Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 832 Ling Qingyun Enters the Stage

Chapter 832 Ling Qingyun Enters the Stage

When speaking, Luo Jing had completely suppressed Ning Xu.

The latter had sweat on his forehead.

There is no backhand ability at all.

As Luo Jing leaped high, the tip of the spear hit Ning Xu's chest.

Immediately, blood spattered everywhere.

Ning Xu fell off the ring in response.

Luo Jing wins.

The scene was a little quiet, and they couldn't believe the situation in front of them at all. Some even rubbed their eyes, as if they thought it was an illusion or a hallucination.

After the silence, there was a loud noise.

'Oh my god, what's going on, the West District has won two games in a row, it's a hell! '

"Last time you could say that the Western District took advantage, but this time it was a real win. Maybe the Western District is not as weak as we thought!"

"No, I don't think there is any difference between the West District and the previous one. The only difference is that the team leader has changed. Don't you think that this team leader named Ye Xiao seems to be targeted every time he sends someone to the field, as if he knew in advance that he can stabilize the situation. It's like winning!"

After a lot of noisy discussions, everyone's eyes were on Ye Xiao.

The same is true for Nan Qinghuan and Li Yaoxing. The first time it may be considered opportunistic, but this time it is not the case.

This Ye Xiao is indeed worthy of vigilance.

And Yue Jie, the Supreme Elder of Universal Bai Xiaosheng, also lingered on Ye Xiao for a while, the reason why Universal Bai Xiaosheng was able to stand in the Tianwu Domain for so long.

Relying on endless talents.

This time, he also used the "Mountain and River Tea Party" to select several top talents for training.

It turned out that there was already a candidate in mind.

Now it seems that there is one more person to add.

Following the host's announcement, Luo Jing won, and ran back very excitedly, shouting loudly while running: "Haha, I won, thank you Ye Xiao, you are really a qualified team leader!"

"Hehe, this is also the result of your own hard work, and has little to do with me!"

Ye Xiao was not greedy for merit, he smiled lightly.

The other geniuses in the West District saw Ye Xiaolian's tricks, so they were naturally more obedient without any grudges.

Even Bai Wuhen, Yan Huntian, and Lin Xu, who were unhappy to see him, were the same.

The game continues.

The West Division has accumulated six points, the East Division has eight points, and the South Division has minus three points.

But this is only temporary, the game has just begun.

With Nan Qinghuan's announcement, another genius from the Southern District came to power.

His name was Jiang Feng, he was ranked 27th in the "Hiding Dragon List", and he was one of the four great swordsmen in the Southern District.

The knife technique is capable and powerful.

Few rivals.

Not to be outdone, the Eastern District sent He Yan, who ranked 29th in the "Ascending Dragon List".

This is a girl.

She looks beautiful, but her strength is not weak, and she is good at using whips.

Following the host's announcement, a fierce fight broke out between Jiang Feng and He Yan.

But there is a kind of lively playing and watching lively.

But it doesn't seem to feel real.

This is because both of them have scruples.

First of all, although Jiang Feng's sword skills are astonishing, his body skills are not very good, and he can't catch up at all.

Although He Yan's speed is very fast, her whipping method is also weird and changeable.

Sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes soft and sometimes hard, sometimes sudden and sometimes retreat.

But it couldn't penetrate Jiang Feng's sword light.

So after bombarding more than a dozen moves in a row, none of them were serious.

The two tried a few tricks again, their patience was exhausted, and they both started to launch a real attack.

First of all, Jiang Feng changed from holding the knife with one hand to holding the knife with two hands.

As the big knife slashed down, a beam of bright sword lights over ten meters in size criss-crossed, with a sharp and invincible momentum.

Almost everything that stands in front of his eyes will be split into pieces.

And He Yan didn't want to, at the same time as her body flickered, the red whip in her hand became hard, like a gun, full of power.

Straight away.

When the red whip came into contact with the sword energy, it first fell into a state of balance, and then the red whip collapsed and softened.

Although the saber qi has weakened a bit.

But still relentlessly rushed towards He Yan.

Jiang Feng looked happy, thinking that he had the upper hand and victory was just around the corner.

But at this time the mutation reappeared.

The whip, which had softened just now, became hard again in an instant, and this time it was shaped like a sickle.

With a sharp and fierce invincible momentum, he cut towards Jiang Feng.

The speed is really amazing.

Jiang Feng's complexion turned pale, and he quickly backed away, but his agility wasn't his strong point, so he barely dodged it, a few hairs fell out, and his clothes were a little damaged.

But here He Yan faced Daomang's attack, but easily dodged it.

the reason is simple.

He is fast.

Tapping his toes lightly, he rushed towards Jiang Feng again swiftly, with a black whip in his hand, sometimes like a spear, sometimes like a big knife.

Sometimes like a sword.


The Jiang Feng who beat him was extremely passive and had no temper at all.

After insisting on dozens of tricks, he finally couldn't support a clean defeat.

The warriors in the Southern District are simply too aggrieved. Last time, the Southern District made a splash at the "Mountain and River Tea Party" and won the right to host it.

But this time it was hard to find.

There hasn't been a single victory since the start of the game.

This is simply too embarrassing.

How is this possible!
"This He Yan is your favorite, go and bring victory back!"

Ye Xiao looked at Ling Qingyun and smiled slightly.

He Yan's whipping technique is varied, weird and fierce, coupled with extremely fast speed, it is difficult for ordinary warriors to deal with.

But in front of Ling Qingyun's dazzling wind force field, it is useless.

It's like meeting a nemesis.

"it is good!"

Ling Qingyun didn't hesitate too much, the lotus steps lightly opened like a colorful cloud swept over the ring.

One east and one west of the ring with He Yanju.

It immediately attracted the attention of many warriors.

There is no way that beautiful women are always attractive.

He Yan can be regarded as a big beauty, but people are more deadly than others, and they have to be thrown away when comparing goods.

Compared with Ling Qingyun, she is a little impatient.

Therefore, this match was full of highlights. Many men watched with flooded eyes, drooling, and thinking about something in their hearts.

Then his daughter-in-law Hongyan grabbed her ears and knelt down on the instant noodles!

He Yan snorted coldly, women would hate to see other women who are better than themselves and prettier than themselves, if there are any, then they will make trouble and slap them in the face.

At that moment, she tapped her toes lightly, and her body was as light as a butterfly pounced towards Ling Qingyun.

And the red whip waved in mid-air, making a crisp "pop" sound.

Then it swept towards Ling Qingyun.

Fast as lightning, fierce, and weird angles.

And it is constantly changing shape.


Many people broke into cold sweats for Ling Qingyun, but Ling Qingyun's face remained indifferent, and she became that cold goddess again.

The black and blue luster flickered, and the Dazzling Wind Force Field appeared.

A perfect defensive shield was formed within five meters around him.

Clang clang!
He Yan's attack landed on Xuanfeng Force Field, as if a stone was thrown in a calm lake.

Except for splashing circles of ripples, there is no effect at all!
(End of this chapter)

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