Chapter 42
If the phone doesn't work, maybe something happened to Ye Xiao too.
Ye Xiao's voice came through the phone connection, the unprovoked Liao Xing heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately said the matter carefully, and said a few words of concern
Finally, I asked how to solve it
Ye Xiao said he didn't know anything and let Liao Xing figure it out.
Hanging up the phone, Liao Xing smiled wryly
He ordered his subordinates to pack up the corpse and the scene, and hurried back to discuss it with the chief.
Huang Yingying's residence.
Ye Xiao was lying in the bathroom taking a bath, while Huang Yingying was busy wiping her back and washing up!

"The lone wolf is dead, the people in Huangquan must think that you killed it, will they send someone to chase you down?"

Ye Xiao said softly, his eyes flickered and the corners of his mouth were cold!

Huang Yingying's eyes flickered and she said softly: "No, Huang Quan dare not break up with the Hades, and no one can take advantage of it."

After speaking, Huang Yingying suddenly stood up: "By the way, I have to report the situation to the Second Palace Master immediately, otherwise I will be suspicious."

Ye Xiao nodded
Immediately, Huang Yingying took out her mobile phone and made a call.
Soon the call is connected
"What happened?"

The deep voice of the Second Palace Master came.
"Huang Quan sent an assassin to kill Ye Xiao just now, but I stopped him. The two of us had a fight and finally killed him."

Huang Yingying whispered
"Has Ye Xiao discovered your identity?"

The second hall master was a little surprised, and immediately continued to ask
"He was in a coma when the car crashed and is now at my house."

Huang Yingying said calmly
"Okay, I will deal with this matter, Huang Yingying, I want to warn you, if you dare to play tricks on me, your sister will die."

The voice of the second palace master Yin Cece came
Huang Yingying's heart tightened and her complexion changed slightly.
Hang up the phone, still feeling uneasy
"Second Palace Master is suspicious by nature, I'm worried that he won't believe it, so he's showing his secrets?"

Huang Yingying looked at Ye Xiao and said
"Probably not, find a chance and I will kill him"

Ye Xiao said coldly.
"The second hall master is actually good to me. If it weren't for him, we sisters would have been ruined by so many people in the Hades hall, but they are cruel and ruthless, and we only want to become the master of the Hades hall."

Huang Yingying said softly.

"Well, find a chance to ask him out and I will talk to him"

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered and he smiled.


Huang Yingying was puzzled.
"You'll know when the time comes, let's do business first."

Ye Xiao said coldly, and immediately rushed towards Huang Yingying.

After a long time, the fighting stopped, and Ye Xiao came to the bed with Huang Yingying, who was like soft mud, and fell asleep hugging each other
Huang Yingying is a martial arts practitioner, the pain of breaking her body is harmless, and she still goes to work.
Ye Xiao didn't go to work
At this time the phone rang, looking at the displayed number, Ye Xiao smiled, it turned out to be Hu Xuerou's
"Miss Hu called early in the morning, she seems to miss me."

Ye Xiao teased lightly and said with a smile
"You told me last night that grandpa was ill. He fell ill suddenly last night and he hasn't woken up yet. Is there anything you can do?"

Hu Xuerou's voice was hurried, Ye Xiao didn't take it seriously when she talked to him last night, thinking it was just a way to strike up a conversation
But not long after the charity gala ended, Gong Tiancheng passed out and hadn't woken up until now. Many doctors were helpless.
"Small matter, tell me the address, and I'll be there right away."

Ye Xiao smiled softly, these things are all expected.
Hu Xuerou was a little surprised, and immediately gave Ye Xiao the address, and said that she would wait for him at the door.
Ye Xiao didn't waste time, simply washed up and took a taxi there.
But when he arrived at the destination, Ye Xiao's eyes wrinkled. This place turned out to be a military region, and he immediately felt relieved. Gong Tiancheng was originally a senior official of the military region.
There are guards holding gun handles at the door, they are mighty and extraordinary
Ye Xiao called Hu Xuerou
A few minutes later, Hu Xuerou came out in a silver dress, like a fairy from the world, even the two guards couldn't help sneaking a peek.
"Come on, come in with me."

Hu Xuerou was rather anxious and dragged Ye Xiao into the military area.
There are many soldiers patrolling inside, very clean and well-educated.
"Who dares to touch Miss."

Two big men in camouflage uniforms blocked the way, staring at Ye Xiao and said coldly.

"Liu Jie, Liu Feng, I hired you to treat my grandfather, please don't be rude."

Hu Xuerou's complexion was a little crimson, and she said coldly.
Wanting to pull back his palm but failed, Ye Xiao gripped it even tighter, looking at Liu Jie provocatively, Liu Feng.
"Boy, are you in need of a beating?"

Liu Jie said angrily, if he hadn't been worried about Hu Xuerou, he would have done it long ago
"You can try it."

Ye Xiao sneered.
(End of this chapter)

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