Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 432 Father's Love Is Immortal As A Mountain

Chapter 432 Father's Love Is Immortal As A Mountain
The faint words are full of undoubted domineering.

And the cold murderous aura.

Everyone had an illusion, as if there was a knife clamped around their necks, they were about to die, and they dared not move.

When Ye Xiao was eager to help the little girl and Wang Laogen just now, he looked very righteous and sunny.

Like the boy next door.

It became like this in a blink of an eye.

Cold-blooded, cruel and domineering.

He is really a man full of magic, but everyone applauds faster.

The real strong should not bully the weak.

Instead, he is as jealous as Ye Shao, merciless and domineering!
Scarface was lying on the ground, not daring to move, not even screaming, for fear that Ye Xiao would kill him suddenly.

I was terrified!
Ye Xiao didn't bother to pay attention to the scarred face. It's best to kill this kind of person. He looked around and said softly, "Go on with your business. I'll take care of it if something goes wrong!"

Hearing this, Wang Laogen and others were overjoyed.

With the backing of Ye Shao's words, whoever dares to bully them again will applaud gratefully.

Ye Xiao waved his hands and prepared to leave.

The little girl grabbed Ye Xiao's sleeve, stared at Ye Xiao with big watery eyes, and asked crisply, "Big brother, are you Ye Xiao?"

"Yeah, doesn't it look like it?"

Ye Xiao said with a smile.

"Like!" The little girl nodded her head: "I heard that your medical skills are very good, I want to ask you for a favor!"

"What's busy!"

Ye Xiaorao asked with interest, proud of himself, never thought that he was so famous that even children knew about it!

"My grandpa has a bad memory. He doesn't know his home anymore. He often falls down and forgets everything about the past. Can you see a doctor for my grandpa?"

The little girl said very innocently.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered, this should be Alzheimer's disease, mainly caused by cerebral congestion, the blood metabolism of the elderly is too slow.

So there is a high chance that this problem will occur.

Just prick a few needles with silver needles, or take blood coagulation pill to get it done.

At the moment, he pretended to be extremely embarrassed and said: "The price of my medical treatment is very expensive, do you have money?"

"My pocket money is all gone, it's gone!" the little girl murmured to herself, pinching the corner of her clothes and said suddenly: "It said on TV that you can give your life as a gift for saving my life, as long as you can save my grandpa, I will grow up!" I will marry you as my wife!"

Hearing this, Ye Xiao almost spit out, coughing violently.

Children nowadays are really amazing, they know everything at the age of ten years old.

But from another aspect, it also shows that the little girl is very well-behaved, sensible and kind.

There is no way, the children of poor families have long been in charge of the family!

Qin Yan, Han Yue and others also pursed their lips and smiled happily.

Immediately nodded and smiled: "Okay, little girl, you lead the way ahead, I'll go see your grandpa!"

"Yeah, thank you brother Ye Xiao!" The little girl made a victory gesture, then smiled and said, "I'm not a little girl, I'm Xiangling, and I'm already ten years old!"

"Good. Xiangling!"

Ye Xiao smiled helplessly.

Then Xiangling led the way, bouncing around and looking very active, eccentric, talking about family affairs like a little adult.

Why dad is busy with work, mom is not in good health and needs to take care of grandpa.

Xiangling's home is not far away, it takes about [-] minutes to arrive. This is an area that is about to be demolished. It belongs to the LC area. The infrastructure is very poor and it is not safe.

"Dad, I'm back, look at my QQ doll!"

Xiangling yelled loudly before she got to the house, holding a QQ doll as if offering a treasure, triumphantly.

A man came out of the house.

The clothes are ordinary, the face is dark, and the hands are covered with wrinkles, which looks a bit sloppy.

It was Xiangling's father, Zhang Shan.

Seeing Xiangling's doting face, he smiled and said, "Xiangling is amazing, and this QQ doll is also very good-looking!"

"But Dad, I've spent all the 500 yuan. That's your salary for a week. I'm sorry Dad!"

Xiangling suddenly lowered her head and said softly.

