Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 435 Kind-hearted Death

Chapter 435 Kind-hearted Death

There are people coming and going in the train station.

The most common thing to see here is farewell and farewell.

But when Ye Xiao arrived at the train station, the atmosphere at the scene was extremely hot.

There was a lot of screaming from young men and women.

There are also many security guards maintaining order.

It's as if the leaders inspected it.

It was so crowded that I wanted to buy a ticket. After asking, I found out that it was the movie star Xu Lan who appeared at the train station.

This caused an uproar, and many movie fans went up to ask for autographs.

Many people were extremely dissatisfied, and the delay would not be enough, and they would not be able to catch the train.

A middle-aged man found the security guard and couldn't help complaining: "You block it like this, how can we pedal, it's too late!"

The security guard also said helplessly: "The order we received was to maintain order at the scene, and not to let fanatical fans make rough moves or intentions towards Xu Lan!"

"I want to complain to your train station!"

Someone said dissatisfied.

"Go ahead and complain, let's see who cares about you. This is a movie star, and he is powerful. I think you should refund the ticket online and replace it with the one in the afternoon. The one in the morning should be too late!"

The security guard shook his head and murmured, "All stars fly by plane. Why is Xu Lan taking the train, and the higher-ups gave orders to maintain order, and the sudden addition of security guards today seems to have been arranged in advance!"

Another security guard lowered his voice and said softly: "Let me tell you, this is a hype. Xu Lan deliberately exposed her identity and found a lot of sailors. When the time comes, she will take pictures of the situation in front of her and post it on the Internet. It can be said that Xu Lan's popularity is so high that fans bet on the train station angrily. Hey, don't say it, or I will pack up and leave!"

Ye Xiao sneered when he heard this, this method is indeed very common in the entertainment industry, he has already found several women in overalls secretly videotaping.

Ye Xiao disdains this kind of behavior that harms others and benefits himself. He looked at the security guard and said, "Let your station masters come over!"

"Boy, who are you, what qualifications do you have to call us the station master!"

Security guard Zhu Bao looked at Ye Xiao disdainfully, and said in a cold voice.

Being able to manage Haidong City Railway Station, this station master is still very powerful, how could he be able to meet at will.

Ye Xiao didn't bother to pay attention to the security guards, and said in a low voice; "Tell him that if you don't arrive here within 5 minutes, he won't be the station master. I'm Ye Xiao!"


The security guard was shocked when he heard the words, and stared at Ye Xiao for a while, then looked shocked, and then quickly took out the walkie-talkie to call the station master.

The other security guards and passengers around him also looked at Ye Xiao in shock.

No one would have thought that the legendary "Young Master Ye" would appear here.

And it looks like someone is going to be unlucky.

Soon, Ling Rongyou, the station master of Haidong City Railway Station, ran over in a hurry.

He only needs to take a look at him to confirm that Ye Shao in front of him is real and not a fake. His forehead is covered with sweat, and he respectfully said, "Young Master Ye, what are your orders!"

"Hurry up and blast this mysterious movie star Xu Lan away, and then call the consortium behind him to completely block it!" Ye Xiao said lightly, as if saying something lightly: "I want to catch the train, he thinks I'm on the way, I'm going Very upset!"

Hearing this, the mouth corners of the onlookers twitched, dammit, you seem to be upset after you've only been here for less than 3 minutes, but we've been waiting for more than an hour.

Too arrogant, too arrogant, too domineering.

Sure enough, rumors are not as good as seeing with one's own eyes!

Ling Rongyou didn't dare to delay, so he quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call, and ran to Xu Lan's side to say something.

Then Xu Lan turned pale.

The previous complacency completely disappeared, and he left quietly as if his father had died in a daze.

The surrounding water army was also warned and began to disperse.

Only some fans who didn't know the truth were stunned, unable to figure out what happened.

After the crowd dispersed, Ye Xiao went straight to the waiting room to wait for the bus, and as Ye Xiao left, what happened just now spread quickly.

Many people clapped their hands and applauded, what they did was too right, celebrity hype is normal, but there is no bottom line, hype that hurts others and benefits oneself.

It has seriously affected the lives of the public.

Only those brainless fans clamored for what to do, but they were all warned soon, and obediently admitted their cowardice and left.

Moreover, the news that Ye Xiao treated the poor Zhang Bo and helped the people who set up street stalls in temple fairs has been widely spread, plus the things in front of him.

Everyone had a deeper understanding of Ye Xiao. He was as ruthless and ruthless as in the legend, but he was only targeting the enemies, the bad guys, and those who provoked him!

It is very helpful for ordinary people.

Such people are heroes.

Even the god of death is a kind god of death.

Ye Xiao arrived on the train smoothly. This is a high-speed train with the latest technology, and the speed is very fast.

It takes about one day and one night to reach the city where the Jing family is located, Yangcheng.

What Ye Xiao bought was the top sleeper, it was very clean and looked pretty good.

After cleaning up simply, Ye Xiao replaced the pillow with a pillow that Fang Lin embroidered for herself. Fang Lin said that she wanted Ye Xiao to lay on the pillow and think about her.

This way you will never leave!

It's just pink, a man's pillow is a bit motherly!

as predicted.

Ye Xiao just changed.

There was a crisp laughter.

"Hehe, a big man carries such a girly pillow with him, I'm dying of laughter!"

Ye Xiao heard the reputation and looked over.

There are three people on the opposite bed.

Two women and one man.

The man looks handsome, but there is a kind of femininity all over his body, and he is very shy, a bit out of the ordinary.

The two girls are very beautiful.

It should be a pair of sisters. The girl on the left has long hair, like a mountain peony, with a very pure feeling, staring carefully.

There is a sudden feeling of peace in my heart.

Wearing very ordinary shorts and shorts, even if her beautiful legs are folded into a shocking arc, she still can't afford any orgasm.

All in all a very quiet girl.

The other one has short hair, a pair of big talking eyes, small canine teeth, and a delicate and flawless face.

It looked quaint.

It was this girl who spoke just now.

"Gao Yue must not be rude!"

The long-haired woman reprimanded softly.

"Got it, ma'am!"

Gao Yue pursed her lips, but her eyes were still on Ye Xiao. For some reason, she was very interested in this handsome boy.

Ye Xiao smiled slightly and said, "My girlfriend gave it to me. What I lay on is not a pillow, but my girlfriend!"

At this moment, Ye Xiao seemed to be an affectionate man who loved and doted on his girlfriend very much, and his sentimental and melancholy temperament made people feel distressed.

Starting with X, there are two more updates tonight, it will be very exciting.
(End of this chapter)

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