Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 70 The second round of selection

Chapter 70 The Second Round of Selection
With a thought, Zhanlong's true energy circulates, and immediately leaps forward with one step;
The emergence of powerful power is like a hammer hitting the hearts of everyone.
Both Wang Pu and Chen Geng's eyes lit up, and there was a sense of surprise in their pupils.
Shi Ling responded with a bang, and immediately shone with a rich yellow luster, and the next moment, there was also a green luster permeating the air.
Everyone exclaimed, looking at Ye Xiao in disbelief, he was able to attack with the same color as the broken corpse Wang Yuan.
After thinking about it, everyone was even more astonished, because just now, Wang Yuan, the corpse-shattering king, used a yellow-level martial art to launch a yellow-green attack wave.
But Ye Xiao didn't use any martial skills, but still hit this level of attack.
It goes without saying who is higher and who is lower
Yang Jieyu Lu also looked at Ye Xiao in disbelief. Although they knew that Ye Xiao was very strong, they didn't expect him to be so strong.
Ye Xiao's expression was indifferent. Even if he didn't use martial arts, just using Zhanlong Zhenqi would be enough. As a green-level exercise, it can fully explore the potential of the body.
This is only the power of the second floor of Zhanlongjue. Once it breaks through to the third floor, it will start to enter the room, and the power will increase exponentially
Chen Shan and Wang Yuan's faces were ugly, Chen Shan was upset that Yang Jie took away his face, and Wang Yuan was resentful that Ye Xiao took away his limelight.
"Wang Yuan, I hope you will kill Ye Xiao later, can you do it?"

Chen Shan said coldly
"no problem"

Wang Yuan licked his lips and said cruelly.
"Rigidity and softness are integrated, and they are naturally formed. This is a sign that the cultivation base is about to achieve great success."

Wang Pu stared at Ye Xiao, the shock in his eyes had not dissipated, and said slowly
"Excellent talent, such attack power without using martial arts, this is simply a piece of beautiful jade, with a little polishing, entering the dragon group is just around the corner."

Chen Geng was also full of amazement, both of them looked at Ye Xiao with extremely burning eyes
Soon the first round of strength selection was over. There were nearly a hundred people participating in the selection, but after the first round, there were only about [-] people left.
From this we can see the cruelty of selection.
Take a short break. The second round of the competition has begun. This time, it is to avoid the attack of hidden weapons and artificially control the hidden weapons in a specific area. As long as you can retreat completely, you are qualified.
If you are hit by hidden weapons many times, you will be eliminated and you will be injured
The first contestant is a third-level martial artist, his whole body is full of true energy, exuding strong fluctuations, and he rushed forward quickly
When he stepped into a specific area, many five-pointed star hidden weapons burst out from all directions in the room.
chi chi chi
The speed of the hidden weapon is extremely fast, covering the mountains and plains, like locusts crossing the border, it makes people's scalp tingle.
The man was able to dodge at the beginning, but when he was halfway through the charge, he panicked and was hit by several hidden weapons at the same time, screaming again and again.
Hit again by a hidden weapon behind
It seems to be sieved by bullets, it looks very pitiful, but the power of hidden weapons is limited and will not cause fatal danger.
The next extremely contestant also didn't wear it, and was wailing all the time with scars, saying it was too difficult
The players who have not played yet have no confidence, and they all feel that this selection method is too difficult.
"Hehe, not to mention that the selection method this year has indeed become more difficult. We only had a few hidden weapons that year. How could there be such a concentration?"

Yang Jie said with a smile, looking at Ye Xiao felt a little gloating.
Ye Xiao smiled lightly, saying that the test of reaction speed is worse than the test of lightness kung fu, but it's a pity that there are very few warriors who know agility, and in this era of withered martial arts.
It would be nice to have a set of boxing, kung fu or leg skills.
Where would there be any body skills, except for those ancient martial arts families, the great sects of the Tianwu domain, the body skills are basically extinct
This level will be easy if you know how to do it.
Although this is somewhat unfair, this is the nature of the world. Some people have high levels of martial arts, some have high levels of martial arts, and some have nothing.
The man who appeared in the next moment was only a second-level warrior, but he knew some body skills and passed through a specific area extremely fast, although he was also attacked by a hidden weapon.
But it worked out
And the next man surprised Ye Xiao, this guy is a third-level martial artist, he is tall and tall, his hands are covered with calluses, he should be a boxing master.
He rushed over like a humanoid tank, waving his hands continuously, and the powerful true energy directly knocked away many hidden weapons.
Successfully and dangerously.
The man's method of success made other people's eyes shine, and they followed suit, but it soon became a tragedy. Their qi was not as pure as the man's, and their defense was not as strong.
so fail faster
Finally it was Li Shen's turn to play. As a fourth-level warrior, everyone was curious about how he passed this level.
Li Shen rushed over quickly as before, with hidden weapons shooting densely, but when the hidden weapons were about to get close, a dagger appeared in his hand.
The right hand wields the dagger, exuding a cold light
ding ding ding
As if the spring breeze blew the wind chimes, the dagger and the hidden weapon collided violently
The next moment, Li Shen rushed over unharmed.
"It's so strong, it's no loss that it's a fourth-level warrior, and its attack speed is really fast."

"If I fight him, I probably die before I can react."

Everyone commented and looked at Li Shen in amazement.
Seeing Li Shen's show of being smashed into corpses, Wang Yuan was extremely unconvinced and resentful. When it was his turn to play, he went to the weapon rack next to him and took a machete.
Immediately, the infuriating energy pervaded and rushed past, and it passed without any danger.
After a while, everyone's eyes were all on Ye Xiao, and they were extremely curious about his performance.
(End of this chapter)

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