Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 402 The Devil in White

Chapter 402 The Devil in White

The woman was also petrified by Ye Xiao's actions.

That's three lives, if you say kill, you will kill.

"Put on your clothes quickly!"

Ye Xiao looked at the woman and smiled, then untied the little boy.

The woman hurriedly dressed as if waking up from a dream, blushing extremely shyly, looked at Ye Xiao and said, "Thank you for saving my life!"

"Hehe, you're welcome, it's easy!" Ye Xiao smiled and pointed at the three corpses, "You don't have to worry about killing people, they are all scum, just kill them!"

The woman nodded noncommittally, but couldn't accept it for a while, ordinary people are still extremely afraid of killing people!

"How did you meet these three scumbags!"

Ye Xiao changed the subject and asked softly.

Holding her crying son in her arms, the woman burst into tears again, and then told the story again.

The woman's name is Song Mei, an ordinary white-collar worker in a nearby city, and she lives with her son. Her husband's name is Tang Hui, who works in Haidong City.

The two grew up together as childhood sweethearts, even though they were separated in two places, their relationship is still good.

Originally, I fantasized that I would be transferred back at the end of the year, and the family of three lived a happy life.

But the bad news came suddenly. Tang Hui was seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital. It is said that he had issued a critical illness notice and could not survive.

Heartbroken, Song Mei took her son and wanted to go back to see her husband Tang Hui, but unexpectedly encountered this kind of thing halfway.

The three men threw nails on the road, causing him to overturn the car. If Ye Xiao hadn't arrived in time, not only would he be humiliated, but his son might also suffer.

Ye Xiao shook his head and looked at Song Mei and said, "In that case, I'll take you for a ride, and my destination is also Haidong City!"

"Then thank you, but we need to hurry up, I'm worried that the child's father won't be able to hold on!"

Song Mei said anxiously.

"Quick?" Ye Xiao smiled and said, "I'm afraid you can't stand it!"

Song Mei was shocked when she saw the domineering "Bird of Prey", and then screamed again when the "Bird of Prey" started, the speed was really too fast.

It was like a flash of lightning.

Originally, it took more than two hours to reach the 500-kilometer journey, but after Ye Xiao rushed down with all his strength, he reached it in an hour and a half.

Even the 'Raptor' can't stand it, it seems that it needs maintenance.

Entering Haidong City, Ye Xiao asked about the hospital where Song Mei's husband Tang Hui was, and then hurried over.

The Third Affiliated Hospital of Haidong City.

Inside the ICU ward.

A man with tubes all over his body was lying on the hospital bed, exhaling more and inhaling less, looking like he was about to die.

Sitting beside the bed was an old lady with full head of silver hair, her eyes were red and dull, like a statue.

There is a sad factor in the room, which makes the eye circles red. The greatest pain in the world is that a white-haired person gives a black-haired person.

But at this time, a slightly chunky nurse looked out of place, and looked at the old lady with disdain, arrogance, and sarcasm: "Don't cry, your son is going to die, and pay the medical expenses now, or you will have to pay the medical expenses now." Get your son out of the hospital!"

"But it doesn't matter, you will die wherever you go, but you must make up the medical expenses before you die!"

The nurse stared at the old lady with her hands on her hips, her words were extremely mean.

The other people in the room all showed warmth and anger, but they did not dare to speak. If they offended the nurses in the hospital, no one was afraid of being affected by wearing small shoes.

"How can you say that, how can you be like this." The old lady tremblingly pointed at the nurse and said, "You are a devil in white clothes!"

"You say I'm a devil!" The nurse was furious and stepped forward to push the old lady and said coldly, "Get out of here if you don't pay me!"

"How can you do this, I want to complain to you!" At this moment, Song Mei rushed over and saw what was happening before her, and hurried forward to help the old lady up; "Mom, are you okay!"

"Ahh, Meizi, you're finally back, but Xiaohui is dying, so hurry up and talk to him so that he doesn't die, mom can't bear it!"

The old lady burst into tears as she held Song Mei in her arms. The mournful and sad cry made many people secretly wipe their tears.

"Complain about me? Complaints are welcome. I forgot to tell you. My name is Wang Mei. My brother Wang Ge is the vice president of this hospital. Who dares to deal with me!" Wang Mei was extremely arrogant, staring at Song Mei and said, "Now you Even if you pay the money, I won't let you stay in the hospital, pack up and get out!"

Ye Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, stared at the nurse and said, "The old lady is right, you are a devil in white clothes, you should be glad this is a hospital, otherwise I will kill you!"

"Scaring me? You think I'm afraid of you!" Wang Mei stared at Ye Xiao with disdain, and immediately took out her mobile phone to make a call: "Brother, hurry up and bring some security guards over, someone is threatening to beat me!"

"Okay, you protect yourself, I'll come over now!"

A man's slightly anxious voice came.

After finishing speaking, Wang Mei hung up the phone, and looked at Ye Xiao triumphantly: "You are dead!"

Ye Xiao stared at Wang Mei with a cold face and said, "I seldom beat women in my life, but today you are an exception!"

After speaking, he slapped and threw it out.

Wang Mei was slapped and fell to the ground, she lost a few teeth, and her mouth was full of blood, which looked scary.

Everyone also whispered secretly, they didn't expect Ye Xiao to strike suddenly, and strike so hard.

I only dare to applaud secretly in my heart!
"You dare to hit me."

Wang Mei covered her face and said in disbelief.

Just at this moment, Vice President Wang Ge came in with some security guards. Wang Mei threw herself into Wang Ge's arms and cried loudly: "Brother, he hit me, you have to avenge me!"

"Boy, if you dare to hit the nurses in the hospital, or my sister, you are dead!" Wang Ge said coldly to several security guards, "Hit me to death!"

Hearing that several security guards surrounded him, Ye Xiao shook his head and said in disdain: "I advise you better not to do anything, otherwise you won't even have a chance to regret it!"

Several security guards took photos of Ye Xiao's imposing manner and did not dare to move, but Wang Ge shouted loudly: "Don't be afraid, call me, I'll take care of what happens!"

Ye Xiao glanced at Wang Ge with a half-smile, and shook his head helplessly. He seemed to have been forgotten for half a year after he left, so let's pretend to be an X and announce his return!
If he remembers correctly, this affiliated hospital is one of the properties of the Bai family.

Then leave it to the Bai family!
Immediately, he called Bai Ruotong, the eldest daughter of the Bai family.

PS: Returning to Haidong No. [-] X, everyone must subscribe hard, I will work hard, thank you.
(End of this chapter)

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