Chapter 52
This sentence resonated with the audience, only the god of death can kill so simple, and there is also some beauty of cold-blooded cruelty.
"Hmph, anyway, without the support of true energy, he definitely won't be able to survive this series, and he will die sooner or later."

Zhu Hong snorted coldly, his Zhu family and the Qin family have always been at odds, so he naturally hoped that the people the Qin family favored would die.
"How do you know that he has no true energy, or that the opponent is too weak to use true energy?"

Qin Lie said with a half-smile
"Impossible, as long as there is true energy in the body, there will be more or less leakage, and the chance of leakage will be even greater at the moment of shooting, but now I haven't noticed it at all. I have asked the masters of Hades and Huangquan, and they didn't feel it. , so he absolutely does not have true energy."

Xiang Congyouyou said, they are just ordinary people, so of course they should ask professional people.
Qin Lie is still smiling, there is another possibility, that is the strength is far beyond, as long as you want to hide it, you will not be able to feel it no matter what.
The competition was still going on during the conversation, but no matter whether it was the audience, those big bosses, or the masters of the Netherworld Hades, they all began to pay attention to Ye Xiao.
The next game is still exciting, and exciting means evenly matched and evenly matched.
Even if you win, you will pay some price, which will affect the next round of competition, and the result will naturally be known
So no one will hide their strength, and they all want to cut through the mess quickly, save energy and avoid injuries, so that they can sustain themselves in the following games.
Therefore, everyone did not believe Ye Xiao's hidden strength.
With the host's exclamation, Mingyue appeared on the stage, and this time his opponent was not weak, Tian Yuan, a peak second-level warrior.
Bai Song seemed a little nervous. This bet is not only related to whether he can get a strong player, but also related to his own vision.
If you lose, you will lose face, and you will miss the opportunity to win over a strong man
Mingyue faced Tianyuan, and neither of them dared to underestimate each other. At this stage of the game, no one is easy to mess with. You can't get here by luck.
Mingyue's whole body is full of true energy, her fingers show the color of jade, while Tianyuan's fists are clenched tightly, the left fist is in an attacking posture in front, and the right fist is retreating to defend
The same is true for double crosses, which can be used to attack, retreat or defend. It is obvious that Mingyue has a lot of combat experience
Mingyue frowned, facing such a field, he felt unable to speak.
Tian Yuan licked his lips and gave a ferocious smile, and punched down in two steps in three steps.
The pastoral boxing method is the inch boxing
This kind of one-inch fist hurts others and hurts oneself. It gathers all the strength of the whole body on the fist, compresses and restrains it, and only explodes when it falls on the enemy.
The lethality is naturally terrifying, and it has the reputation of exploding with an inch fist.
However, too strong boxing also has a great load on oneself, and the longer the time of Cunquan practice is, it will cause great damage to the liver, spleen and lungs.
The speed was too fast, Mingyue couldn't dodge, but she didn't want to defend herself passively, so she pointed out with one finger.

Ye Xiao sneered, although the attack power of Ningguangzhi is amazing, and he pays attention to breaking the face with a point, but head-on confrontation is not his strong point. With this posture, he will definitely not be able to stand against Tian Yuan's fist.
Mingyue let out a muffled groan, his middle finger was broken, all the bones were gone, and his body trembled in pain.
And there was a blood hole in Tianyuan's boxing heart, leaking out the white bones, Tianyuan's fierce light flashed, he was prepared for the Ningguang Finger, but still underestimated its power
Immediately don't waste time, the madness is approaching, you need to win in the shortest round with the least cost, otherwise it will have a great impact on the subsequent battle
Mingyue's condensing finger has only been cultivated to the level of three fingers, and just now she has concentrated the power of the three fingers on one finger, but she did not expect to be defeated head-on
Facing Tianyuan's crazy attack now, Mingyue started to panic and couldn't help kicking back.
Ye Xiao shook his head, Mingyue's defeat was decided
Sure enough, Mingyue retreated step by step, completely at a disadvantage, dodged a few moves, and was finally caught by Tianyuan, who burst out with an inch of punch, killing with one blow
Pastoral has won the final victory
Under the cheers of the audience, Tian Yuan quickly stepped down and healed his injuries quickly. There will be a few fierce battles in a while
Bai Song's complexion was ugly. I didn't expect Mingyue to lose like this. In this round of rematch, he only won five games. Now he has lost all face
But no one laughs at Bai Song, the battle is always a sudden change, one can only judge but not be sure
"Don't worry, although Mingyue lost, I will keep my promise and will not fight with you, but Tianyuan was able to defeat Mingyue, it seems that I can recruit some people."

White Pine mutters to himself
"Let's get through tonight's rematch. If we want to decide the top eight, we need to play at least three games. If you can't make it, don't say anything."

Zhu Hong sneered.
Bai Song nodded, he also understood.
Since today's rematch has signed the life and death order, you can't back down, otherwise you will face the pursuit of the Underworld, and the death will only be worse. There are many such lessons.
It is also possible to abstain, as long as you win the quarterfinals of tonight's rematch, you don't have to participate in the next round of advanced competition.
Many players actually hold such a goal, and after achieving certain victories and rewards, they will retreat in the face of difficulties, because the subsequent games will be more difficult and bloody.
There are 144 rounds in the rematch, and tonight is only the first round. There are [-] people in each round, and the top [-] will be determined. In the end, [-] people will have another mid-level decisive battle.
If they all win, they will get [-] victories, creating an unprecedented record, but no one knows the rewards, because no one has ever played to that level.
The match continued, the blood and human bones on the arena were still not cleared, thick layer, it looked extremely sinister, ferocious, adding a bit of misery and cruelty
(End of this chapter)

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