Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 81 Prepare to break through

Chapter 81 Prepare to break through
"What a great boy, I lost my sight"

Wang Pu stepped forward and patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder and said with a smile
Ye Xiao smiled faintly, bent down to salute, and said, "If it weren't for the help of the two elders, I would have been beaten to death by Elder Chen."

Seeing Ye Xiao's low profile, Wang Pu and Chen Geng were extremely satisfied, madness is right, fighting is troublesome, this is the real genius
"Since you are a member of our special operations team, we naturally need to protect you, and you have done nothing wrong."

Chen Geng waved his hand and said with a smile
Ye Xiao nodded and didn't say anything else.
"Come here, all of you. Let me introduce you now. We will all be colleagues from now on."

Wang Pu waved his hand, and dozens of warriors in the distance surrounded him, and introduced them one by one.
Ye Xiao sized it up a little. These were basically third-level warriors, and there were only three fourth-level warriors, the newcomer Li Shen, the wild lion, and the cheetah.
By the way, Li Shen's code name is Snow Eagle, which sounds very domineering
These names are not random, each code name is passed down, each has a story, and cannot be humiliated
For example, Ye Xiao's code name Zhanlong is the title of a powerful senior, and now he has entered the dragon group, and his status is no worse than Chen Hu's
After the introduction, Wang Pu's face became serious, he looked around and said loudly: "Everyone be quiet, now enter the meeting room, there are tasks that must be arranged now."

After speaking, he turned and left. Ye Xiao followed the crowd to the meeting room and sat down by the corner. Seeing that everyone was seated, Wang Pu straight to the point and said: "Just now Elder Chen brought the task from above, the code name is rectification."

No one answered, waiting for Wang Pu to explain
But some team members looked surprised and horrified, as if they had guessed something.
"The so-called rectification is to rectify some evil forces in Haidong City, such as Hades, Underworld, Blood Gate and other killer organizations. Their current activities have seriously affected social stability."

Elder Wang Pu continued, and asked his subordinates to distribute a stack of booklets.
Ye Xiao looked very surprised after watching it. This booklet recorded the actions of many evil forces in Haidong City, and it focused on the two biggest killer organizations of Hades and Huangquan.
Hades and Huangquan are both infiltrating and controlling the large groups in Haidong City. These behaviors are absolutely not allowed
Ye Xiao thought of the secretary Huang Yingying, probably there are many people like her, but he didn't expect this matter to be investigated clearly.
"In short, our mission this time is very firm. What we are facing is the killer organization, which is very powerful. We are not trying to wipe them all out, but to weaken them and reduce casualties at the same time."

Elder Chen, who hadn't said anything all this time, suddenly said leisurely.
Everyone nodded. It is definitely not enough to completely eliminate these dozens of people. These killer organizations are deeply entrenched and it is extremely difficult to eradicate them.
Moreover, there is also an introduction to Hades and Huangquan above. Hades has only existed for more than 20 years. The owner of the palace is a fifth-level warrior and has no other background.
But Huangquan is not the case. The strength of the master of Huangquan Pavilion is unknown, and behind him is an islander. There are many ninja masters, and the danger is very high.
The attitude is stated in the booklet, it is best to weaken it, if it cannot be weakened, it will not be moved for the time being, from this we can see how afraid it is
Ye Xiao sneered at the corner of his mouth, it doesn't matter if you are an islander or an alien behind you, if you dare to make trouble with him, you must be eradicated. In her eyes, Zhu's family and Huang Quan's fate has long been doomed
After the introduction, Wang Pu looked at the crowd, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you have any good ways to talk about it?"

Still no one spoke, this mission is too dangerous.
"Zhanlong, do you have any good ideas?"

Wang Pu suddenly looked at Ye Xiao and asked
Ye Xiao smiled and said: "It's very simple, just find out where the killers live and kill them. This time we will be the killers."

Wang Pu nodded, he thought the same way, there is no good way at present, head-to-head is definitely not enough.
Wang Pu looked at the confident Ye Xiao, and suddenly said, "Zhan Long, can you do this task?"

"no problem"

Ye Xiao said without hesitation, this is exactly what he intended.
"Okay, now all the team members obey your orders. If I can do it, I will ask for credit for you, and the rewards will definitely not be less."

Wang Pu said loudly that he and Chen Geng are not suitable for this kind of thing, because as the person in charge of the special operations team, I don’t know how many people are staring at them, and their every move is followed by someone.
It is even more difficult to make a move, and they will not make a move until the critical moment.
Then Wang Pu explained a few more words and the meeting ended. Ye Xiao called Yang Jie and Yu Lu over, and asked them to go all out to investigate Huang Quan's headquarters, the range of activities of those killers, and their residences.
As for Hades, there is no explanation
Yang Jie nodded and agreed, he was not optimistic about Ye Xiao taking this task, but then he smiled wryly, it seemed that he was not optimistic about Ye Xiao's counterattack every time.
After arranging everything properly, Ye Xiao returned to the residence. At this time, Han Yue hadn't come back yet, and Ye Xiao was sitting cross-legged on the sofa and started to run the battle dragon battle.
The shackles of the dam that he had used before using the Lieyang Stone loosened a bit. Today, when he fought against Chen Hu, although he suffered a little injury, the gap in the breakthrough also widened a bit.
Now is the best time to break through, Ye Xiao doesn't want to miss it.
(End of this chapter)

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