accident, Huoyun is not the opponent of Shalong.
And the fact is true, Huoyun's legwork is useless under the dragon-killing ninjutsu, it is restricted everywhere, and he loses in 10 minutes and has his head cut off.
Shalong was as arrogant as before, walking around with his head in his hands, roaring and arrogant.
The audience was indeed frightened by the murderous look of the dragon, and the scene was a little strangely quiet.
Next it is the turn of Ye Xiao and Heishi
Hei Yan smiled cruelly, his gaze disdainful of provocation, and immediately he rushed towards him like a cheetah.
For a moment Ye Xiao moved, without using his true energy, he punched out from bottom to top
It hit Heishi's wrist accurately and accurately, and with a click, his wrist broke
Heishi screamed before he had time to react, and his wrist was also broken abruptly, followed by his knee and neck.
All the support points of Heishi's body were broken, lying on the ground unable to move, Lang Hao yelled
Naturally, Ye Xiao would not show mercy and directly crushed Heishi's throat.
It's too late to say it, everything is just in the blink of an eye. Although there is no bloody way to kill the dragon, Ye Xiao's movement method makes people who know how to do it chill all over.
If you don't make a move, you will be fine, if you make a move, you will be killed, ruthless and ruthless.
And they are all aimed at the weak points, this kind of combat skill experience is simply invincible.
Qin Lie's eyes lit up, and he said softly: "What a ruthless technique, what a brilliant fighting technique."

"It's a pity, if there is no true energy to help, it is impossible to be an opponent to kill the dragon"

Qin Zhi said softly.

"How do you know that people are not really angry?"

Qin Lie asked with great interest.

"Warriors always have a special aura, no matter how high their cultivation level is, there will always be a burst of true energy. I didn't feel a trace of it from this Xiao Ye."

Qin Zhi said lightly, his pupils shrank immediately, and continued: "Unless."

"Unless what?"

Qin Lie asked.

"Unless he has a special method to hide the fluctuation of true energy or his cultivation has reached the peak."

Qin Zhi said word by word, he knew in his heart that no matter which of these two situations, it proved that this person was not simple.
Qin Lie squinted his eyes, and thought of Ye Xiao, and he didn't feel the fluctuation of true energy in Ye Xiao.
But Ye Xiao was able to spot Qin Yi Qin Er easily, which means that he must be a warrior.
From this point of view, could it be that Ye Xiao is also an extremely powerful master?

"Hehe, it's really interesting."

Qin Lie laughed, making Qin Zhi a little confused
With the roar of the host, exaggerating the atmosphere, the last match tonight began, Ye Xiao vs. Killing Dragon.
The audience in the audience roared, although they didn't like Ye Xiao, they all clamored for Ye Xiao to kill the dragon.
But what is ironic is that these people hoped that Ye Xiao would win, but they bought Shalong to win.
The odds have hit 37 to one.
It means Ye Xiao has one yuan, and if he wins, he can get 37 yuan
"Qin Zhi went to place a bet and bought Death for 1000 million."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

Qin Zhi was slightly surprised, but didn't ask any further questions.
The same is true for other boxes, and the amount of betting in this game has reached more than one billion
"I'll cut off your head, Chinese."

Killing the Dragon was chattering like birds, very arrogant.
Ye Xiao couldn't understand, and said impatiently: "Hurry up, I will peel off your skin layer by layer."

Killing Dragon understood it, roared and rushed towards Ye Xiao.
The speed was so fast that it felt as if the ground was shrinking into a foot, and it flew towards Ye Xiao with a misty luster, and the dagger in his hand exuded the brilliance of death and swiped towards Ye Xiao
Ye Xiao tilted sideways and kicked out like lightning, killing the dragon was knocked into the air
With blood on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Ye Xiao in disbelief.
Immediately, it roared like a wounded beast and rushed over again, running around Ye Xiao
Ye Xiao was unmoved, although the movement of killing the dragon was fast, it was no different from a snail in his eyes.
The next moment, the cold light suddenly appeared, and Shalong launched an attack
What was waiting for him was still a kick, and Shalong flew upside down again and fell heavily on the ring, but this time he couldn't get up again.

Ye Xiao slowly approached and squatted down, his fingers were like knives quickly swipe on Shalong's body, and then suddenly he lifted it, blood spattered, and a piece of skin was torn off forcefully.
Then there is the blue-brown bloody tendon
At this time, Shalong let out a roar like killing a pig.
From this we can see how fast Ye Xiao's movements are.
Everyone was completely frightened. They were well-informed and had seen many bloody scenes, but this was the first time they had seen such a technique of face-to-face skinning and cramping.
It's so brutal and bloody
Then came the shock, such a ferocious Dragon Slayer was vulnerable to a single blow in Ye Xiao's hands, how strong is Ye Xiao?

No one dared to draw conclusions lightly, because from the beginning to the end, Ye Xiao looked calm and calm, and could not tell the depth of his strength at all.
"This Grim Reaper is definitely not simple. He must come to watch every game in the future, and he can contact him in private."

Qin Lie said lightly.

"It's a bit difficult. I don't know if the people in Huangquan and Hades are willing to give the information, and even if they give it to the Lord, it may be false."

Qin Zhi frowned a little embarrassed
"At all costs, this is an opportunity."

Qin Lie said word by word.


Qin Zhi nodded
(End of this chapter)

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