Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 5 Do you dare to touch my people?

Chapter 5 Do you dare to touch my people?
It can make Manager Baodelai so fearful and afraid.

This status is absolutely incredible.

You must know that Bao Delai's manager has a very high status, and the general manager of the ordinary road does not dare to provoke him!

Everyone looked at Ye Xiao differently, and the street goods they were wearing became a low-key symbol.

Within a minute, the lobby manager came over again and said with a very respectful smile: "Mr. Ye's private room is ready, please follow me!"

"Okay, let's lead the way!"

Ye Xiao nodded and said softly.

Immediately, several people followed the hall manager to the elevator and came to the room next to the window on the top floor, where they could see the sea through the glass.

Wang Kai and the others stopped talking. The elevator that came up just now is for VIP customers only, and the private room in front of them is the top-notch, and even rich people can't get in.

Only those who have a head and a face in Haidong City are eligible, and there is still a queue, so make an appointment in advance!
This shows Zhongye Xiao's difficulty all the time.

Wang Ru looked at Han Yue and said softly, "What a Han Yue, she obviously found a tall, rich and handsome boyfriend, and even told me that she was an ordinary doctor. She must have kept it too tight."

Han Yue giggled with a guilty conscience, and looked at Ye Xiao with puzzled eyes.

Everyone sat together in an awkward atmosphere and no one spoke, Han Yue pursed her lips and snickered.

At this time, the waiter served the dishes, and they were all exquisite and high-end dishes, such as lobster, abalone, sea cucumber, etc. It is estimated that this table alone would cost hundreds of thousands.

"We haven't ordered yet!"

Wang Ru couldn't help but said.

"This is specially prepared by our hotel for Mr. Ye, please use it slowly!"

The waiter smiled politely.

Everyone was shocked again, looking at Ye Xiao in disbelief.

"Hurry up and eat, I don't know how these things taste, I haven't eaten them yet!"

Ye Xiao smiled, and immediately picked up the chopsticks and ate without any image.

This kind of indecent eating has become willful, uninhibited, and unaffected in the eyes of everyone.

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere became active, and the students chatted and exchanged feelings with each other, but basically it revolved around Ye Xiao and Han Yue.

Waiting for the opportunity to inquire, flatter and flatter.

Han Yue saw that the rich girls in the class before now lowered their stance and offered to show their favor, and looked at Ye Xiao flickeringly, it was all thanks to him.

Only Wang Kai's face was ugly, and his eyes were full of resentment.

After eating and drinking enough to make emotional contact with everyone, everyone left, but when they just walked to the lobby, an accident happened.

A well-dressed drunk man stared at Han Yue, his eyes lit up, and immediately blocked the way very frivolously, and said softly, "Little girl, you look good, how about 10 yuan for a night with the uncle!"

Han Yue's face was flushed and she was obviously angry.

Ye Xiao's complexion was getting colder, and there was a coldness in his eyes.

"That's Zhu Cong, the second son of the Zhu family. He's going to harm an innocent girl again. It's really not a thing!"

"Be careful. The Zhu family is one of the five major families in Haidong City. Those who offend the Zhu family will die without knowing."

"It's over, this girl is doomed."

The security guard of Baodelai Hotel and the manager of the big store also hesitated at this time. The Qin family and the Zhu family have a lot of business dealings. If they intervene, it will cause unnecessary gaps. They, the servants, cannot afford this kind of guilt.

Tang Yuan, Wang Ru and the others looked pale, and although they were fine, they didn't dare to speak at all. The words of the Zhu family could crush them to death.

"Don't even think about it!"

Han Yue said coldly.

"Hmph, the mouth is quite stubborn. I like this kind of aggressive woman. If you are sensible, please leave me obediently. Otherwise, your delicate skin and tender flesh will probably suffer a lot, and your friends will end up miserable."

Zhu Cong sneered extremely arrogantly.

Wang Kai, Wang Ru and the others looked miserable, and it was easy to deal with these little shrimps with the Zhu family's power.

"Han Yue, why don't you promise him!"

Wang Kai suddenly said softly.

Tang Yuan, Wang Ru and others looked at Wang Kai with disdain and contempt, which was too disrespectful.

Han Yue looked disdainful, and said coldly: "Is this what you like?"

"If I can't get it, he shouldn't even think about it. Your boyfriend is here, let him save you if he has the ability!"

Wang Kai's face was ferocious, and he said with extreme resentment, looking at Ye Xiao provocatively.

"Hehe, interesting, interesting."

Zhu Cong was taken aback for a moment, then clapped his hands and laughed, then said with a cold gaze, "I like the feeling of being loved by a strong man the most, but if this woman is not good, both of you will die."

Wang Kai's complexion changed again.

"Keep your mouth clean with me!"

Han Yue was indeed in a hurry and couldn't help but said loudly.

"Little girl, you'd better be polite to me, or your end will be miserable!"

Wang Kai sneered, and immediately stretched out his hand to touch Han Yue's chest.

The sound of bones breaking resounded!

Ye Xiao pinched Zhu Cong's arm, and said coldly, "You dare to touch my woman, are you tired of work?"

After speaking, with a little force, Zhu Cong screamed and turned his arms to ninety degrees, and knelt on the ground.

Everyone gasped, their eyes almost popped out, how many people in Haidong City dare to treat the second son of the Zhu family like this, isn't this courting death?

"Give it to me, kill him, hurry up!"

Zhu Cong roared in pain, his voice was miserable.

Following behind Zhu Cong, three or four big men rushed towards Ye Xiao ferociously.

Ye Xiao sneered, these big men are just ordinary people, not even a first-level warrior.

Kicked Zhu Cong away with one kick, waved his fists, and moved his body sideways. After hearing a few slaps, the four big men flew upside down and fell to the ground, screaming and unable to get up.

"Remember, my name is Ye Xiao, you can come anytime if you want to seek revenge from me."

Ye Xiao said coldly, and immediately walked forward with Han Yueliu's waist!

Looking at the lobby manager, he said indifferently: "Send my girlfriend home, and inform you that Mr. Qin will wait for me in the city hospital in three hours. We won't wait when it's over!"

The lobby manager nodded, his eyes were warm and angry. He had never seen such an arrogant person.

"You go back first, and I will continue to treat you at night."

Ye Xiao looked at Han Yue and smiled ambiguously.

"Then you'll be fine."

Han Yue was a little worried.

"Don't worry, there is no one in this world who can kill me."

Ye Xiao said leisurely, his whole body was filled with an aura of unparalleled domineering, no one but me.

Han Yue couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, thinking of Ye Xiao's sentence just now, you dare to touch my woman?

His eyes were fascinated, and he laughed immediately: "Bragging!"

"Hehe, hurry back!"

Ye Xiao smiled.

Han Yue nodded, the lobby manager waved and two security guards guided Han Yue to leave.

"You can leave too, I will take care of this, don't worry."

Ye Xiao looked at Wang Ru, Tang Yuan and the others, and smiled quite calmly.


Wang Ru of Tang Yuan nodded gratefully, and immediately satirized Wang Kai with extremely contemptuous eyes, the boat of friendship has capsized.

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(End of this chapter)

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