Chapter 75

Ye Xiao is well aware of the audience's eyes, he will not hide his strength tonight, he will shock the sky, and then challenge the death god of the Zhu family
Duan Shi stared at Ye Xiao with disdain, and said coldly: "Your lucky fortune is over when you meet me, and you can rest in peace if you die at my hands."

After talking about Robber's body, a very strong fluctuation of true energy erupted, and it was still orange, which caused many audiences to exclaim
It turned out to be an orange-level martial skill, which is not common.
Seeing this, everyone is even less optimistic about Ye Xiao, and they all think that he must die
"One way to solve you"

Ye Xiao said rather arrogantly.
"court death."

Robber Stone was furious, and countless strong men died in his hands along the way, how could he take Ye Xiao seriously?
Immediately, the orange-level palm technique spread out, rushing towards Ye Xiao mightily
Ye Xiao was stunned. An extremely strong power erupted. It was so strong and domineering. Immediately, terrifying true energy roared out.
Straight out with a punch
The fist wrapped in yellow zhenqi passed through layers of palm wind and landed on Robber's chest, and there was a crisp sound of bone shattering.
Dao Shi fell on the ring, his chest was deeply sunken, his pupils constricted in shock, and he died.
Ye Xiao's aura rose instead of falling, and the invisible and powerful aura skyrocketed to match the luster of the yellow-level martial arts, completely overwhelming the audience, like a killing god from ancient times.
Unrivaled stillness
All the audience, big shots, including the staff of Hades and Underworld stared at Ye Xiao in horror, their eyes almost popping out.
Immediately, each took a deep breath.
"Lying on the grass, I didn't look at the eye, the god of death actually punched Daoshi to death, isn't it too strong?"

"There are also yellow-level martial arts, my God, this god of death is really not easy, even some top masters may not necessarily have yellow-level martial arts"

"Absolutely pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. This guy obviously has extremely strong strength but has never used it. What a hell."

"It's because he thinks it's unnecessary, and the opponent is too weak. At this time, the god of death is the real god of death."

"This guy is unfathomable. Is the strength exposed now his real strength?"

Many audiences were discussing loudly, their faces flushed in shock, and they all looked at Ye Xiao with unbelievable eyes.
And the big shots in the VIP room weren't much better.
He was stunned, unbelievable, and immediately looked at each other with wry smiles.
The gazes between each other became patient and thoughtful.
Seeing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but thumped in his heart, and couldn't help but said: "We have something to say first, this is what I fancy first, don't rob me."

"Don't worry, Old Qin, we keep our word and won't rob you."

Xiang Cong said with a smile, it's just that the eyes are so bright that it's unbelievable, and the others are well aware that such a level of master is hard to come by.
When you meet, you must try your best to seize it. As for the promise, how much is it worth?
Looking at the gazes and expressions of several people, Qin Lie knew what they said, he naturally would not believe what these people said. Although his gaze and guess had been proved, he did not have the absolute confidence to win over Death.
After being shocked, the staff of Huangquan and Hades also took out their mobile phones and made calls to report the situation here.
It is conceivable that once today's game is over, the major forces in the entire Haidong City will extend an olive branch to Ye Xiao and win him over at all costs.
After Ye Xiao left the field, the game continued. Although it was very exciting, intense, and cruel, the audience's eyes were all looking at Ye Xiao intentionally or unintentionally.
Soon it was Ye Xiao's turn to play again, this time the opponent was also not weak, he was a level [-] warrior with a winning streak.
But this martial artist still couldn't resist Ye Xiao's punch when he started his hands. Like the previous martial artist, his chest was sunken, his ribs were broken, and he couldn't die anymore.
The audience in the audience exclaimed again, and some people even shouted the god of death, the god of death
Ye Xiao was so domineering and decisive, his destructive slaughter had completely conquered the audience present.
Liu Yan looked at Ye Xiao who was standing there with some confusion, her eyes were complicated and she didn't know what she was thinking.
In the ensuing battle, Ye Xiao won consecutive victories, and no opponent could survive a move in her hands. Such a fierce offensive caused the audience to erupt.
It also makes the opponent fearful. If such a monster appears, anyone who encounters it will be sent to death
Many people regretted participating in tonight's second round rematch, and lost their lives here in a moment of greed.
Finally, some contestants became terrified and wanted to run away and not participate in the competition, but they were stopped by the masters of Hades and Huangquan, and they were killed with three punches and two kicks.
This kind of ruthless method shocked the other players who were about to move, and they didn't dare to have other thoughts.
And the audience and big shots are even more shocked. You must know that there are not many people who can scare their opponents into retreat without fighting.
And those who can do it are extremely powerful and strong, and their achievements are limitless
So those powerful forces are even more eager to move, thinking about various ways to win over in their hearts, so that even if they send their wives away, they will not hesitate at all
Ye Xiao punched his opponent to death again, his whole body erupted with an extremely tragic aura, domineering, no one dared to look at him wherever he looked
Immediately, the corners of Ye Xiao's mouth turned cold, and he looked towards the direction of the VIP room, and said slowly: "I wonder if the head of the Zhu family can give me a message, I want to fight your Zhu family's god of death, there can only be one person in the stage of life and death." grim Reaper."

(End of this chapter)

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