Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 370 Men and Women, Fish and Water

Chapter 370 Men and Women, Fish and Water

"Feel it? Is it so mysterious?"

Ye Xiao said with a smile.

'I can not only feel that you are back, but also smell at least twenty different fragrances on your body. These fragrances are all the scents of women's perfumes, which means that you have had intimate contact with more than two dozen women! '

Deng Qi glanced at Ye Xiao and said in a rather appetizing tone
Ye Xiao's head was full of black lines, dammit, women have dog noses, so he pinched a piece of braised pork and exclaimed, "Mmm, the taste is really good, your craftsmanship has improved!"

Regarding Ye Xiao's averted gaze, Deng Qi curled her lips and didn't ask any more questions. She is not qualified to ask now, what is her identity.

Immediately, he felt a little distressed, he didn't believe that Ye Xiao couldn't feel his heart!
But he never expressed it, do you really not like her?

The two ate and chatted, and Ye Xiao talked about the outside world, which made Deng Qi yearn for it very much. She wanted to see the Titanic movie.

She wants to take a cruise to see the sea and the stars.

she thinks
She has many plans, but they all follow Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao smiled slightly and said softly: "Don't worry, this day won't be too long, and then you will find that what I said is far less beautiful than what you saw yourself!"

"En!" Deng Qi nodded, and immediately said softly: "You will accompany me to see it, right?"

"Yes, I will accompany you!"

Ye Xiao gave an affirmative answer.

A smile appeared on the corner of Deng Qi's mouth, and his smile was like a flower.

Deng Yanlin and Jin Jing came back halfway through the meal, and Deng Qi couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, didn't you say you won't be back until midnight? Why are you back now!"

"Hey, can't I leave work early?" Deng Yanlin said angrily, and then looked at Deng Qi suspiciously: "Did I come back to disturb you two? Do you have any plans?"

"How can there be!" Deng Qi blushed, "It's so old, it's not serious!"

Deng Yanlin shook his head and took a few mouthfuls of the dish, then was stunned again: "This is your dish? Why isn't it salty? It tastes very good!"

Deng Qi was stunned and smiled awkwardly, she couldn't say that she was deliberately salty before!

"Sure enough, the treatment is different, or the mood is different. Naturally, cooking for your lover is all about putting your heart into it, and the taste is naturally good!"

Deng Yanlin didn't think too much, but he also thought wrongly.

Deng Qi smiled without explaining.

After taking a shower at night, Ye Xiao still went to treat Deng Qi. This time, the acupuncture points were from the calf to the thigh. If it was later, the situation would be infinitely better!

Looking forward to the next part of the treatment.

Continuing to practice in the middle of the night, the operation speed of Zhanlongjue is getting slower and slower, no, this is like a river, with no waves on the surface.

The water is dark and surging.

The current Zhanlong Zhenqi is in this state. It is accumulating strength. Once it explodes, it is time to break through.

But now Ye Xiao also has a problem, that is, there are risks when breaking through, and there are not many pure yin spirit stones left in his storage ring.

So he needs a daughter of Baoxue and pure yin.

Right now only Liu Yue has it.

But this girl is in the capital, so she called him to come over for sex.

Knowing the truth will definitely make a fuss for a while.

So it was a bit confusing at this time.

After practicing, wash and rest, and go to the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine to give lectures the next day.

This time the scale was much larger. The classroom that could only accommodate a hundred or so students was crowded with more than 200 people.

The corridor outside the window was full of people.

There are students from the School of Chinese Medicine, but there are also some teachers of Chinese Medicine.

Ye Xiao walked onto the podium calmly and prepared to give a lecture.

But at this time there were bursts of exclamations from outside, Ye Xiaoxun looked around, and saw Master Niu, Master Jin, Master Yu, and Deng Yanli all walking over.

Looking at Ye Xiao, he said with a smile, "Master Ye, we are students in front of you. Your lecture is a rare opportunity, and we must not miss it no matter what!"

The teachers and students of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine all clicked their tongues secretly when they heard the words. Master Jin, Master Niu and others are all very well-known top masters in China.

But in front of Ye Xiao, he could only call himself a student.

It's amazing!

Although I have heard the rumors, I am far from seeing the shock with my own eyes.

At the moment, they are concentrating on listening to lectures. Even Master Jin and Master Yu have come to study and listen to the lectures. What qualifications do they have to not be serious.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

At the same time, everyone admired Master Jin and Master Yu very much. Being able to let go of their airs and attend lectures with them, this kind of mind can be called as modest as a valley.

They are indeed masters!
The hundreds of people present were very quiet, only Ye Xiao's voice echoed.

Ye Xiao talked about the origin and development of acupuncture, the types of silver needles, and the uses of the various acupoints, all of which were boring.

But when Ye Xiao said it, it was easy to understand and easy to remember!
Master Niu and Master Yu nodded, being able to narrate such obscure and profound things so easily, it can only show that Ye Xiao has a thorough understanding of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Soon after a class was finished, everyone felt unfinished, but Ye Xiao said lightly: "If you want to be a good Chinese medicine doctor, the most basic and most important thing is to keep your hands steady and your heart steady. Acupuncture can only be given if it is stable, otherwise everything will be useless!"

"May I ask how Master Ye can train his hands steadily?"

A student asked.

"Go buy two four-pound barbells for finger work, and you'll be able to do it over time!"

Ye Xiao said lightly: "Are there any other questions that you don't understand? Feel free to ask any questions! If you don't ask, I'll leave!"

At present, many students began to rush to ask questions. Even Master Jin and Master Yu and others asked a few questions, and Ye Xiao answered them one by one without thinking.

And there are several ways to do it.

It is eye-catching and stunning.

After the end, these students all hurried back with notes or recorded videos, ready to study and digest.

Ye Xiao chatted with Master Jin, Master Yu and others before leaving.

He drove the "Raptor" quickly towards Renhe Hospital, intending to find Jin Jing, and find a chance to feed him, so as not to cause problems.

Women need men to nourish, men also need women to irrigate.

No one can be short of fish or water.

Moreover, Ye Xiao is a typical carnivore, he likes all kinds of meat!

After driving for more than ten minutes, there was a sudden traffic jam in front of me. Many people surrounded me as if something had happened. Occasionally, there was a man apologizing and a woman growling.

Ye Xiao was not interested in what happened, he sat in the car smoking a cigarette and waited for his companions.

But knowing that the bet had not been moved for half an hour, he walked over impatiently.

PS; the next one will be very exciting, and there will be three shifts. It will be late at night. My grandfather passed away and I just came back from my hometown.

Things haven't been going well lately, sorry everyone
If it's too late, watch it tomorrow morning
(End of this chapter)

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