Zhang Shan's face twitched a few times, and then he said with a wry smile: "It's okay, dad can earn money without money, as long as my daughter is happy!"

Xiangling nodded, pointed at Ye Xiao and the others and said, "Father, this is the well-known Ye Shao from Haidong City. I invite him to come back and treat Grandpa!"

"Young Master Ye?"

Zhang Shan had naturally heard Ye Shao's name, but he didn't believe that the most powerful person in Haidong City would come to treat his father himself.

And it was my daughter who invited her back.

Subconsciously think that Ye Xiao is a liar, but it doesn't look like it either.

Besides, the family is poor, so what can they lie about!
Ye Xiao saw Zhang Shan's doubts, and smiled softly: "You don't have to doubt, I was moved by Xiangling's kindness, and I don't need money to see a doctor for free!"

Zhang Shan was stunned for a moment, and then he was extremely shocked and pleasantly surprised, he stuttered a bit when he spoke, who would believe what Ye Shao told him when he came to his house!
Immediately invite Ye Xiao to sit in the room.

Ye Xiao walked in with Qin Yan and others.

The house is very damp and dark, the space is not big, but it is cleaned very neatly.

A middle-aged woman was making dumplings, and an old man was sitting at the table in a daze.

"This is my father, Zhang Bo, and my wife, Luo Huan!"

Zhang Shan introduced softly, and hurriedly moved the stools for Ye Xiao and others, and wiped them again and again, for fear that they would be a little dirty.

And pulled his wife Luo Huan and whispered.

Luo Huan was also extremely excited and shocked.

Xiao ran out and came back with a box of tea leaves, which he carefully brewed for Ye Xiao.

The tea is not good tea, even a little rough.

But for Zhang Shan, he is already able to come up with the best things.

Ye Xiao drank indifferently, while Zhang Shan was fidgeting, and it took him a while to calm down.

He introduced the situation of his father Zhang Bo to Ye Xiao.

You can get lost when you go out, and you will forget to bring your keys when you go home. Basically, you don’t know anyone.

Ye Xiao nodded, which meant that Zhang Bo's dementia was already very serious.

At this time, Luo Huan made the dumplings and they were very fragrant.

"This is our dinner, it's a bit shabby!"

Zhang Shan looked extremely embarrassed, Ye Xiao came in a hurry and didn't have any preparations, and he also understood that no matter how carefully prepared he was.

He couldn't catch Ye Shao's eyes either!

"It's ok!"

Ye Xiao picked up a dumpling and ate it. It was stuffed with chives, it had no meat but it tasted good.

Qin Yan, Han Yue and the others also started to eat. They didn't seem to like it. This is normal. They are used to delicacies from mountains and seas. How can they eat these things!
However, no other bad looks were shown.

This made Zhang Shan Kanter's mood a little calm.

Xiangling, on the other hand, ate wildly with her mouth wide open, insisting that it was delicious, and her cute and naive appearance was endearing.

At this time, Zhang Bo suddenly took out the dumplings one by one from the bowl and put them on the table, and took out a plastic bag from his pocket.

Then put the dumplings one by one into a plastic bag and put them in the pocket.

He smiled as if he had done something great.

"Dad, what are you doing!"

Zhang Shan couldn't help but said loudly.

"My son likes to eat dumplings the most, I want to take them home for him to eat!"

Zhang Bo covered his pocket for fear of being robbed, so he kept underestimating and took it home for his son to eat.

"Dad, I'm sorry for you!" Zhang Shan knelt down directly, with tears streaming down his face, and said with some sobs: "When I was young, my father would always bring me dumplings when he went out to eat!"

Ye Xiao was also stunned, sobbing!
This is fatherly love, even if you are too old to remember where you live, what your name is, or everything, you will still remember that your son likes to eat dumplings.

PS; this chapter is written specifically for the Dragon Boat Festival.

I hope everyone can be filial to their father and mother.

Because they gave everything for us, it's not easy.

The son wants to support but the relative is not there.

It's time for us to do something!

(End of this chapter)

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