Chapter 348

Jin Jing screamed loudly and couldn't help covering her eyes.

The situation in front of me is really eye-catching!
Deng Qi woke up like a dream, his face was as red as a summer sunset, although he was blind, he couldn't see anything.

But she is also a 27-year-old woman, and she still knows some things about men and women.

I can already guess what it is in my hand!

Immediately let go and stood up quickly.

If there is a camera at this time, you will find that Ye Xiao's thing is almost brushing against Deng Qi's cheek.

This scene really cannot be described in ordinary words!
"Rogue, bastard!"

Jin Jing walked in almost with her eyes closed and pulled Deng Qi away.

After all, she is also Hua'er's eldest daughter, and the current situation has had a great impact on them!
Men are curious about women's bodies.

Likewise, women are more curious about men's bodies.

Men like to look at women's legs, but women like to stare at men's ass! .

It is said that men with big buttocks are more capable.

So Jin Jing at this time was ashamed, angry, shocked and horrified!

After the two women left, Ye Xiao was helpless, but he still couldn't calm down when he thought of the situation just now!
Couldn't help but say something perverted.

In fact, every man has a little devil in his heart, and he will be abnormal.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, Ye Xiao went downstairs, Deng Qi blushed in embarrassment, and Jin Jing came out with a prepared meal.

Looking at Ye Xiao, he said angrily: "I knew you were a wolf, but this attack is too fast."

Ye Xiao was speechless: "It was just an accident."

"Accidents don't work either!"

Jin Jing raised her eyebrows angrily, looked at Deng Qi and said, "Sister Qi, close the door to sleep at night, be careful of wolves entering!"


Deng Qi nodded, he couldn't see Ye Xiao's appearance, so he wouldn't be so shy, but the fact is that he is very shy at this moment.

The boiling soup in his hand at that time made his heart tremble, and his memory is still fresh.

Ye Xiao's head was full of black lines, and he was just talking, when suddenly the door opened, and Deng Yanlin came back.

Ye Xiao had a strange expression on his face. If Deng Yanlin knew, he had already molested his granddaughter within a few hours of arriving home.

I don't know what expression it is!
"It's better to come back sooner than later. It's just in time for meal time. I haven't eaten well these days because of the baby incident. I'm really starving to death now!"

Deng Yanlin put down his bag and said with a smile.

"Grandpa, hurry up and try the mapo tofu I made for you!"

Deng Qi looked at Deng Yanlin and said with a smile.


Deng Yanlin said loudly, picked up the extremely fast tofu with his chopsticks and ate it, admiring as he ate: "I like to eat the rice cooked by my granddaughter, it's delicious."

"Hehe, if grandpa likes to eat, he will come back often!"

Deng Qi's big eyes rolled when she heard the praise.

Ye Xiao had a strange face, and there were many dishes on the table, but they were clearly distinct.

Some dishes are very fragrant and have a good color.This part is made by Jin Jing.

The other part looks much worse. Although I haven't tasted it, it should not be much better.

Ye Xiao picked up a piece of tofu out of curiosity, and almost spat it out, but was stopped by Jin Jing with his eyes!

"Delicious, indeed delicious!"

Ye Xiao understood immediately, and immediately praised.

Deng Qi smiled even more happily.

Next, the tableware and chopsticks were prepared and the group began to eat. It seemed that it was because of Ye Xiao's compliment, or maybe it was something else.

Deng Qi kept picking up vegetables for Ye Xiao, all of which were tofu.

That's salty!
Ye Xiao frowned while eating, but still could only swallow it in his stomach.

Seeing this, Jin Jing smiled slightly, as if you deserved it.

And Deng Yanlin's eyes flashed with gratitude.

Ye Xiao admired Deng Yanlin's unchanging expression, amazing!
After a meal, Jin Jing and Deng Qi went to wash the dishes, Ye Xiao was very playful and didn't go away, he knew that Deng Yanlin had something to say to him.

"Qiqi was born blind. We know it can't be cured, but we are still looking for a cure. After all, there are miracles in this world!"

Deng Yanlin murmured to himself: "Qiqi has been very sensible and beautiful since she was a child, but she is also extremely pitiful. Sometimes I think about it, she is so pitiful, why did God take away her parents?"

Hearing this, Ye Xiao's complexion changed, and he sighed secretly in his heart, Deng Qi was indeed a poor girl, unexpectedly her parents were gone.

"I'm too old to take care of him for a few days, so I've been used to everything in this house since I was a child, and I can take care of myself in the future!"

Deng Yanlin paused and continued: "I'm really worried, how can she marry like this, and what will happen if her husband treats her badly in the future, so I want to cure him by all means, although the hope is slim!"

After speaking, he put his eyes on Ye Xiao, full of hope.

Ye Xiao shook his head: "Acupuncture and moxibustion for congenital blindness are basically useless, and Western medicine eye replacement surgery is basically hopeless!"

Hearing this, Deng Yanlin's face was gloomy, although he didn't have much hope.

But he was still extremely disappointed, even Ye Xiao couldn't help it, maybe he really wanted to give up.

Then he looked at Ye Xiao with a slight smile and said, "How was the meal just now?"

"It's so salty!" Ye Xiao shook his head with a puzzled face: "Why didn't you tell him that it tastes bad, just put less next time!"

"No matter how hard you try, eyes are not as good as having eyes. Although she can adapt to everything in the room now, she seems to know nothing about cooking. She can't remember what to say, and you have to let Qiqi cook. Water it and give him something to do."

Deng Yanlin smiled bitterly, then looked at Ye Xiao and said, "This way he won't feel inferior, and will feel the value of his own existence, otherwise, she will be in an invisible world, and she will only despair, and finally can't think about it!"

Ye Xiao nodded, understanding Deng Yanlin's good intentions, no matter how unpalatable Deng Qi's rice was, how outrageous the flowers were.

But he must be allowed to do it, and appreciation must be encouraged.

Perhaps this is why Deng Qi is so optimistic and strong.

Ye Xiao pondered for a while: "It's not that there is no way at all, just use pills!"

Eyes are the windows of the soul, and Deng Qi's eyes lack that touch of spirit, that is, they have no eyes.

Acupuncture is no way.

But it will be effective if you use the pill.

"Really? You have a way?"

Hearing this, Deng Yanlin looked overjoyed and couldn't help asking.

"Well, I can make alchemy, but not now, it will take a while!" Ye Xiao nodded: "That's why I asked you whether there are any herbs in the hospital for your Chinese medicine school!"

"Okay. As long as you have a way to cure Qiqi's eyes, you can use the medicinal materials as you like, even if it kills me!"

Deng Yanlin couldn't sit still anymore, he walked up and down excitedly, his face was ecstatic, he knew Ye Xiao would not lie to him.

That being said, it must be sure.

"Grandpa, why are you so happy?"

Deng Qi couldn't help but walk out when she heard Deng Yanlin's laughter, and asked softly
PS; I am really sorry for the delay because I have just been discharged from the hospital and have to go to the company for vacation.
(End of this chapter)

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