Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 60 2 Rings 3 Langs

Chapter 60 Er Huan Thirteen Lang

When the two returned to the company, Liu Ya was busy preparing materials again, while Ye Xiao found Huang Yingying, briefly explained the matter, and then asked her to find a car to come over.
Huang Yingying nodded and quickly settled the matter. Ye Xiao asked about the situation of the Second Palace Master Liu Kui, whether there was any progress, and whether there was any misconduct
Huang Yingying said everything was normal.
In the evening, there was a fiery red Ferrari sports car parked downstairs in the company. It was very dazzling, and the rate of turning heads on the road was absolutely [-]%.
"Can you drive? I dare not sit"

Liu Ya looked at Ye Xiao, curled her lips and distrusted Ye Xiao very much.
"What's so difficult about driving? Hurry up and get in the car. Many people are watching."

Ye Xiao rolled his eyes and said unhappily.
Hearing this, Liu Ya turned around and was startled, and saw that all the female employees in the company were staring at her with envy and hatred.
Get into the car directly, said angrily: "A group of blind women"

Ye Xiao could only helplessly roll his eyes, this girl's prejudice against him was deep enough
After fastening the seat belt, Ye Xiao stepped on the gas pedal, the car let out a roar, turned into a bolt of red lightning and flew out. .
"How can you drive like this? It hurts me to death."

Liu Ya covered her head that hit the table and chair, and complained
"Haha, I need to get used to driving for the first time, and it will be fine in a while."

Ye Xiao laughed loudly, and said something that made Liu Ya even more frightened.
"Not only are you driving without a license, but you can't drive. I regret getting on the wrong car"

Liu Ya looked at the rapidly retreating scene outside the car window, and shouted loudly
"Don't be afraid, I'm an old driver."

Ye Xiao smiled and said, driving is really a kind of enjoyment, no wonder so many people like racing cars
Soon the car got on the second ring road, and it was the rush hour at this time, the traffic flow was very fast, and the traffic jam stopped and stopped, but Ye Xiao didn't intend to slow down at all.
Seeing that she was about to hit the car in front, Liu Ya screamed in fright, but Ye Xiao stepped on the brake lightly, the steering wheel and the handbrake were synchronized, and an extremely beautiful and elegant movement surpassed the past.
It caused other vehicles to slam on the brakes, cursed, and broke out in a cold sweat, but watching the sports car shuttling through the traffic, I was also very impressed.
Ye Xiao drove more and more crazily, overtaking, overtaking, elegant, and more proficient in driving.
Soon Ye Xiao's car attracted the attention of the traffic police, several police cars sounded their sirens, shouted at Ye Xiao and chased after him
Ye Xiao ignored it and continued to gallop, with a wicked and crazy smile on the corner of his mouth, this feeling is really cool.
"Captain, captain, we can't catch up with that yellow sports car. It's too fast. There's a master in it. I just did a simple calculation. He ran the second ring in 13 minutes. On average, he will overtake a car in a second. "

The traffic police stared at the farther and farther car with amazement, and hurriedly reported
Hearing this, the captain was also shocked, and immediately prepared to call to find out the owner's information before proceeding to the next step.
But soon the superior called and told him to leave it alone
The captain also knew that the opponent was not simple, so he also gave orders to the subordinates below
This made Ye Xiao run around on the second ring more freely, and the time it took was getting shorter and shorter, and the speed was naturally faster and faster.
"Second Ring and Thirteen Langs, that's awesome."

"This is definitely a god-level racing driver, and today is a feast for the eyes."

Many people took out their mobile phones to record and take pictures. Ye Xiao's original intention was to be familiar with the car, but he unexpectedly became popular, and finally got the nickname of Erhuan Shisanlang.
After Ye Xiao became familiar with the performance of the car and finally drove off the second ring road, he was ready to eat something while there was still some time, but Liu Ya's face was pale and she was about to vomit
Putting the car in the parking lot nearby, Ye Xiao took Liu Ya to eat at a food stall on the side of the road. Although the grade looked poor, the taste of the food was extremely delicious
Ye Xiao ordered a good dish, still a little dizzy, then covered his mouth and ran to a distance to vomit.
Ye Xiao smiled, this girl looked like a little pepper, but she was actually a little woman at heart, with very little courage
Suddenly Ye Xiao frowned, not far away were a few men with colorful hair, surrounding Liu Ya, moving their hands and feet.
Although Liu Ya's strength has not reached the strength of a first-level warrior, she can still deal with a few gangsters easily, but because of dizziness, her combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.
I saw that Liu Ya slapped a man first, and when she was about to run away, she was stopped by several other men
The man who was beaten looked grim, and said coldly: "Okay, enough strength, I will fuck you here"

After finishing speaking, she was about to tear Liu Ya's clothes, so scared that Liu Ya screamed: "Ye Xiao, save me quickly!"

Ye Xiao arrived and kicked several men down, Liu Ya hugged Ye Xiao and kept crying and crying.
"Boy, you dare to hit me, are you courting death?"

The man who was kicked down by Ye Xiao stared at Ye Xiao fiercely, and a dagger appeared in his hand when he spoke.
Before the words fell, the dagger stabbed over.
Ye Xiao sneered, and kicked out again, this kick was so powerful that it directly smashed several ribs of the man, and he fell to the ground moaning and struggling
The remaining three punks looked at Ye Xiao in horror and did not dare to move.
"Boy, you are dead. Do you know who you hit? It's the son of Zhiyuan Company. You just wait to die."

A gangster stared at Ye Xiao and said coldly
"Call the boss of Zhiyuan Company you are talking about. I will wait for him here. If he doesn't come, I will kill his son."

The dagger was beating in Ye Xiao's hand, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, anyway, I'll play with you if I still have time.
(End of this chapter)

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