Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 661 The Legend of Blood Evil Lake

Chapter 661 The Legend of Blood Evil Lake

next moment.

Ye Xiao, who was dressed in blue, walked over slowly.

Zhong Mu was stunned.

Zhong Lin, on the other hand, was extremely happy, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

Deacon Ma struggled, staring at Ye Xiao fiercely, and said coldly, "Who are you? You dare to sneak up on me, you want to die, don't you!"

"Ye Xiao!"

Ye Xiao said calmly.

Hearing that Deacon Ma's pupils constricted in fear, he couldn't help taking a few steps back, "You are Ye Xiao who killed Elder Chang, the new elder of Jiushi Town!"

"That's right!" Ye Xiao nodded: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, I will spare you if I kneel down and apologize and pay the money, otherwise Chang Qing's end will be your end!"

"You dare." Although Deacon Ma was terrified, how could such a person lose his prestige at this moment, otherwise, what would happen in the future? He said coldly: "I am not the deacon of your Jiushi Town, you have no right to kill me , and I belong to Elder Liu, try to move me, he is a high-ranking elder among the elders of the Blood Fiend Sect, and he is a popular candidate for the next deputy head!"

Hearing that the eyes of some onlookers flickered, this Elder Liu is indeed very famous and powerful.

He is the fourth person in Xueshamen.

The corner of Ye Xiao's mouth was cold. If he remembered correctly, this Elder Liu was Wu Xian's lackey. If that was the case, as long as he dared to come, he would be killed by the way!
There is no nonsense at the moment, and the punch is bombarded down mighty.

Introverted, fast, terrifying, deadly.

Deacon Ma had no backhand ability and was hit in the chest by a punch, completely sunken, and the white bones directly pierced the flesh.

The corner of the mouth was bleeding, and the pupils were slack looking at Ye Xiao in disbelief: "You"

"As long as you dare to offend me, don't say anything about Elder Liu, I will kill even the leader Wu Xian!"

Ye Xiao said extremely arrogantly.

Hearing this, everyone gasped in fear.

Many people think that Ye Xiao is looking for death, but some people think that Ye Xiao may really have the confidence.

Then Ye Xiao punched down again, and Deacon Ma and his subordinates were all killed except for one person left on purpose, bloody and bloody.

Many people were disgusted and dared not watch it, but Ye Xiao was a little excited. He felt that he was killing more and more. He used to like to kill with a sword without seeing blood.

But now I like to use fists, the feeling of punching to the flesh.

This has both its natural reasons and the influence of Killing Sword Soul and Blood Drinking Sword.

"Go and tell Elder Liu that I, Ye Xiao, are waiting for him here and welcome him anytime!"

Ye Xiao stared at the last Deacon Ma's subordinate and said softly.

At this moment, the deacon was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he almost ran away when he heard the words.

Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes and his pupils were full of murderous intent. He guessed that Elder Liu would not dare to come over, and would sue the head Wu Xian.

But Ye Xiao didn't care, even if he didn't file a complaint, Wu Xian wouldn't let him go.

Moreover, since Wu Xian is consolidating the spiritual armor now, he has no time to be distracted, and the complaint is also confessed.

"What happened to Elder Ye!"

Several deacons from Jiushi Town rushed over in a hurry, and they received news that someone was fighting here.

But where do you know that the two sides in the fight are the new elders of Jiushi Town, and the other is Deacon Ma and others from the next town.

Seeing Deacon Ma's bloody appearance, everyone was extremely terrified. This Elder Ye really looked as rumored, arrogant, arrogant, and lawless!

But it was also extremely exciting immediately.

Elder Niubi, they are naturally popular as subordinates, no one dares to bully them, they used to be under Elder Chang's subordinates, and their status among deacons was relatively low.

Now it seems to turn around.

"Clean up these corpses for me. In the future, anyone who dares to cause trouble in Jiushi Town will be killed by me. No matter who it is, I will take responsibility for what happened!"

Ye Xiao said calmly.

Several deacons nodded, and then began to clean up the corpse.

After a while, they all retreated after cleaning up, and all the bystanders also dispersed, muttering in their mouths.

"You are all right, no one can bully you in the future!"

Ye Xiao looked at Zhong Mu Zhong Lin and said with a smile.

"Great, Brother Ye Xiao is now an elder, no one will be able to bully us in the future!"

Zhong Lin was very happy when she heard the words, she stared at Ye Xiao and said, "Brother Ye Xiao, you are really amazing, but will you miss a home outside when you are trapped on the Blood Fiend Island?"

"No!" Ye Xiao looked at Zhong Lin's puzzled expression and said, "Because I can go out soon!" '

Hearing that Zhong Mu didn't speak, Ye Xiao's optimism seemed normal to him.

Everyone who came to Blood Fiend Island thought they could go out at first, but in the end they could only be disappointed, desperate, and finally accepted the reality.

For hundreds of years, no one has ever been able to get out of Blood Fiend Island.

"Brother Ye Xiao, can you tell me something about the outside world? Isn't it very lively and beautiful!"

Zhong Lin was a chatterbox and asked like a curious baby.

Ye Xiao patiently told Zhong Lin about the situation outside. Hearing this, the girl was very yearning, clamoring that she really wanted to go out and have a look.

Zhong Mu served a few stacks of side dishes and a few pots of wine, and after a few glasses of wine, the conversation slowly started!
Ye Xiao took out some spirit stones to Zhong Mu, Zhonglin and his daughter, one is a fourth-level warrior and the other is a second-level warrior.

Cultivation talent is also so-so. If there is no spirit stone, it is difficult to make any great development in the situation of Blood Fiend Island.

Of course, if there are many blood evil stones, it is also possible.

Zhong Mu was extremely excited seeing so many spirit stones, and thanked Ye Xiao persistently, and then Ye Xiao told them some martial arts principles and techniques, it depends on how much they can comprehend.

In addition, Ye Xiao also asked them about the Blood Demon Lake. He needed to go to the Blood Demon Lake to find the Blood Demon Stone, so he had to know something about the Blood Demon Lake.

After Zhong Mu's description, the Blood Fiend Lake is still extremely mysterious.

Some people say that the bloody lake is formed by the blood that was shed in that ancient battle, while others say that it was formed by the continuous seepage of blood from the underground of the Devil's Castle.

Some people also said that the bloody lake was actually the place where the fighting was the most intense.

There are even rumors that the way to leave Blood Fiend Island is the bottom of Blood Fiend Lake.

Anyway, there are all kinds of sayings, and during the day, the Blood Fiend Lake is as calm as water, but at night, it becomes extremely violent, and the blood evil spirit permeates everywhere.

So if you want to find the blood evil stone, you can only go during the day.

It was said that Ye Xiao was more interested in Blood Fiend Lake, but he didn't observe it carefully because of his serious injuries, and it was also related to whether he could go out.

So more research is needed.

At that moment, he chatted with Zhong Mu Zhonglin and his daughter for a few more words, and then rushed towards the bloody lake.

The fourth one was delivered, sorry for the lateness.

The fourth update will continue tomorrow, I will work hard, more updates, more exciting, huh, huh.

Good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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