Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 412 I Convince People With Virtue, Those Who Disobey Are Dead

Chapter 412 I Convince People With Virtue, Those Who Disobey Are Dead

The onlookers looked at Ye Xiao and didn't know what to say.

Xiu Jie is stronger than Xiu Feng.

Xiufeng failed in two moves.

Logically speaking, Xiu Jie can support at least three tricks.

The fact is that it only supported one move.

Why is that?
There is only one reason.

Ye Xiao did it on purpose.

You are stronger and I am stronger, slapping my face.

Don't let you down, only let you down.

It was the same sentence that hit you to the point of doubting your life.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, he was really arrogant, even a little cruel.

Doing so can really hit people.

Immediately, he looked at Xiufeng and Xiujie with extremely sympathetic eyes. They were obviously geniuses, but they met perverts.

What a shame.

Wang Pu was startled and helpless, but he was more speechless and unable to complain. He had only been in Xiu's house for more than an hour, and he had turned the Xiu's house upside down and lost all face.

But he also knew that it was not Ye Xiao's fault, it took strength to make trouble.

Looking at Ye Xiao right now, he said, "Let's go, let's treat Xiu Song first!"

Ye Xiao said nonchalantly, "I'll wait and see if there is any challenge!"

Wang Pu's head was full of black lines, and he said angrily, "Who dares to challenge you!"

Seventh-level warriors plus Slaughter Sword Soul, ordinary seventh-level warriors come here is just a dish, how many seventh-level warriors can the Xiu family have.

Ye Xiao smiled and said, "Okay, but after Xiu Song's treatment, I also want to enter the Heavenly Sword Canyon to experience it!"

This is not pretending to be X, the sword intent in Tianzhu Canyon is extremely fierce, it is used to train the sword intent and improve the rank of the killing sword soul.

It is extremely useful and the most effective.

Immediately following Wang Pu and walking towards Xiu's house, both other warriors and members of Xiu's family looked at Ye Xiao's back in a daze.

I can only sigh in my heart, it is too strong.

After 10 minutes, Ye Xiao came to the meeting room of the Xiu family. The senior members of the Xiu family had already received the news, and they were all waiting in the meeting room at this time.

The meeting hall is somewhat similar to the ancient courts. It is not very big, but it is very majestic. It is all made of top-grade mahogany furniture, which has a high sense of class.

There were several high-ranking members of the Xiu family sitting inside.

Sitting on the main seat was a middle-aged man with a serious and majestic face in Chinese characters, with an invisible aura pervading. It was Xiu Shiqi, the patriarch of the Xiu family.

On Xiu Shiqi's left sat three old men, all with silver hair, but with rosy complexions, they looked extremely capable and powerful.

There were also three old men sitting on the right hand side, one of them was pale, his eyes were dull, and he seemed to be suffering some kind of pain.

Ye Xiao guessed that this person was probably the target Xiu Song this time.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Ye Xiao, some were shocked, some were angry, some were unwilling, and some were resentful.

Ye Xiao said calmly without changing his face: "Is this how the Xiu family treats guests? No one will be given a seat when they come!"

"Ye Xiao, what kind of guest are you? This is Xiu's house, not Ye's house. You'd better not be too arrogant!"

An elder on the left stared at Ye Xiao and said coldly,

"I've been arrogant for a day or two, what can you do to me?" Ye Xiao said with disdain on his face: "Don't think of yourself as noble, if it's not Elder Wang Pu who speaks this time, I won't let you kneel down and beg me." will come!"

Ye Xiao was speechless, are all members of the Xiu family stupid?He came to save people, I rub it, I don't appreciate it at all.

If it wasn't for Wang Pu's face, he would have walked away now, he wouldn't have been so angry.

"you wanna die!"

The elder was furious, and his whole body was full of momentum, and he was about to strike.

"How to do it, who is afraid of whom!"

Ye Xiao sneered, and the sword directly defeated the elder. The mahogany in the room could not bear the pressure and creaked.

"Okay, stop making jokes and step back!" The patriarch Xiu Shiqi looked at Ye Xiao without changing his face, and said, "The visitor is a guest, or a distinguished guest, Ye Xiao, please sit down!"

"It's almost the same, the patriarch still listens to what he says!"

Ye Xiao smiled.

Wang Pu next to him couldn't help but wiped the sweat off his face, and smiled wryly in his heart, this Ye Xiao is really crazy, when will he be able to settle down a bit!

"The Ye family is really more crazy than the other. Ye Qing at that time, Ye Yuanshan later, and you now, you really deserve to be a member of the Ye family. You are a formidable young man!"

Xiu Shiqi looked at Ye Xiao and shook his head and said.

The Xiu family has experienced a hundred years of decline, and there have been many outstanding disciples in this generation. If they are trained well, I believe it will not be long before they can return to the ranks of the Gu Wu family.

Moreover, they have also investigated the eight ancient martial arts families. Except for a limited number of people, no one can compare with Xiujie Xiufeng and others from the Xiu family.

But fate is not as good as people's calculations, and Ye Xiao appeared in the Ye family.

In half an hour, the younger generation of the Xiu family was wiped out.

Ye Xiao was also not modest, and said with a smile: "I have always convinced people with virtue, and those who do not obey me are dead!"

Xiu Shiqi was speechless, this is so crazy that he has nothing to say, even he has the urge to hit someone, he deserves a beating!
Looking at Ye Xiao, he smiled and said, "Let's get down to business. Wang Pu told me about your medical skills. I wonder if you can treat our second elder, Xiu Song. If you can, our Xiu family will definitely thank you!"

"No problem, I can not only cure him, but also allow him to successfully break through to level six martial artist!" Ye Xiao said softly, full of confidence: "You don't have to thank me too much, I have already said that I came to save people because of Wang Pu. For the sake of the elders, it has nothing to do with your Xiu family!"

Hearing that Wang Pu's complexion was very exciting, tears streaming down his face, I really don't know whether to be happy or embarrassed
"Bragging does not make drafts. Strength is different from medical skills. Strong strength does not mean strong medical skills. It is good if you can save your life if you lose your temper. I have never heard of a warrior who can be promoted to the sixth level!!"

The elder Xiurong who was suppressed by Ye Xiao before couldn't understand Ye Xiao's arrogance, so he couldn't help but hum.

The other elders also nodded, madness is considered a cancer among warriors, it is basically hopeless!

Ye Xiao was speechless: "You must be brainless. It sounds like you don't want me to cure Elder Xiu Song. Are you fighting among yourself?"

Hearing this, Xiu Rong blows his beard and stares angrily, and sits there feeling angry.

Ye Xiao smiled and walked to Xiu Song's side, and said softly: "I'll diagnose your pulse, try to suppress the true energy in your body, and you'll be fine in a while!"

"it is good!"

Xiu Song nodded, what he knew about Ye Xiao was what Wang Pu said, and he still had some hope in his heart, who would want to die if there was no way,

"The true qi is flooding the lily of the limbs. Is your chest swollen now? When it hurts, it seems that there is a hammer hitting somewhere, and the martial soul in the lower abdomen is in a semi-condensed state. This is a time bomb. Anyone can explode. In addition, the body Many meridians have been seriously damaged, and the internal organs have also been displaced.”

Ye Xiao frowned and said softly.

The situation was even worse than he had imagined. To put it bluntly, the most Xiu Song could hold on to was that one day his blood would explode and he would die.

The death was extremely miserable.

"Yes, what you said is correct!" Xiu Song looked at Ye Xiao: "You have a way to save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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