Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 499 Do it yourself, everyone is shocked

Chapter 499 Do it yourself, everyone is shocked

Qin Songpo, Liu Qingshi, Li Nanshan and other heads of the Guwu family also shook their heads with wry smiles. This was the first time they had seen such a thing.

In the past, carved jade statues were damaged or had poor image.

But when did this kind of thing happen, today is really an eye-opener.

Immediately, he looked at Ye Xiao with great interest, wondering how it would end. It is a very sacred thing for the jade statue to enter the ancestral temple, and it must not be sloppy.

Master Jing shook his head and looked at Ye Yuanshan and said softly: "Why don't you carve four of them first, and fill in the others later!"

Ye Yuanshan's eyes flickered, this is the best way now, but if it is done this way, how to choose, first entry and follow-up, will it cause dissatisfaction among these girls.

Or it may cause some topic, why the bowl of water is not level, or something like that.

Ye Yuanshan had a headache.

"What do you think!"

Ye Yuanshan threw the question to Ye Xiao and asked in a deep voice.

Ye Xiao smiled slightly: "They are all my favorite people, no matter the importance, even if they are willing, I will not agree, I will not wrong them!"

Hearing that Qin Yan, Hu Xuerou and other girls were extremely moved, they wanted to stand up and give up the four spots to others.

Ye Xiao waved his hands to signal these girls not to speak, then looked at Master Jing and said, "I want to carve myself, what do you think?"

Master Wen Yanjing was stunned!

Ye Yuanshan was stunned.

Many patriarchs of the Guwu family and all the guests were stunned, and their faces were very exciting immediately. Damn, Ye Xiao wants to carve by himself?

Isn't this a joke?
Carving jade statues is extremely difficult. If you don’t have decades of attainments, you can’t think about carving. For example, Master Jing in front of you learned carving from a young age and didn’t enter the court until he was 50. According to his words, in the past few decades, he The stones cut off by learning can be piled up into a mountain.

Moreover, this is a jade statue that entered the ancestral temple, so the requirements are higher.

In the whole of China, there are only three people with this skill.

And all of them are at Jing's house.

Therefore, the skill of carving is extremely difficult to master. Although Ye Xiao claims to be omnipotent, alchemy, medical skills, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, in the eyes of everyone, at most he knows a little. If he wants to reach the level of Master Jing, it is absolutely impossible.

Now everyone thinks that Ye Xiao is in a hurry.

That's why he went to the doctor in such a hurry.

Or they want to pretend to be in the limelight.

But in this case, this situation is not suitable at all.

Saying this way will first offend Master Jing, and second, if the carving fails, not only will he lose face, but the Ye family will also become a laughing stock.

Sure enough, Master Jing's face darkened. He felt that Ye Xiao didn't respect his profession, so he said in a low voice, "Ye Xiao, do you think anyone who comes here can sculpt? You're making him look down on sculpting!"

Master Jing was originally very interested in the legendary Ye Xiao. After all, it is extremely rare to be able to master martial arts, elixirs, and medical skills to such a level at such an age.

is a genius.

But now he is a little disappointed, arrogant, ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth, and defiant. This is Master Jing's opinion and conclusion on Ye Xiao.

Ye Yuanshan frowned, although he felt that Ye Xiao was a little crazy, he didn't speak.

This son has never disappointed him before, he looked at Ye Xiao and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

"Of course!"

Ye Xiao answered in the affirmative.

"Then you come!"

Ye Yuanshan suddenly laughed.

Hearing that Master Yanjing's expression became even more gloomy, he felt that he was being ignored, so he immediately sneered, if the piece of warm jade used for carving is damaged in a while.

Even if he made a move, he couldn't carve it out.

Then it will be completely out of the game!

Other members of the Guwu family or other guests were all surprised, but Ye Yuanshan did not expect Ye Yuanshan to agree.

Immediately, he shook his head with a wry smile, sat up straight, and prepared to watch a good show.

The eyes of the audience all looked over, some patrolling disciples of the Ye family also stopped, Ye Xiao turned to the four people carrying the warm jade and said: "Trouble, you put the warm jade on the ground gently!"

The four of them didn't hesitate, and immediately put Nuanyu on the ground slowly.

Ye Xiao took a deep breath, and suddenly closed his eyes facing the crowd.

Just when everyone was astonished, the blood-drinking sword appeared in his hand, and the invisible sharpness radiated, and those who were a little closer felt chills all over their bodies.

Seeing that Master Jing is even more disdainful, carving must use a special knife, although the sword is sharp, it is not suitable for carving, and it is easy to damage the quality of Nuanyu.

A layman, definitely a layman.

And with your eyes closed, damn, are you doing magic?

At this time, Ye Xiao's actions were transmitted to the major ancient martial arts families, the dragon group, and some wealthy families through the live broadcast. They were all curious about what Ye Xiao was going to do.

But Ye Xiao's actions immediately shocked everyone.

I saw the blood-drinking sword lightly lifted, Nuo Da's Nuanyu flew into the air, and then Ye Xiao quickly waved the blood-drinking sword, the invisible sword energy swept across the envelope.

The jade didn't fall, it kept floating above Ye Xiao's head.

chi chi chi
The sound of the sword cutting warm jade was very pleasant to hear, and the chipped powder fell down one after another.

Ye Xiao still had his eyes closed, with a smile on his face, as if he was nostalgic, very happy and satisfied, as if he was having a sweet dream that he didn't want to wake up from.

Everyone stared dumbfounded, what the hell, there are still such carvings.

Is this carving or sword dancing?

Too 666!
The outsider watches the excitement, the insider watches the doorway.

Master Jing's expression froze suddenly, his eyes filled with disbelief, and the patriarchs of the Guwu family also smiled wryly with increasing astonishment.

Jade chips are flying, beautiful under the sunlight.

Ye Xiao maintained this posture of dancing the sword, concentrating on it, and an hour later.

The speed of his sword dancing gradually slowed down.

But the warm jade above his head was still spinning rapidly.

The falling jade chips are gradually becoming rarer.

Suddenly Ye Xiao stopped, the Blood Drinking Sword had been sheathed unknowingly when, then he waved his right hand, and the warm jade that had been spinning above his head fell on the table next to him.

Everyone looked at it, and suddenly took a breath: "How is this possible!"

It's just that there are 24 jade statues neatly placed on the table, 24 centimeters in size, crystal clear, echoing the [-] girls behind.

Slightly staring at the crowd was even more shocking.

Because the jade statue is almost exactly the same as the person himself, even the most difficult to carve eyes, the expression is exactly the same.

It's as if it was copied.

No, it's better than copying.

Qin Yan's sexiness, Hu Xuerou's coldness, Han Yue's intellectuality, Liu Ya's cuteness, etc., each of them's characteristics are vividly expressed on the jade statue.

My God, this is not a jade statue, it's like a shrunken real person!

so amazing.

Immediately, everyone turned their attention to Master Jing. Although the jade statue was carved, is it the right size?

These are important.

Only when these are perfect, can the jade statue enter the ancestral hall!

(End of this chapter)

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