Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 470 Epiphany and the Flower Selling Girl

Chapter 470 Epiphany and the Flower Selling Girl

Ye Xiao walked out of the coffee shop and wandered aimlessly on the street. The sunlight was dazzling, and he couldn't help squinting his eyes!
Looking at the hurried pedestrians and the people queuing up to buy the waste pills, I was a little distracted, feeling like a dream.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth for a long time, and he was going back to Ye's house in a month, and the good days of pretending to be free and easy were coming to an end.

No, there is still one month left.

The travel for more than half a year has made him gain a lot, and his mood has become more solid. It can be regarded as seeing the sufferings of the world and the various aspects of life.

The state of mind is ahead of the cultivation base, and basically will not go crazy.

However, I still haven't reached the goal I set for myself!
"I heard that the neighboring city Ningcheng Crescent Lake is very famous, so I happened to stop by to have a look!"

Ye Xiao said to himself, Gao Yue told him this.

It is said that Crescent Lake is beautiful, and there are many lovers who make love there, so it is also called Lover's Lake.

Shouting Ye Xiao to take him to have a look!
But what Ye Xiao is most interested in is another legend.

Legend has it that Crescent Moon Lake is the place where the kendo genius Yu Feng realized the sword, but as long as the peerless swordsman has fought and realized the way, there will be aura left behind.

Ye Xiao wants to go and have a look, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

Immediately, he waved his hand to hail a taxi and arrived at the station, then took the bus and rushed towards Ning Cheng.

The passengers in the car were all resting their eyes or sleeping.

Ye Xiao leaned against the car window and watched the scenery of trees passing by, with a peaceful look in his eyes, and his spirit fell into a state of calm like water.

Recalling everything that happened since rebirth in his mind, each piece flashed before his eyes like a movie.

There is pain, there is hatred, there is happiness, there is warmth, and there is protection.

Thinking of the happy scene, Ye Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud. The idiotic and pure laughter attracted the attention of other passengers in the car.

Someone had a displeased face after being woken up from sleep, and the young woman opposite couldn't help muttering: "Crazy, mentally disabled..."

Ye Xiao smiled.

Continuing to maintain this state, he could feel that the true energy of Zhanlong was moving slowly, but the killing sword soul in the sea of ​​souls was shaking, feeling more beacon-like.

Epiphany is so miraculous, it comes so suddenly.

It is too important for warriors to practice epiphany.

10 minute later.

Suddenly there was a series of babies crying, and Ye Xiao frowned upon hearing this, feeling a little out of breath from the crying.

Now follow the reputation.

I saw the young woman holding the baby in the opposite seat, with an anxious face on her face, and crying: "Driver, my child is spitting up milk and can't breathe. I'm going to the hospital!"

During the conversation, the baby's crying became weaker and intermittent, as if it would stop at any time.

The driver was shocked when he heard the words and said: "There is still a distance from the hospital, it's too late."

Immediately, he shouted again, this is my new car, I can't die on it, otherwise it would be bad luck! "

As soon as the words were finished, I don't know how many people scolded them angrily, and the driver didn't dare to answer even if he was wronged. He looked at the situation through the rearview mirror.

"I beg you, who can save my son!"

The young woman wept miserably, trembling in extreme panic.

Someone wanted to help rescue him, but he was afraid that the child would die in his hands, and he would not get rid of it, so he didn't move.

Someone was watching the fun with a blank face!

The young woman looked helpless.

At this time Ye Xiao walked over, embraced the baby under the astonished gaze of the young woman, and then pressed his fingers against the baby's neck with a little anger.

"Ahem, cough, wow."

The baby spit out a mouthful of milk and phlegm all over in a daze, and then burst into tears.


Ye Xiao handed the baby to the young woman and said in a low voice: "The child is a little cold, and there is phlegm in the throat, so it is easy to choke the milk and block the airway, and you should eat more light food, otherwise the child will get angry and have a lot of phlegm and feel uncomfortable! "

"Thank you!"

The young woman was extremely ashamed and said that she had said that Ye Xiao was mentally disabled and insane.

The others were also extremely surprised.

When Ye Xiao returned to his seat, he suddenly had a feeling that this car was a small society, and the incident of a baby choking on milk had a panoramic view of many people's reactions.

Selfishness, guilt, selfishness, wanting to help, and having scruples about helping others.

This is the world of mortals.

That's the essence!
Immediately, his eyes lit up, and the Slaughter Sword Soul in the Soul Sea let out a "Weng", and the speed of Zhanlongjue's operation was also much faster.

The epiphany is over.

Ye Xiao has gained a lot and is in a good mood.

Still the same sentence, practice is everywhere in the world.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one withered glory.

Two hours later, Ye Xiao arrived in Ningcheng. Ningcheng is a small city, not as good as Shanghai Dongshi and Yangcheng, but there are many places of interest.

The scenery is also very nice.

A lot of people come here to travel a lot.

Ye Xiao was also hungry after driving for several hours, and planned to find a place to eat. Of course, special snacks are the best.

Dangling on the road, I accidentally bumped into a body.

Subconsciously hugged.

Very soft and fragrant.

Looking down, she turned out to be a flower seller, 23 years old, wearing an ordinary skirt, elegant but very elegant, that kind of eye-catching feeling.

Because of bumping into Ye Xiao, the flowers scattered all over the ground.

"sorry Sorry!"

The girl seemed very afraid to break away from her body, and apologized quickly, her weak appearance looked extremely pitiful.

Ye Xiao smiled faintly: "No need to apologize, I bumped into you!"

"No, it's me, it's okay"

The girl's answer was so confusing that Ye Xiao couldn't stop laughing. He squatted down and picked up all the roses on the ground, and said softly, "It's all broken, so let's do it, I'll pay you!!"

"Ah no need!"

The girl waved one after another.

Ye Xiao gave the girl a few hundred dollars without saying anything, and then walked away.

But after wandering around for several times, I still didn't find anything delicious, so I returned to the original place.

A glance.

The flower girl just now seems to be in trouble.

At this time, several men in suits and sunglasses were slapping him, and the flowers in their hands were scattered on the ground, trampled on at will.

The girl was pushed back and forth by several big men in black, looking extremely frightened and frightened.

And the leg seemed to be injured, and the blood was flowing.

There were a lot of onlookers, but they seemed to be afraid of the big men in black, and they didn't dare to make a move, so they could only whisper.

The leading man in black suddenly grabbed the girl's hair, and said with a sneer, "Cai Ningning, you are so overconfident that you dare to snatch a man from our lady, you are looking for death!"

"I don't even look at your status. Compared with our lady, you are a crow and a phoenix!"

"Cai Ningning, let me warn you again, if you dare to appear on this street again, I will not only break your legs, but also clean up your bedridden mother!"

The leading man in black was extremely arrogant.

After speaking, he directly pushed the flower girl, that is, Cai Ningning, to the ground.

Hehe smiled and planned to leave, but was stopped by Ye Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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