Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 670 Closing

Chapter 670 Closing
Ye Xiao's face was slightly serious, Wu Xian's attack was really fierce.

It is considered to be a relatively top existence among seventh-level warriors.

To be the head of the Blood Fiend faction does have a few talents.

But it is almost impossible to defeat him with this.

At that moment, the whole body trembled, and the golden sword soul merged into the killing sword soul, and the blood-drinking sword shook violently, making a "chi chi chi chi chi" sound.

The sharp blood-colored sword energy splashing everywhere is extremely terrifying.

It seems that he can't bear the fierceness anymore and wants to kill.

But this is not enough, since Wu Xian wanted to kill with one blow, then he followed his wish, but he himself was killed with one blow.

Immediately, a drop of true energy was extracted from the depths of the dantian and poured directly on the blood drinking sword in the form of Zhanlongjue.

This time it was like a dragon jumping into the sky like a sea bird and completely berserk.

Sword Qi extended a distance of nearly one meter along the tip of the Blood Drinking Sword, making a whistling sound like a gust of wind.

Extremely terrifying and ferocious.

The elders who watched opened their mouths wide in fright, mumbling to themselves not knowing what to say.

next moment.

Wu Xian's berserk attack was imminent.

Ye Xiao covered the blood drinking sword with both hands and slashed vigorously.

No tricks were used.

Just the simplest vertical chop.

Crash.chi chi chi chi.
The red sword energy and the blue fist glow collided head-on, making continuous sounds.

And then!
Wu Xian's pupils contracted, and he saw that his fist strength, which had been charged and exploded, collapsed and shattered.

Finally annihilation disappears.

Followed by.

The sword light, as dazzling as a bloody sun, shot down and stood on his chest.

Mars radiates.

There was an extra deep sword mark on the "Thunder" armor.

If only a little deeper.

This "thunder" armor is about to be scrapped.

Everyone was stunned, my God, is this still a human?It was able to cause such a large amount of damage to the defensive armor of the spiritual level.

This is fake.

Wu Xian was the most shocked. He not only felt that "Thunder" couldn't hold on anymore, but also that Ye Xiao's attack could pass through the defensive armor to him.

It made him shudder.

This not only showed that the defensive armor could no longer hold up, but also showed how powerful and perverted Ye Xiao's attack was.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered in surprise. He didn't expect that under this kind of attack, the defense of Thunder Armor had not been broken. It seems that it should be in the armor of spiritual level, and it is not the bottom of the existence.

The weapons and armor of the spiritual level are also divided into levels.

Low grade, medium grade, top grade, best grade.

Based on Ye Xiao's guess, this "Thunder" armor should be of the middle grade.

And the Blood Drinking Sword is now low-grade.

If it's the same level, Ye Xiao has already broken through "Thunder".

However, judging from this situation, the "Thunder" armor can't last a few times.

Now he sneered and said: "It looks like your armor is quite good, I don't know how many swords you can catch!"

Wu Xian looked terrified.

But Ye Xiao's lightning-like sword struck down again.

Still as fierce as the previous attack, Wu Xian couldn't resist!
Moreover, it was extremely precise and terrifying, just right on the last sword mark.


This time, the armor of "Thunder" was shattered, and the sword light slashed at Wu Xian's body without changing its momentum.

Blood splattered, stumps were broken.

Wu Xian didn't even have a chance to scream, he was torn to pieces by the sword energy.


Unparalleled quietness.

All the elders stared dumbfounded at what happened before them, and remained silent for a long time.

The young man with a calm face and a tall and straight figure in the field is really like a god and a demon.

It's unbelievably strong.

"Haha." Chen Cheng laughed loudly, stepped forward and patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder and said, "Elder Ye, you really make me admire you, you are so powerful!"

"That's right, from now on, Blood Fiend Island will respect you as the king!"

Wang Yuan said with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile.

When he said this, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart, this Ye Xiao is so strong, in the future, Xuesha Island will really be his world alone.

I don't know how my heart is.

If it was the next Wu Xian, he would be shooting himself in the foot.

Ye Xiao smiled slightly, he guessed Wang Yuan's thoughts, and said in a low voice: "I will go out, I will not stay on Blood Fiend Island, there are people and things I care about outside, and even if it is me If I can’t get out, I’m not interested in Blood Fiend Island either!”

Hearing this, Wang Yuan was relieved.

The strong disdain to lie, especially Ye Xiao in front of him, who is already invincible and has no opponent, let alone a reason to lie.

Chen Cheng was also relieved.

At this time, all the elders who had reacted surrounded him, flattering him all the time.

For them, Ye Xiao is the king now.

As for the elders under Wu Xian, it is a tragedy. Headed by Elder Ling and Elder Liu, they are all pale now, looking like they are in imminent disaster.

Ye Xiao didn't bother to pay attention to these people, and believed that Chen Cheng and Wang Yuan would handle it well.

What he is most interested in right now is the storage ring on Wu Xian's finger. After so many years of scraping Blood Demon Island, there must be many treasures in it.

At that moment, he bent down and took Wu Xian's storage ring, and after a little observation, his complexion was a little exciting.

Although I guessed that there are many treasures inside, I was still a little surprised when I saw it.

First of all, there are thousands of spirit stones, most of which are low-level spirit stones. In fact, with the level of spirit energy in the Tianwu domain, only low-level and mid-level spirit stones can be bred.

There are almost no high-level spirit stones and top-level spirit stones.

Ye Xiao doesn't care about these spirit stones, he has a lot of them in his storage ring, and there are many high-level spirit stones, what he lacks is only Yin attribute spirit stones.

What surprised him was the number of Blood Evil Stones. There were tens of thousands of them neatly arranged, which looked extremely spectacular. Besides, there were some weapons, cheat books and so on.

Ye Xiao lacked interest, and it was of no use to him.

The most precious thing is these tens of thousands of blood evil stones, which are enough for Ye Xiao to condense many drops of true energy.

Immediately turned around to look at Chen Cheng and Wang Yuan and said softly: "I'll leave it to you to deal with here, I'm going back to practice, don't bother me if I have nothing to do!"

After speaking, he strode away.

When Ye Xiao went away, Chen Cheng and Wang Yuan looked at each other and couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and shook their heads with wry smiles, not to mention that being with Ye Xiao would really bring some inexplicable pressure.

Then he looked at Elder Ling, Elder Liu, and the others with malicious intent, and said leisurely, "You say I'll deal with you instead!"

"As the deputy head, we know that we are wrong. From now on, you are the only ones who will follow the lead. If you let me go east, I will definitely not go west!"

Elder Ling hurriedly expressed his opinion, it was a matter of life and death at this time, and it was courting death not to lower his stance.

"That's right, the deputy head, we were fooled by Wu Xian because of our blind eyes, please adults don't remember the villains!"

Elder Liu also hurriedly expressed his opinion.

I'm going to get the pathology report today, hope it's ok!

Thank you for your support along the way!

(End of this chapter)

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