Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 841 Breakthrough Before the Final

Chapter 841 Breakthrough Before the Final
Man Tuohuang clenched his fists and walked off the ring extremely unwillingly.

He must practice hard when he goes back.

The other people were also judging Ye Xiao's strength in their hearts, and the strength that had been exposed so far was already extremely powerful, with two sword souls and almost completely fused sword moves.

No more than three people can match it.

"Hmph, if he meets me, he will definitely lose!"

"Dong Jue" Lin Jue said coldly, although Ye Xiao's strength is strong, it is almost impossible to defeat him.

But they all ignore one problem.

That is the strength shown now, whether it is Ye Xiao's full strength.

The game continues.

Playing again is Fan Gang, who is ranked seventh in the "Rising Dragon List" in the Eastern District, and Fan Gang, who is ranked seventh in the "Dragon Ranking" in the Southern District.
Yang Ce ranked fifth.

It was another wonderful game of needle point against wheat awn.

The two were evenly matched and no one gave in. They fought from the ring to mid-air, and then fought back from mid-air.

The sound of air bursting and the sound of heaven and earth aura rioting are intertwined.

That was pretty scary.

Fist to the flesh, fierce and powerful.

That scene was really explosive, and the blood of the people who watched it burst into flames.

The two fought until more than 200 moves before the winner was decided, and Yang Ce from the southern district won half the move.

Although Fan Gang lost, it was an honor to lose.

There was warm applause from the audience.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered and he applauded. These two people are indeed very strong, and they are both at the level of overlords in the Western Region.

Even if Yan Huntian faced them, he still couldn't survive ten moves.

In general, the strength of the South District is almost the same as that of the East District.

between the bros.

If the West District wants to catch up, it will take a long time and unremitting efforts.

Then there were a few masters who came up to challenge, and it was still wonderful to win and lose each other.

At present, the Eastern District still dominates the standings, and it is almost impossible for the Southern District to catch up.

west end nature
Needless to say.

The gap is huge.

Therefore, the next "Mountain and River Tea Party" will be held in the East District.

There is no doubt about it.

Soon the second day's game ended, and the audience began to leave in an orderly manner. Tomorrow is the last day of the "Mountain and River Tea Party".

It is also the most intense day.

Although today's game was exciting, the highest-ranked player was Man Pioneer, who ranked third in the "Hidden Dragon List".

The real peak masters, such as "East Jue" Lin Jue, "East Star" Li Yaoxing, Nan Qinghuan and others did not play!
So there is no doubt that tomorrow's game will be exciting to explode.

Some viewers feel that they must not be able to sleep tonight, and they feel excited just thinking about it.

Ye Xiao returned with the genius from the West District.

Going back is naturally a good time to celebrate, even if all the games tomorrow are defeated, the achievements so far are enough to be proud of.

This progress is unprecedentedly huge.

After eating and drinking enough, Ye Xiao went back to the house to practice non-stop. He must make a breakthrough tonight, otherwise, the probability of winning tomorrow is not very high.

In the old way, Ye Xiao first performed Zhanlong Jue nine times to smooth out his true energy and put it in a calm state.

The whole person fell into a mysterious and mysterious state.

Started training.

The Jingyun sword soul in the sea of ​​souls is constantly shaking, filled with milky white luster, holy but mysterious.

Ye Xiao now imagines himself sitting on a cloud.

Touching the clouds.

Then watch the white clouds change, float with the wind, become smaller and larger, turn black, and pour rain.

In this process, there seems to be a mysterious trajectory constantly shuttling.

It was blurry at first, and eventually became clearer and brighter.

And Ye Xiao himself's aura is getting sharper and sharper. Shuojin Sword Soul and Slaughter Sword Soul seem to feel something, and revolve around Jingyun Sword Soul.

The Jianhuang Ding also hovered in the sky, constantly spewing out astonishing auras.

This situation continued for several hours.

Just listen to the sound of 'Bo'.

It's as if the bird broke through the egg and soared into the sky.

It's also like moths smashed through the screens and reached their destination.

The sword all over his body was full of momentum, soaring straight up, penetrating the roof and dispersing some dark clouds in the sky.

next moment.

Ye Xiao opened his eyes.

The sharp light flashed, the cold electricity ran wildly, and there was a "swish" sound in the void.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he muttered to himself: "Jingyun Sword Soul has finally broken through to the second level, it's not too late, just in time for tomorrow's competition!"

After speaking, he stood up.

Shaking away the remaining sword energy, he swung his palm out of the door and opened it, then swept out.

The Blood Drinking Sword appeared in his hand, his wrist trembled, and the sword light flickered suddenly, as if the Milky Way in the sky was spreading, and there was a cold light everywhere.

It illuminates the night extremely brightly.

Ye Xiao closed his eyes and seemed to be unconsciously waving the sword. He is still in that kind of mysterious and mysterious realm of swordsmanship, and he wants to take advantage of the trend to complete the fusion of the nine swords.

And the fourth move of Zhanlong swordsmanship, Tianlongsha, has been practiced.

Facts have proved that it is correct to do so. Tonight's Ye Xiao practiced like a god, not only completely merging the Nine Swords Killing.

And he also successfully practiced the fourth move of the Dragon Sword Technique.

The power of the former has increased by at least three layers.

The latter also gave Ye Xiao an extra killer move.

For now, the perfect Nine Swords Kill is not as powerful as Tianlong Kill.

Heavenly Dragon Killing is the fourth move among the thirteen moves of Zhanlong Sword Art. As the supporting sword technique of Zhanlongjue, the top-level kung fu of the Qing level, its power is naturally powerful and frightening.

Ye Xiao put the Blood Drinking Sword back into its sheath contentedly.

His strength improved by leaps and bounds that night.

The overall strength has increased by at least three levels.

Don't underestimate these three layers, neither Nan Qinghuan nor Li Yaoxing are opponents.

Wash and rest.

It was only two hours before dawn, Ye Xiao took a short rest, and the sky dawned, but Ye Xiao didn't feel sleepy either.

On the contrary, he is extremely energetic, and his whole body seems to have inexhaustible strength.

At this time, Yan Huntian, Hu Lie, Chen Wenliang and others also came to gather. When they saw Ye Xiao, they were all taken aback, and then looked away.

His face was extremely weird.

For some reason, they were afraid to look at Ye Xiao, feeling extremely sharp and glaring.

If Ye Xiao was a simple rock yesterday, calm and invincible, then Ye Xiao now is the sharpest stone on the rock.

The wind comes and goes around the road, and the rain falls continuously.

In the final analysis, it is sharp, and the whole person standing there is an unsheathed sword, showing its sharpness, piercing gold and stone.

Although I don't know why Ye Xiao's temperament changed so much overnight.

But everyone knows that Ye Xiao's strength has become stronger again.

Some people are happy and some are worried!
The ones who are happy are naturally Ling Qingyun and some people who hope that the West District will achieve good results again.

The person who is worried is naturally the person who has a grudge against Ye Xiao.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Ye Xiao took the leader's medal and strode out.

The others quickly followed.

Chen Wenliang and Cui Shun looked at each other, feeling that something big might happen today!
(End of this chapter)

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